
  Chapter 944 Roughing

The existence of death energy is undoubtedly the best life Aura among the restrained hearts Things, or any other magical element, cannot achieve an effect similar to death energy.

Because of mutual restraint, when these two special energies come into contact, one will always end in complete elimination, and there is almost no other possibility. This is also what Els saw Rhodes do. After processing, it will be considered that the material has been completely damaged.

Els does not think that under the strong erosion of death energy, the life force in the heart can still be preserved intact, but the result is beyond his expectation.

Under the action of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, the death energy controlled by Rhodes did not engulf the life energy in the heart in an instant, but as it is now, relying on the erosion of the heart as a whole, the Extract all the potential contained in it to obtain the purest substance that can be used for Potion Refining.

Containing all the life force in the heart, it is the dark red liquid that is constantly set aside at this time. These dark red liquids are like blood, but much thicker than blood. The surface of the heart can arouse a burst of response from the heart.

Rhodes eventually got such a substance by virtue of his control over the energy of death. From the dark red liquid in front of him, Rhodes could feel an incomparably powerful Life Aura, which is the essence of the entire Beamon giant beast heart, and nothing can replace it.

These special liquids finally flowed into the crucible set up in front of him under the guidance of Rhodes, and instantly dyed the original liquid in the crucible into this dark red.

Although it is being heated by the flame below, due to the short time, the water in the crucible that was originally in Northgar can still remain calm, but the temperature has been rising.

The addition of these dark red liquids not only dyes the color of the water flow in the crucible red, but also makes the liquid in the pot boil completely, and a large number of air bubbles roll up, and at the same time bring bursts of heat flow.

When the last drop of dark red liquid containing life force was added into the crucible by Rhodes, Rhodes also completed the processing of the heart of Beamon giant beast, this biological material.

He didn't choose the way the sorcerer was good at dealing with it. Rhodes chose his own way of dealing with it.

Looking at the crude potion that was boiling in front of him, Rhodes couldn't help sighed in relief at this time. He knew that the appearance of this situation also indicated that his handling of Beamon's heart was smooth. Finish.

It should have been achieved by biological materials, but Rhodes, relying on the existence of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, used the energy of death to directly complete it, even if it was seen by a magician who was good at potions. When it arrives, it will be extremely amazed, and it is difficult to understand what is going on.

The improvement brought by the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique is not only reflected in the manufacture of undead creatures, but similar to these previous unimaginable treatments, Rhodes can also successfully achieve it without any undead mage , capable of acting like Rhodes.

Noth on the sidelines watched Rhodes' actions all the way, but he was still confused, didn't understand what was going on in his heart, he only felt that the energy of death and the constant changes of Life Aura were inseparable. During this time, Rhodes added a special thing to the cauldron.

Fortunately, North's doubts did not last long, and Rhodes' next move made him understand a lot.

After the last drop of the dark red liquid was also driven away from the heart by the water thaumaturgy, all that was left in the cloth bag were the dark pieces that shrank to the point of appearance. Block, has no value at all, even Rhodes, who has mastered the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, can't do anything with it.

Simply put the cloth bag together with the material inside and the dagger just taken out into the space ring, and Rhodes will start the next refining process.

After extracting the most important thing in the heart, Rhodes will proceed with the refining process of the conventional perfect potion.

Under North's gaze, the various materials placed on the long table were added to the crucible by Rhodes one by one.

Recalling the refining process of Rhodes in the Ice Blue Spell Academy, when Rhodes was refining magic medicine at that time, North himself was also refining magic medicine, so he did not see Rhodes refining. The specific steps of the preparation can only be roughly written down of the materials used by Rhodes.

Because the specific refining steps were not recorded, even if North collected most of the materials used by Rhodes, he would not be able to refine the perfect potion like Rhodes. He could only try to restore it step by step. refining steps.

Noth tried to use lower quality core materials to refine the perfect potion, but due to errors in the refining steps, it could only end in failure.

At this time, without the interference of other things, North can also carefully observe the refining steps of Rhodes in this process, including the order of adding the refining materials, and the overall process. control.

The refining methods of potions, that is, the various steps in refining potions, are often of great value. Except for very few occasions, the refiners of potions will not Show people easily.

What Noth didn't expect was that Rhodes still kept himself to observe while refining the potion.

For Rhodes' move, although North felt a burst of gratitude in the heart, it did not affect his idea of ​​leaving the city and heading to Dia.

In North's view, although the refining method of potions is extremely precious, it may be simply nothing compared to becoming a real undead mage.

In order to achieve his wish of till now, the thoughts in North's heart have not changed. He knows that under the circumstance that he has given Rhodes the refining method of improving and manipulating the spiritual potion, what he can do. What he did was to refine some of these potions for Rhodes during this period of time.

The thoughts in my mind did not affect North's observation of the Potion Refining method.

By comparing the way Rhodes was refining with the way he was exploring in his memory, North only felt that he had learned a lot, especially in the order of adding ingredients.

What makes North concerned is that after adjusting the order of adding some materials with different properties, it will have a great impact on the effect of the potion itself. If it is not for observing Rhodes' refining The manufacturing process, North did not know how long it would take before he could explore it on his own.

The refining process of Rhodes made North sink into it completely. By the time North came back to his senses, Rhodes had completed the rough refining process.

(end of this chapter)

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