
  Chapter 914 Advancement

After saying goodbye to Lich Stephen, Rhodes rode the ghost dragon and set foot on the on the return trip.

Pursuing the bursts of attraction from the bloodline perception, under Rhodes's signal, the ghost dragon moved towards Werning and flew straight away, all around all the flying creatures, and sensed the ghost dragon's After a strong imposing manner, all of them a strategic withdrawal and dare not make any provocations.

A strong wind blows, and the large cloak behind Rhodes rises high, while Rhodes himself stands atop the ghost dragon, looking down at everything below.

On the way, the scenery along the way is not much different from when Rhodes came. The territory of Dia is still dead, and the powerful undead mage hunts the weak and turns them into undead creatures.

The rare Business Group that lined up neatly and marched like ants was just trying to extract the last value of this land.

The slaughter and slaughter spread wantonly in the territory of Dia, vowing to choose the most powerhouse from these undead mage, Rhodes believes that that day will come soon.

Observing everything in Dia again, Rhodes' mood was already different at this time, just like those Lich of aloof and remote, in Rhodes' eyes, all the undead mage in Dia are just for their own drive. chess pieces.

Dia has unknowingly lost the lives of many creatures over the years, and Rhodes can sense the bones buried deep beneath this land.

If Rhodes wishes, he can revive all these dead creatures in an instant, even if only half a bone remains, Rhodes can instruct them to fight for himself.

Only, Rhodes stopped this behavior, he deeply understood that it is not yet when the time comes.

The corpse witch kings that were transformed before, due to their inconvenience in movement and not occupying much spirit attribute at all, Rhodes left them in the tomb of death.

This move by Rhodes is also in preparation for a meeting with many Lichs a month later.

Even if the negotiation fails in the end, these forces are completely consistent, as if the many corpse witch kings produced by the standard can also display powerful battle strength, enough to make those Lich's effects on Divine Item produce a kind of deep impression.

More importantly, Rhodes who have mastered the Ghost King's cloak no longer need to let their undead creatures follow him like other undead mage.

As long as Rhodes wants, no matter where he is, he can easily transform into an undead army to fight for him, not the kind of undead army that uses skeleton soldiers to make up the number, but the corpse witch. The undead Legion with the king as the main body.

Rhodes at this time, although still only has the ghost dragon as his company, but he alone is enough to symbolize the invincible undead Legion.

The power of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique with Ghost King cloak is not just nothing serious.

Rhodes will not be idle on the way back to Verning.

In addition to perceiving the deep thoughts that came from the bloodline perception, Rhodes also put his own attention on the system log and began to check all the gains of this adventure.


“You have obtained the racing achievement [God Seeker].”

“[God Seeker]: Place any special The skill is upgraded to Divine Grade. Base bonus: +5 skill points. Wear bonus: The effect of this skill is increased by 100%." This is a new racing achievement. The newly added 5 skill points, such a generous reward, is enough to explain the difficulty of obtaining this racing achievement.

Apart from this, Rhodes looked around, all the records in the system log were the feedback from his corpse witch king killing the enemy.

A large number of undead creatures in the Tomb of Death have all died under the cloud of death of these corpse witch kings, bringing a very rich EXP to Rhodes.

Rhodes looked at the attribute panel and found that his EXP had reached 1,220,000 points.

The 122w points of EXP include the EXP accumulated by Rhodes, the EXP provided by his subordinate Death Knight, and the EXP of Rhodes killing undead creatures and the hero Degar during the mission process. , or the EXP obtained by killing a large number of undead creatures under Lich Stephen in this last battle.

Because of the EXP standard, it has already exceeded the advanced requirements. At this time, Rhodes no longer waits, and concentrates his will on the attribute panel and the promotion button.

It is a pity for Rhodes that he failed to obtain information on advanced hidden occupations from Sandro. According to Rhodes' original expectation, Sandro is likely to be involved in another item of the undead mage step-up. route.

However, when Rhodes saw the optional advanced career, the original regret in his heart was completely eliminated. Rhodes knew that his gain this time far exceeded his previous expectations.


"Level 5 professional senior undead mage, required pre-professional occupation: undead mage. Required skills: Grandmaster Level Soul Evocation Technique, Expert Wisdom Technique, High level mysterious technique. Experience required for inauguration: 150000"

"Vampire Duke of Tier 5 occupation, required prerequisite occupation: cemetery occupation. Required skills: any special skills of Grandmaster Level. Additional required Condition: Blood Race baptism. Experience required for inauguration: 300000"

"Level 5 professional god-seeker, required pre-professional occupation: any fourth rank occupation. Required skills: any special skills of Divine Grade. Inauguration Required EXP: 1000000”


The advanced occupations given by the system are such a situation.

Rhodes noticed that in addition to the most basic and advanced [Senior Undead Mage] that can be advanced without any difficult conditions, there are two extremely powerful ones that you can choose to advance. class occupation.

The advanced option of [Duke of Vampire] appeared, which was actually expected by Rhodes early in the morning.

Rhodes recalled that after he killed Degal, he had received advanced tips related to vampire, and even his bat transformation ability was also improved. The appearance of such a rank prompt at this time really didn't surprise Rhodes.

What really shocked Rhodes was the emergence of the profession of [God Seeker]. Even in previous games, Rhodes had never heard of such a profession.

Noticing the job requirements of the [God Seeker] at the rear, Rhodes probably understood what caused this situation.

To advance to [God Seeker], what you need is a special skill that reaches Divine Grade, which is enough to stun countless players in previous lives.

Rhodes recalled that in the previous game, even at the end of the third expansion, players who can really master the special skills of Legendary Grade are considered as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. .

Except for some lucky ones who got racing achievements at the very beginning, most of the other players can only have the opportunity to master the Legendary Grade special skills only by relying on their own great opportunity.

(end of this chapter)

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