
  Chapter 889 Cursed Armor II

When Sandro took out this shield, it happened in the field With a new change, a special atmosphere began to spread in the field.

I don't know what was affected, but in front of this shield, the three treasures that Sandro took out first began to tremble slightly, as if they were summoned by something.

At the same time, the death energy around the entire Soul Evocation Tower began to fluctuate, and even completely lost control. Even the Soul Evocation Tower's guiding function of death energy, in this brief moment, is the same been affected.

If Rhodes can get close enough to observe the shield in Sandro's hand, there may be new discoveries.

The shield is all around, like the dark long sword that was taken out by Sandro, it is also surrounded by black mist, and the process of forming the black mist is very similar, the only difference is that the formation of the black mist Only occurs above the surface of the shield.

There is a skull pattern on the surface of the shield, only in the eye socket, there is a constant black fog emerging, other positions, there is no such situation.

If Rhodes were able to observe this scene, they would surely find that this scene on the shield was very similar to the skull helmet that was constantly emerging with black mist, and it might foreshadow something.

It's a pity that Rhodes, who realized Sandro's real purpose, did not continue to observe these things in the field, but moved his eyes to Eric again, hoping to know the Legendary name. mage's response.

When everything is ready, Sandro places the shield in his hand on the ground, with the skull pattern facing him, and gently leaning it against the skeleton surface behind him.

As the shield came into contact with the other three things, a powerful force instantly erupted in the field, mixed and condensed into physical magic elements, and the strong airflow impact, even Rhodes, could not help but feel side glance.

A peculiar change is happening very fast in the things that are piled up in front of Sandro.

The long sword surrounded by black mist, under the action of this force, gradually showed signs of dissolving, the black mist spread freely, and finally condensed on the huge skeleton.

The skull helmet placed on the top was the first to be affected by this force. The original golden appearance quickly turned into a dark, black mud-like substance, which began to continuously flow from the original eye socket. The position gushed out, flowing down all around.

And the skull pattern shield that caused all these changes, when it touches the surface of the skeleton, it immediately merges with the skeleton behind, and the surface of the shield begins to expand all around, even without contacting the back of the skeleton. also give coverage.

Under the impregnation of black mud, the material expanded by the shield was also dyed a pitch-black color, and even the pale skull pattern on the surface of the shield was not spared either.

On the surface of the shield, in the eye sockets exuding black mist, there is also a mutation at this time, and the unknown rays of light of two scarlets begin to emanate from it, even if it is covered by layers of mud, it cannot be Make the red light dissipate.

The changes in these four things in the field caused great vibrations all around. Of all kinds of magical elements, the one that is most affected by this change is the energy of death.

With the formation of a strong major event, in the chaotic airflow, the incomparably huge death energy began to move towards the middle position and rapidly gathered.

Even the barrier outside the Soul Evocation tower, in this brief moment, was also affected by the change of death energy, and began to become thinner. There is a dangerous atmosphere.

At the moment when this change was the most intense, the skull helmet with black mud was constantly emerging from the eye socket, and the shape began to twist, squeeze inward, and finally completely turned into this black substance. , covering the expanded shield surface.

At this time, the barrier around the Soul Evocation tower completely dissipated, and the undead creatures on the entire top floor were exposed to an undefended state, no longer protected by the barrier composed of death energy.

Noticing all these situations, Rhodes believes that as long as Eric in midair is willing, he can easily kill most of the undead creatures on the top of the tower, so as to solve these undead. threats posed by living things.

Except for a few undead creatures, such as the hero Degal not far away, who can survive by their own strong life force, the overwhelming majority of undead creatures will not have any chance to resist, even Rhodes It will also be hit hard by itself.

For this reason, Rhodes has already applied thaumaturgy to himself, hoping to reduce the damage he takes from spell. Once Eric behaves abnormally, Rhodes will respond immediately.

To Rhodes' surprise, in this situation, Eric had no intention of casting spells, just watching what happened in the field.

Rhodes noticed that, looking at Sandro below, Eric's expression was extremely complicated. In addition to a kind of relief, there was also a kind of determination, but he just didn't plan to take this opportunity to shoot. .

Roughly guessing what Eric was thinking, Rhodes couldn't help but sighed in the heart secretly. In Rhodes' view, Eric undoubtedly lost a good chance to win.

Seeing that Eric would not take the opportunity to attack, Rhodes stopped paying attention to the Legendary mage, and turned his attention to Sandro in the field.

Looking at the things that were changing dramatically in front of Sandro, Rhodes believed that Sandro would not make such a move unprepared.

Rhodes realized that Sandro might have anticipated his current reaction because of his deep understanding of Eric, and believed that Eric would never take the opportunity to attack, so he dared to face it. The face of this Legendary mage, splices the Divine Item parts to get the combined Divine Item in real form.

Through the original observation, Rhodes has determined that these things Sandro took out correspond to another combination Divine Item that he owns, the parts of the cursed armor.

And Sandro's previous actions were aimed at transforming the cursed armor.

Rhodes obviously did not expect Sandro's move, and he couldn't believe that Sandro dared to splicing Divine Item parts in front of a powerful enemy.

Because of the knowledge of Eric, knowing that this powerful Legendary mage has more principles than anyone else, Sandro is not worried that he will be affected by Eric in the process. attack.

During the battle, Rhodes did everything he could, using any means to achieve his goals, but this did not mean that everyone was like this. Eric in front of him was undoubtedly the same. is such an existence.

(end of this chapter)

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