
  Chapter 954 Killing the Undead

The Undead Army is a new force in Eri, only Only the great elves and high-level elves with strength and determination are qualified to join it.

The purpose of this unit, as its name suggests, is to exterminate the undead mage and destroy all undead creatures.

All the elves in the army are uniformly dressed in black and fight with the elves' exclusive sword technique.

Hoth in the tavern is a member of this force.

Although Hoth has the strength of a big elf, but compared to the big elf of cream of the crop, its strength is much inferior.

The elves have a long lifespan. As they grow, they can master a lot of fighting skills in their long life. Compared with those really powerful elves, Hoth is still considered a very young existence.

In terms of strength, Hoth couldn't reach the level of Peak. Because of this, the original Hoth was not qualified to join the undead slaying army.

However, for some unknown reason, Hoth was chosen by the Captain who killed the undead army, and joined the army as a fifth-order elf.

At this moment, what came to Hoth's mind was exactly what Captain looked like. He was an elf with a very cold temperament, with an indifference that was inconsistent with all elves. He was never merciless when treating the enemy. .

In the process of slaughtering the undead troops along the border of Dia, in order to prevent the corpses from being reused by the undead mage, the Captain ordered the destruction and burning of all intact corpses, including those of those elf companions. corpse.

This order was naturally opposed by many elves in the team. In the eyes of these spirits, this behavior was undoubtedly disrespectful and blasphemous to the corpse, but Captain used his own behavior to Demonstrated to the other members of the slaying undead unit.

Even though most of the members were reluctant to carry out this order, Captain relied on his own strength to complete the disposal of these corpses, and in all missions, carried out this process from beginning to end. move.

Over time, other elves were also touched and affected by it, they began to destroy the corpse to prevent the undead mage from transforming again.

In the past battles between Eli and Dia, even in the most difficult moments, the order to destroy the corpse that will not be executed has become a norm in the undead army.

It is precisely because of this that other creatures in Eli's evaluation of the undead corps are often negative, and only members of the team understand the meaning of this move.

At this time, although Hoss joined the undead slaying army, he had not yet started his first mission. He only heard about these things from his companions, so he had time to spend in the tavern. , get together with old friends.

Seeing that Hoss didn't reply for a long time, Cady Amo shook his head, and after dispelling the intoxication, the urn said:

"Kill the leader of the undead army, then A new Legendary hero is not a good thing. I heard that he founded the 'Dead Undead' army to imitate Erathia's old Legendary hero, the half-elf Gru's 'Jungle Warrior' army. Is it really for the sake of Destroying undead creatures, no one can be sure."

"My dwarf companion told me that this Legendary hero is in the Spirit King city, receiving the canonization of the Spirit King himself, I think, wait When he returns to the Silent City, you will be on your first mission."

Compared to ordinary dwarves, Cadiamore, although equally rude, has a different kind of intelligence, which Perhaps an important reason for attracting Hoth.

As for the Legendary hero mentioned by Cady Amo, Hoth knew that it was the Captain who killed the undead army, and other companions called him, the hero Eve.

In Hoth's impression, no one knows the origin of the hero Ive. This Legendary elf hero seems to appear out of thin air in the territory of Eri, but there is no doubt that , his appearance brought great changes to the whole of Eli.

According to the information that Hoth knows, Yves has an immortal heroic will that far surpasses everything. Even if he is a Spirit King in person, he should be called hero Yves. As Cady Amo said, this time Yves entered Spirit King City to accept the canonization of an immortal hero.

The real immortal hero... Hoth can't remember how long it has been since such an existence appeared in the territory of Eri.

Different from the intelligence that Cady Amo said, what Hoth can be sure of is that the hero Yves is extremely averse to the existence of the undead mage.

According to the companions who have performed the mission, the destruction of the corpse of the undead mage during each mission is carried out by the hero Yve.

Looking at those corpses that were so dilapidated before they were burned that there was no way to put them together, even the undead mage would vomit, it was hard to imagine that this was part of the mission, and Not a simple vent and destruction.

Hoth has reason to believe that the undead army exists for the purpose of destroying the undead mage. As for seizing power from the Spirit King or something else, it is not something that an immortal hero should consider.

As for the hero Yves, he will be just an ordinary great elf. Hoth is naturally grateful to be selected into such a force. Compared with the heroic Yves' somewhat extreme behavior, he is truly immortal. The heroic will is what Hoth cares about.

"That's right."

The empty wine glass is naturally unable to satisfy the dwarf who loves wine as one's life. During this time, the bartender has put the Cady Amo glass. Refill the ale in.

After taking a big gulp and showing a slightly satisfied expression, Cardi Amo then asked, "Do you know the specific requirements of the next mission? It's better to plan ahead."


Hoth glanced at Cady Aimer and said helplessly: "If I told you, wouldn't the entire Quiet City know the mission information?"

Cady Aimer He put the wine glass heavily: "Am I worried about you? Besides, am I the kind of dwarf who spreads the news?"

Not far from Hoss, a few people drank The dwarf was impudent talking about everything around him.

Seemingly noticing the existence of Hoth, a dwarf extended the hand, pointing to this normally very proud elf, yelled "kill the undead", "kill the undead", and at the same time He let out an inexplicable smirk.

The whole tavern burst into laughter because of this dwarf's funny performance, and even a mocking atmosphere began to spread around.

Feeling the commotion around, Hoss nodded: "I see like."

Having said that, Hoss looked around all around vigilantly, and slammed from his arms. He took out a map, pointed to a location, and said: "In this area, there are traces of the undead mage's activities, the hero Yve will lead the undead corps to personally go and destroy all the undead creatures in it. ."

With the only remaining geographical knowledge, Cady Amo recognized that the location Hoth was referring to should be Verning, which borders Eri.

(end of this chapter)

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