
  Chapter 919 Missing

When the ice element leaves the quiet room in its own unique way , in the quiet room at this time, only black robed sillhouette was left alone.

Wait for a while until the surrounding element fluctuations have completely subsided. After confirming that the ice element has been completely removed, the black robed sillhouette will no longer continue to cover her face, but will put down the hood she has been wearing. .

When the hood behind the black robe was completely lowered, her true appearance was also fully revealed. This person was Rowlin who stayed in Werning.

Accompanied by the erosion of death energy, Rowlin's already extremely pale face, under the illumination of the candlelight, now reveals a weak and morbid state. With the circulation of a life force, the erosion that existed in her body did not improve immediately, but it did not transform to a deeper level.

It is worth noting that in her body, many of the strong erosion of death energy were resolved by a strong life force. This life force is like a barrier, isolating the energy of death from her body.

Any creature, even an undead mage that has not yet completed the endless night ceremony, will not resist this tough life force, but there are few conventional means that can improve life force, let alone After being said to be a system, it acts on all living things.

Feeling everything that happened to her body, Rowlin sighed a little, she knew that the reason why she was able to maintain her current state under the erosion of death energy was largely because of what she had done before. Drink the potion.

The original life force that the potion enhances is the best thing to resist the erosion of death energy. If the effect of the potion does not exist, the degree of erosion will probably be even worse by now.

And the potion that enhances the original life force was given to her by someone who was extremely important to Rowlin.

Recalling the ice elemental he had seen before, and what it said, Rowlin let out a small sigh.

It seemed to be recalling something, and at some point, Rowlin held the [Elliot's Missing] that Rhodes had given him in his hand.

Although Rhodes is not in Verning, everything he does has a profound impact on everything in this area, and this is what Rowlin needs to be responsible for.

Rowlin recalled that after killing the high-level mage Witt, Rhodes went directly to Dia after a short rest, no longer paid attention to matters in Verning, but this matter would not It ended because of the departure of Rhodes, but it is still fermented in Verning.

A true high-level mage dies in battle, like igniting the fuse in Verning. When a high-level creature takes the lead in breaking the rules, other forces will naturally not tolerate it.

Without Rhodes and Ghost Dragon, the strength of the Centaur leader alone is simply unable to deal with the chaotic battle in Verning.

Fortunately, Rowlin exists here, and before Rhodes left, the Death Knight thunderbird Tarwich, who was specially transformed into him, has played an invaluable role in several consecutive battles. Alternative efficacy.

Among them, the Meteor Fire Shower that was mentioned by the Ice Elements and directly disintegrated the remnant forces under Witt's men was included.

In that battle, Rowlin first fully displayed this incomparably powerful fifth-order magic. Even without other men's shots, Rowlin directly disintegrated Mage's defense line, and destroyed the city of Mage together.

Rowlin's move naturally attracted the attention of the powerful mage in Brakada. According to the information given by the ice element, the upcoming Legendary mage Phil is undoubtedly such a candidate. .

Even Rowlin had a headache thinking about the powers of the real Legendary mage. At this time, the only fifth-order spell that Rowlin has mastered, the Meteor Fire Shower, can have extremely limited effects in the face of a single target, especially when it is extremely good at spells, and cannot form an effective confrontation.

Thinking of the upcoming Legendary mage, Rowlin didn't know what to do for a while. With the existing spell, Rowlin had no way to deal with the existence of the First Rank.

In addition to this formidable enemy, Rowlin noticed that the Ice Elemental had also revealed an important piece of information that he wanted to pass on to Rhodes himself, and that was about the existence of the Obelisk.

Rowlin has also heard Rhodes occasionally mention about the handed down Divine Item corresponding to many obelisks, but the details of this are not clear even to Rowlin.

Rowlin could not judge the specific meaning of the news from the words of the ice element, especially the existence of the Water Element plane, so he could only wait for Rhodes to return before sending the news. inform.

Recalling the method used when the ice element left, Rowlin realized that it may not be long before this ice element becomes a real high-level creature.

Transforming oneself into a pure elemental form is a unique skill only mastered by high-level elemental talents. Before that, Rowlin had only seen records of this skill in some books, until With the arrival of the ice element, Rowlin saw the use of this skill with his own eyes.

Recalling the previous conversation with the Ice Elemental, the people who came to look for Rhodes and who were here, Rowlin couldn't help frowning.

Among the existences who came to look for Rhodes, there was even a Bracada orthodox high-level mage, although he did not deliberately show his identity, he just came here as a traveler , but Rowlin saw the difference in his identity at a glance.

From this mage, Rowlin could feel a very unique power. Rowlin realized that the strength of this high-level mage might be far superior to that of Witt before, even if it was not far from the real Legendary mage.

For the high-level mage in the territory, Rowlin could not easily speculate his intentions. Fortunately, he did not do anything out of the ordinary during this time. Rowlin could only wait until Rhodes returned, and then think about it. way to resolve this.

Remembering everything about Rhodes again, Rowlin squeezed the unique amulet in his hand, an unstoppable yearning, with the help of the unique blood perception ability attached to the amulet, moved towards the outside world. go out.

In the past, when Rowlin missed Rhodes, he would use such a method to send a signal to Rhodes, hoping that his thoughts could be conveyed to Rhodes, but maybe Because of the distance, Rowlin never received a response.

But at this time, what Rowlin didn't expect was that the bloodline perception began to become extremely strong, and the existence of Rhodes appeared in Rowlin's perception, and was rapidly approaching here.

(end of this chapter)

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