
  Chapter 902 Escape

It is impossible to escape directly by the spell of the gate of time and space, Rhodes has a moment also fell into silence.

Recalling what he had, Rhodes seemed to realize something. In his memory, there was one thing that could be the key to his escape from Eric.

"If my perception is correct, the appearance of the forbidden magic barrier should have come from your hands." Rick's sharp eyes, Rhodes only felt that he was completely seen through, and there was nothing to hide in front of this powerful Legendary mage.

"I can't believe that you, who are only the fourth rank, can stir up the situation of this battle, and even I was almost thrown by you."

"I'm very curious, who are you? How did you bring the forbidden magic barrier in Brakada here?"

Looking at Rhodes beside him, Eric, who was confident, didn't have any anxiety, just chatted with Rhodes like this, as if Rhodes is still just a player in the potions competition, waiting for his scrutiny.

However, the tense emotions in Rhodes' heart would not change because of Eric's attitude. In front of this Legendary mage, Rhodes showed twelve points of tension.

"Even if you don't want to answer, hand over the Divine Item in your hand, and I can save your life. I think you should understand what the appearance of the Divine Item means."

Perhaps seeing Rhodes didn't say a word for a long time, Eric stopped asking about the forbidden magic barrier, and instead said his real purpose, which was for the Ghost King cloak in Rhodes' hands.

Rhodes could feel a firmness from Eric's words, and a not very strong, but extremely tenacious will, obviously, not to give him the Ghost King cloak, the Legendary mage will not give up.

Rhodes will naturally not give up the Divine Item he has earned, even if the person who wants to obtain the Divine Item is such a powerful Legendary mage.

Ignoring Eric beside him, Rhodes shook his hands and draped the Ghost King cloak directly behind him.

As the Ghost King cape was fastened, a feeling he had never felt before began to surface in Rhodes' mind.

To Rhodes' perception, the whole of Heaven and Earth seems to be different. The call of the Ghost King's cloak until now, finally fits perfectly on Rhodes. It's just that Rhodes didn't care about this. His eyes were still fixed on Eric who was not far away.

"By chance, I got hold of a special spell."

A strong wind blew, and the large cloak behind Rhodes fluttered, and Rhodes did not know when it appeared. A golden helmet.

"An extremely powerful fifth-order spell that is not included in any spell books."

Saying that, Rhodes put on the helmet in his hand, and at the same time, his whole body was golden. , a specially textured shield appeared in Rhodes' hands, completely blocking half of his body.

"Also ask Dean Eric to teach me."

Perhaps he was aware of the meaning in Rhodes' words, or he noticed these extra things about Rhodes. Rick's expression gradually became more formal.

Rhodes noticed that Eric, who was beside him, slowly raised his hand and put his four fingers together to face him. He understood that Eric's move was not to cast spells, but to show himself. Indicate, let yourself cast this spell.

Rhodes sneered inwardly, but his movements didn't slow down.

I saw Rhodes' unshielded hand sticking out to the side, and in the air, countless crackling electric currents began to condense in Rhodes' hand.

The pure white rays of light, with the appearance of the electric current, are dazzling, and even once overwhelmed other colors in the sky.

A giant lance with a vertical shape and a rough surface, composed purely of lightning, emerged in Rhodes' hands, as if it had the ability to connect to heaven penetrating the earth.

Eric, who was not far away, had become completely solemn after sensing the spell cast by Rhodes, and he did not dare to look down on him any more.

In Eric's perception, the power of the lightning lance in Rhodes' hand is only increased compared to the thunder bomb that destroyed the Soul Evocation tower. Once hit by it, it may directly lose his life. .

Before that, Eric did not expect that a spell of this level would appear in Rhodes' hands. Before he could say anything again, Rhodes had a new action.

I saw Rhodes threw with all his strength, and the lightning lance, like an eye, shot at the opposite Eric at a very fast speed.

Eric could feel a deep threat in the face of the direct lightning lance. Not choosing to use teleportation to evade, Eric raised his hand, and a thick dark green barrier began to appear in front of him.

When the white light appeared, the lightning lance collided with the dark green barrier, and there was a huge explosion. The dark green barrier didn't even hold up for a while, and there were traces of shattering.

Eric, who is within the protection of the barrier, can only maintain the stability of the dark green barrier by consuming mana. If it weren't for Eric's move, in this powerful spell Under the action of , the barrier has been broken for a long time.

From this lightning lance, Eric felt a vast breath. The formation principle of this spell was different from all spells he knew.

This discovery made Eric realize that what Rhodes said before should be true. This spell, even the experienced and knowledgeable Eric, didn't know anything about it before. .

After the lightning burst, the dazzling electric light caused by the chaotic mana fluctuations limited Eric's perception to a certain extent, but Eric's expression was still calm, without any panic, on the contrary. He is still waiting for other attacks to come.

Eric sensed a strong threat from Rhodes' spell, and he believed that if Rhodes tried to resist, now was the best chance.

Because of this, Eric did not use teleportation to avoid this spell, but used the Titan shield to hard connect, trying to pass through his weak spot and cause Rhodes' next attack.

Even if he doesn't rely on his own spellcasting ability, Eric can still take on a lot of high-level spells with his treasure alone. Even if Rhodes launches an attack at this time, Eric also can deal with it.

Eric knew from his past combat experience that the next attack from Rhodes would bring the battle to an end.

To Eric's surprise, he couldn't wait for the next attack until the lightning completely dissipated.

It wasn't until the field was completely calm that Eric looked around all around and noticed that Rhodes and the huge ghost dragon under him had completely disappeared at this time, and he was the only one in all around. .

(end of this chapter)

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