
  Chapter 958 Savina II

Following the location of the gathering place in memory, Rhodes rides the ghost Dragon, found a gathering place of alien creatures, and then noticed the battle that was taking place below.

The appearance of the ghost dragon instantly broke the original situation on the battlefield. Such an extremely powerful creature is far beyond what the creatures below can handle.

The side with the advantage in this battle, after noticing the appearance of the ghost dragon, felt extremely shocked and did not dare to take any action, for fear that he would do something abnormal and be turned by this. Attack of powerful creatures.

On the contrary, it was the disadvantaged party. Even without the appearance of the ghost dragon, it would be difficult to escape death. The arrival of the ghost dragon gave them a chance to escape.

Rather than finding the expected Thief Guild and instead disrupting an ongoing battle, Rhodes has no idea.

Moved towards and glanced down, Rhodes had no plans to understand the cause of the battle, the creatures who got involved, and what it meant.

In Rhodes' memory, even in the gathering place of alien creatures, there should also be Thief Guild, not just limited to human territory.

Perhaps due to the small size of the colony or the ongoing battle, Rhodes found no trace of the Thief Guild in it.

Rhodes ignored the creatures below. Just as Rhodes was about to leave here and look for the possible location of the next Thief Guild, he suddenly found something and focused his attention on a lizardmen. body.

This discovery undoubtedly caught Rhodes' attention, and Rhodes immediately changed his mind and began to drop the cloud of death all around.

The cloud of death spreads extremely fast, and instantly drowns a large number of creatures below. With the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes' ability to transform the cloud of death has also improved.

The black clouds that descended in the sky instantly plunged the creatures below into chaos. A few creatures tried to counterattack with long-range weapons, but they failed to do anything, and were then submerged by the black clouds.

The black cloud carries a strange aura, which seems to be able to engulf everything in it. Some of the wounded who were seriously injured in the original battle and kept crying, once they are covered by the black cloud, there will be no more.

The sound came out.

An extremely quiet aura instantly overwhelmed the defenses in the hearts of all the creatures below, and a large number of creatures began to flee, but it had no effect. The spread of the black cloud far exceeded their imagination. .

Not long after, when the black cloud covered all the creatures, there was no sound from below. After all this was done, the black cloud began to gradually dissipate.

The ghost dragon slowly approached the ground, and Rhodes also turned his gaze to the silhouette who was still standing in the field.

Above the ground, the figure of a lizardmen exists here. According to its corresponding stage, it is naturally unable to resist the cloud of death transformed by the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique. This lizardmen can survive the effect of the cloud of death because Rhodes deliberately emptied it when casting the spell. a surrounding area.

"Can you understand me? What's your name?" Leaping from the ghost dragon's body, Rhodes asked, not afraid of the weapon in the hands of the lizardmen.

"Savina." The lizardmen in front of him are nobility, replied.

"So, hero Savina, are you willing to be loyal to me?"

Rhodes didn't talk nonsense about this lizardmen who was far less powerful than himself, and directly proposed himself the goal of.

The reason Rhodes changed his mind and stayed here was precisely because of the lizardmen in front of him.

Because of the inability to hide hero identity between heroes, Rhodes immediately discovered its hero identity when he noticed the lizardmen named Savina when he looked down at the creature below.

For Rhodes, the existence of heroes means Death Knight who can be controlled. Relying on the characteristics of Ghost King's cloak, any Death Knight can obtain a large amount of EXP for himself by transforming the corpse witch.

Because of this, after discovering the existence of this hero, Rhodes immediately changed his original plan and joined the battle instead, relying on the cloud of death to complete the clearing of other creatures.

Seeing Rhodes, who is also a hero, and hearing what he said, Savina knew that her hero identity, which was never known to other members of the slave hunter group, had been seen through by the hero in front of her.

In Titania, the status of heroes is not a good sign. Except for a few heroes with extraordinary strength, no fear, and entering the epic stage, all other heroes, regardless of race, are Participate in regular death fights in the Colosseum according to the rules set by the trainer.

This rule also applies to the trainer himself. In Savina's impression, some famous heroic animal trainers have made great appearances in the Colosseum and experienced countless bloody battles.

Savina enjoys killing and considers it a sacred process, not a pastime in the eyes of a trainer.

"I don't seem to have a choice."

Confronted with what was happening, the lizardmen were far more calm than Rhodes had imagined.

Rhodes doesn't know which side of the battle Savina originally belonged to, but the existence of the peeping eye made Rhodes realize that Savina didn't have any resentment in her heart for the deaths of all her companions, not even a trace of excess. There were no mood swings, and the calmness alone was enough to make Rhodes pay attention.

Recalling past rumors about the lizardmen, Rhodes has a hard time judging whether Savina's extreme calmness when facing herself is due to the cold-blooded nature of the lizardmen or its own will. To.

However, this answer from the lizardmen really saved Rhodes a lot of effort, and Rhodes didn't need to use any extra means to get a person who obeyed his orders and kept himself at the same time. Wise Death Knight.

Through the recollection of some information about the lizardmen in the previous game, in Rhodes' impression, these lizardmen are just like the creatures of Krulord, with their own exclusive language, but the language range is more Small, only between lizardmen and petrochemical giant lizard.

Savina's ability to use Common, no doubt made Rhodes aware that it had been in contact with human power.

For Rhodes, this is naturally a good thing, at least it proves that Savina will not be like the general lizardmen, except for the trainer and its own ideas, no one else orders. do not listen.

Hearing Savina's answer, Rhodes was extremely satisfied and praised: "Excellent."

The black cloud immediately enveloped Savina's body, Before completely losing her consciousness, Savina took Rhodes' appearance in her heart.

(end of this chapter)

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