
  Chapter 963 Badu

The huge body approached step by step, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, The crowd suddenly fell into a panic and wanted to retreat to the rear, but they had already stood at the very edge of the platform.

Someone couldn't bear the oppression in front of them, turned around and jumped towards the wall outside the platform, but could not find any foothold on the smooth outer wall, and finally could only fall towards the bottom.

The spikes penetrated many parts of the fallen person's body in an instant, the liquid of the scarlet spurted out, and the fallen person used his last life force to let out a miserable howl, alerting that he had the same thoughts as him. people.

The blocked back road made people fall into deep despair. Even so, they still could not have the courage to fight against the huge monster in front of them.

Finally, a short boy in ragged clothes rushed out of the crowd and tried to escape to a safe area aside.

A giant hand swept across suddenly, grabbed the young man in front of him, and then smashed him to the side with force.

The originally flat table was forcibly knocked out of a small pit under the action of this huge impact. Needless to say, the human teenagers among them were curled up and could not find anything. Perfect part.

Accompanied by the teenager, there were several other people, but the timing of their departure was obviously one position slower than the teenager.

Perhaps all the attention of the creature in front of him was attracted by the young man at the front. During the period of time when it was shot, several people successfully escaped from this dead end and came to a safe area.

These few successful examples have aroused the desire of the crowd to flee, and the hope of survival is in sight, but no one has taken any action, and everyone is reluctant to be the one that attracts the attention of giant creatures. .

Before the next victim appeared, the huge body had already come to the front of this group of people. With a simple sweep, the group of people in the corner were shot down to the outside of the platform.

The screams came from the audience one after another, and the giant creature in front of him looked gloomy. on humans.

The huge body brings incomparable power to it, and the resistance of human beings is just futile in its eyes, but its face shows no sign of relaxation, it knows that there are still A tougher battle awaits.

The giant creature in front of me is called Badu, a common ogre in Barbarian Desolate Land.

Baddu is remembered for following great immortal heroes in the battle against the rule of the Mage Empire.

Although the battle ended in failure, even Badu himself was captured by mage, but in his heart, he never regretted it.

Erathia's Knight always likes to talk about the word honor. This word should have no connection with savage creatures, but it makes Badu feel special.

After being captured, Badu has been tossed and turned several times, but he felt that he was escorted along with other slaves for a long section of the road, and finally came to this Colosseum.

This is the first time that Badu has participated in the death battle in the Colosseum, and it may be the last time. I heard the human beings who prepare food for themselves in the Colosseum say that nearly a hundred creatures will fight here. Fight in a deathmatch until the last creature remains.

Baddu didn't want to die, he could only do everything in his power to become the last surviving one.

Creatures who take the initiative to participate in the deathmatch can choose some handy weapons to enter the field. Some prominent existences, such as the victors of the deathmatch in the past, can even bring their own treasures to get involved, but like Badu Such slaves can only fight with bare hands.

Fortunately, Badu doesn't care about this. Ogre's strong physique has given him an extremely powerful combat capability. So far, no accidents have happened.

Ogre has wisdom that is no weaker than ordinary humans, and even more cunning than humans. It is the decision that Badu made for himself in this death battle to give priority to low-level creatures.

Baddu knows that with such a conspicuous body, it is difficult not to be noticed by other creatures in the deathmatch.

In order to prevent being picked up by creatures whose original strength is not as strong as himself during the death battle, and also to preserve his strength as much as possible, Badu put his own goal on the group of low-level creatures.

According to Badu's observation, among the nearly 100 creatures participating in the deathmatch, the overwhelming majority are bare-handed slaves, and most of them are human beings. Holding the group, they are still the weakest group.

Not far away, the huge bipedal wyvern is constantly spewing venom. On the huge battlefield, a forbidden area composed of venom is created. No creature dares to approach, showing a very strong imposing manner. .

In order to prevent the bipedal wyvern from escaping, the animal trainer broke its dragon wings. At this time, the bipedal wyvern, in addition to the ability to spit venom, the overall strength is not even better than the real ground dragon.

The bipedal wyvern spits venom to create a restricted area, but instead exposes the fact that it is strong in appearance but weak in reality.

Soon, a bull of the same size, covered with dark brown scales, was attracted by the action of the bipedal wyvern and rushed towards it.

The sound of the bull's charge attracted the attention of many creatures in the field. Badu was one of them, and his perception told him that this bull was definitely not to be trifled with.

For some reason, from this savage bull, Badu felt the strong threat that mage brought him, the unreasonable spellcasting ability with no way to defend, which has always troubled Badu. .

Badu took a few steps away from the bull and the bipedal wyvern in silence, not wanting to be drawn into the battle between the two creatures.

Just when Badu was about to continue his original plan and prioritized cleaning up weak slaves, it was stopped by a creature.

The one who stopped in front of Badu was a human man who was extremely small compared to ogre.

Badu noticed that in the man's hand, he was carrying a giant double-headed chain hammer that did not fit his body, and the thorn ball connected to the chain was several times larger than his head, so that In terms of human body, this seems to be a two-handed weapon, but the handle is slightly shorter.

Looking at the man in front of him, Badu didn't dare to have any contempt. The weapon in the man's hand undoubtedly explained his identity to Badu. Either he was a victor of the death battle, or he took the initiative. The existence of participating in the death fight, no matter what kind, did not want to provoke him.

However, the man in front of him did not let Badu go.

Under Badu's gaze, the man grinned, revealing the even and missing teeth in his mouth.

Next moment, the man's body began to swell rapidly, the dark red substance under the skin tumbled, the muscles were torn and recast at an extremely fast speed, a large number of hardened black hairs grew on the surface of the skin, and the jawbone gradually Elongated, protruding fangs outside the mouth, replacing the original teeth, sharp claws grow from the fingers.

After all the changes were completed, its body was almost flush with the ogre in front of him, only a few heads apart. Compared with the original human form, its body had undergone significant changes.

The time for the man to change was so short that Badu didn't even realize that he took the opportunity to attack. When Badu reacted, the man's transformation had been completed.

With the man's actions, bursts of cheers began to spread in the stands outside the Colosseum. This was also the first time that Badu had heard cheers from the stands since the start of the deathmatch. .

Badu didn't know which creatures were in the stands and what their identities were, but only knew that they were cheering for the creatures in front of him.

From the cheers of the creatures in the stands, Badu also understood what the human being who had just appeared in front of him was. .

After completing the change in form, Messer seemed to enjoy the cheers of the audience in the stands. He did not rush to attack for a while, but shook the double-headed chain hammer in his hand with one hand.

The thorn ball at the end of the chain hammer turned rapidly, bringing a heavy sound of breaking wind, and the cheers of all around were even more loud, and a bloodthirsty killing intent appeared on Messer's face.

Looking at the werewolf in front of him, Badu realized that this would be a tough battle.

(end of this chapter)

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