
  Chapter 961 Complicated

From Rhodes' words, Savina probably also realized Rhodes' trip The purpose is to go to the central area of ​​the Plague Lake. The previous destruction of the slave group was more like a kind of convenience.

With the emergence of this idea, Savina's mind suddenly flashed a piece of information about the undead mage.

As a scout of the Slave Hunting Group, Savina's intelligence gathering ability is naturally not comparable to ordinary creatures, and it is based on this that she can directly answer the intelligence about the Plague Lake.

This information about the undead mage and the sorcerer was something Savina had heard from other lizardmen in Moxinke not long ago.

The information that flashed through her mind could not bring any help to the current situation. Savina didn't think much about it, and turned to answer Rhodes' question.

"No creature can completely resist the acid in the lake of plague with its own flesh. Perhaps the Hydra in the abyss, and the great Poison Dragon, can do this, but It's far beyond my reach."

"It's not impossible to do it in some special way, if only temporarily."

Savina In the information that was told, something that Rhodes desperately needed finally appeared. At this time, Rhodes finally became serious: "Do you know the way to enter it?"

Savina nodded: "As far as I know , in the largest colosseum in Moxinke, the first fighter in his hand has a treasure in his hand, which can be immune to all the damage caused by toxins for a period of time, even if he is directly exposed to the acid spit by the king of Wyvern , you can also be safe and sound."

"Apart from this, in the body of the great Poison Dragon, there is a special gland, swallowing it, you can make your skin get the ultimate resistance. , without fear of any toxic substances."

"In addition, since it is entering the territory of the sorcerer, it is also a good choice to get in touch with other sorcerers and enter in their own way. ."

Speaking of this, Savina's mind couldn't help but flash the previous information again.

In Savina's memory, not long ago, many undead mage came to this place and contacted the magician. I don't know if the Rhodes in front of me had anything to do with those undead mage. connect.

Just as Savina's mind flashed the information of those undead mages, Rhodes expression congeals, who had been using peeping eyes to probe Savina's thoughts, seemed to have found some extremely important information.

"Not long ago, a group of undead mage came here, how much information do you know about them?"

Seeing Rhodes taking the initiative to ask this point, Savina was sure for a while. The Rhodes in front of him was obviously related to the group of undead mage, so he did not dare to hide anything, and explained: "The time when this group of undead mage appeared here was about two weeks ago. In front, headed by a female undead mage, whose strength is at the epic level."

"Before this, no information about them appeared, and no one was able to find the traces of their coming. It is judged that these undead mage should directly cast spell and come here."

"The arrival of the undead mage has aroused extensive attention from animal trainers, especially since the rule of Brakada has just loosened, In this case, all creatures are guessing the purpose of this group of undead mage. The information about them was once popular in Thief Guild. Almost any creature that has contact with intelligence has seen the portrait of the headed undead mage. "

"Fortunately, the undead mage who came here has no intention of making trouble, but is committed to contacting the sorcerer. According to other creatures, they seem to want to find a way to the ground." "

"Up to now, there is very little information about these undead mage. Those mysterious undead mage seem to have disappeared, and no creatures know their movements."

"Some people say that these evil undead mage harbor malicious intentions against Titania, and until now, they are still hiding somewhere to transform undead creatures, preparing to unite with the magician to overthrow the rule of the animal trainer. The rebels of Lakada's rule, infected by the immortal heroic deeds, came here to make a pact with the animal trainers and fight together."

"It's just that these bits and pieces of information about them are all in the end. It was confirmed to be fabricated. These undead mage, have been in Titania, disappeared for some time."

Speaking of this, Savina used her dark yellow eyes to die. Staring at Rhodes, the meaning in his eyes is self-evident, trying to confirm his thoughts from Rhodes' reaction.

Seeing Savina's actions, Rhodes realized that it seemed to have misunderstood his identity, but Rhodes didn't explain anything.

Recalling the portraits of the female undead mage in Savina's memory, Rhodes at this time undoubtedly realized their identities.

If Savina's memory is true, Rhodes knows that he has not only seen the undead mage, but also has a great connection with it.

The female undead mage on the portrait has a beautiful face, no trace of death energy erosion, nor is it blocked by anything, and does not show the common gloomy meaning of undead mage, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, Even through a portrait, you can still feel the confidence of her own, who is not the Vidnina in Rhodes' memory?

Because of this, Rhodes confirmed that the group of undead mage mentioned by Savina was Sandro and his party who were originally in Dia. For some reason, they came to Titania.

According to the time correspondence, Rhodes realized that these undead mage had come here as if he had just left the territory of Dia.

Rhodes doesn't know why Sandro did this after losing the Divine Item, but in Rhodes' heart, he never despised the protagonist of the original second expansion. .

Atop the Soul Evocation tower, Rhodes gave up his best chance to kill the hero in order to capture the Ghost King's cape, and it was almost impossible to reproduce the scene at that time. Rhodes is extremely satisfied, but in his view, this undoubtedly planted a hidden danger for himself.

What made Rhodes a little concerned was that Savina later mentioned that by now, there is no news of this group of undead mage.

Because they have already strayed from the original expansion track of the previous life, Rhodes does not know what will happen to Sandro and his party after losing the Ghost King cloak.

Aware of Sandro's existence, Rhodes' original trip to collect the Divine Item parts suddenly became complicated.

(end of this chapter)

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