
  Chapter 895 Fault II

Feeling the changes in the upper floors of Soul Evocation Tower, Eric's heart, Satisfied with the result of this spell.

A large amount of gravel rolled down the gap in the upper layer of the Soul Evocation tower. As Eric performed the same spell as last time, the original third position of the Soul Evocation tower was calibrated. There is a huge fault that runs through the tower, allowing people to see through the gap and see the other end behind the Soul Evocation tower.

Withstanding this level of damage, the entire superstructure of the Soul Evocation tower on the verge of collapse, without the support in the middle, the top of the tower began to move towards tilting in one direction. However, after tilting a small angle, the top of the tower stabilized and slowly moved towards the opposite direction and returned to its original position.

The upper part of the Soul Evocation Tower remains suspended in its original position even though it lost its own supporting structure, and there is a huge fault in it.

Inside the fault, the dark green rays of light are constantly flowing, outlining a special plane. This plane, among the faults, supports the upper part of the Soul Evocation Tower, and is also the key to the survival of the upper part.

Looking at the scene in the gap, Eric knew that the upper part of the Soul Evocation Tower did not collapse. Stable, and only the existence of Sandro.

Recalling Sandro's deeds, in Eric's impression, the Titan shield is one of the spells that he is very good at. He can even cast the Titan shield like a real Legendary mage. make various changes.

When Sandro was still studying in Academy, he looked towards Eric and showed this unique spellcasting ability. Eric was not surprised when he saw this scene. .

Eric believes that using the Titan shield to hold up the entire top area of ​​the fall, Sandro must have consumed a lot of mana.

In Earth Element magic, there is a damage spell with the strongest single lethality, and a defensive spell with the strongest effect.

These two spells correspond to the fifth-rank thunder bomb and the third-rank Titan shield. At this time, these two spells were displayed in turn in the hands of Eric and Sandro.

After losing the connection with the lower part, the black barrier surrounding the tower thinned out at a speed visible to naked eyes. It's hard to make up for it.

Without the support of the spell ceremony of the Soul Evocation tower below, even if the ceremony core in the top area is running wildly, it is difficult to support the existence of this barrier, and it may not be long before this barrier will completely dissipate .

By then, with the undead killer, Eric can easily clean up all the undead creatures under Sandro, which is what Eric hopes to achieve.

Degar in front of Rhodes, in this brief moment, seems to be under some command, under the noble patriarch robe he wears, the bats are constantly pouring out, and there is no sign of stopping.

The bats that gushed out merged with the bats that were originally surrounded by the barrier, circled between them, and actively flew out of the death energy barrier.

Under the action of the undead killer, the number of bats in the barrier has been greatly reduced, and the remaining bats have been unable to cover the scene in the barrier.

With the sacrifice of these bats, this black barrier can still last for a while, but this time is still limited.

Feeling the emergence of this situation, Sandro's expression did not change. He had already thought about how to deal with Eric's attack. As long as all the undead creatures in the field were exhausted, he would The next action will be taken.

At this time, Rhodes on the side also saw Degal's move completely in his eyes.

When the vampires of his subordinates fell under the influence of the undead killer in the most aggrieved manner, and Degal himself was also extremely weak because he transformed a lot of life force into bats, A strong sense of sadness began to radiate from him.

Degal has already realized that perhaps its final outcome is that the bats transformed with all the life force will all die under the action of the undead killer, even if the undead mage in the field deliberately chooses Spare its life, its former vampire kin can no longer be resurrected.

Whether this former king-level vampire regretted chasing after vampire cloak, and finally fell to this point, Rhodes does not know, but Rhodes knows that this is the opportunity he has been waiting for for a long time.

Looking at the hero Degal with bats constantly pouring out of his body, Rhodes took out one thing from the space ring without any hesitation, and then quickly handed it to Degal.

Looking at the things he took in his hands, Degal noticed that the undead mage in front of him had given him a sealed medicine bottle with a crystal clear liquid flowing in it.

Looking at Rhodes to the side again, from his eyes, Degal could feel a raging flame, a never-ending frenzy, which is only for those who are greedy and seek power. There will be eyes.

The various experiences he once had made Degal confirm that what was revealed in his eyes was the heroic will of the person in front of him.

Under Rhodes' gaze, Degal even felt that all the thoughts in his heart were seen through, but it only lasted for a moment, and then there was no abnormality, and Degal could only take it out. as an illusion.

Although Rhodes didn't say anything, Degal already understood what he meant and knew that he mostly wanted to use himself to achieve his goals.

Without hesitation, Degal opened the bottle in his hand and drank it all in one gulp. Compared with the current situation, Degal doesn't think that it will get worse after drinking this bottle of liquid.

As the medicine efficacy gradually took effect in Degal's body, a powerful force began to appear in Degal's body, together with the life force that would transform a large number of bats to make up for it.

In this brief moment, Degal's consciousness seems to have returned to countless years ago, when Degal had just become a hero.

With the emergence of a strong heroic will, Degal recalled the will that supported him to become a hero and build the kingdom of vampire.

The sudden change made Degal seem to see himself in the heart, a hero with an extremely strong will that can be called immortal will.

By the time everything calmed down, there were no more bats emerging from Degal's noble patriarch robes.

Looking at Rhodes beside him, Degar didn't understand what the undead mage was drinking for him, but he knew that he was no longer restricted by spiritual imprint.

(end of this chapter)

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