
  Chapter 887 Determination

After confirming Jedette's whereabouts from Sandro's mouth, There was no lightness in Eric's expression, instead it seemed more solemn.

Feeling Sandro's will, in this brief moment, Eric finally understood that even though he had made a very high evaluation of Sandro in his heart, he still despised this name. mage, the will in Sandro's heart, far exceeded Eric's expectations.

As the dean of Spell Academy, Eric naturally understands that once Sandro's remark is spread to Bracada, it will bring great impact to the whole Bracada. Impact.

Eric's most trusted apprentice, Jedette, has proved the influence of Sandro's idea with his own actions. Before this, Eric never expected such a thing to happen.

For those mages who are powerful, have a high position in Brakada and have enough influence, they can better understand the meaning of Sandro's idea.

In this case, Eric believed that what Sandro had discovered had seriously threatened the stability of Bracada.

Can Bracada still withstand such a shock? Eric asked in the heart.

Having personally experienced the previous battles, Eric deeply understands the internal situation of Bracada. Bracada at this time is in a state of internal trouble and outside aggression.

With the rise of the hero Tanan, the various colonies of Brakada continued to resist. The creatures enslaved by the mage in the past were inspired by the hero Tanan and forgot the various abilities of the mage. Began to rebel, and thus discover the fact that the interior of Bracada has long since decayed.

The mage with poor academic skills, the empty garrison, and the extremely low morale when the battle occurred, displayed in front of these creatures such a scene.

By the time Brakada's mage solved the threat posed by the hero Tanan, the situation in the surrounding area was no longer what they thought.

Inside Bracada's mage, the situation is far from ideal.

As far as Eric can tell, with the end of the battle, the Magic Guild has a new move immediately.

For the undead mage, the supervisor of the magic guild, who was exposed in this battle, there will be no good face.

As soon as the battle was over, with the order of the leader of the magic guild, Brakada began to clean up the undead mage.

In this battle, the Soul Evocation Technique performed by the undead mage showed the power of unique and unmatched. Some of the lords who failed to evacuate in time were also the undead creatures created by the undead mage. down and resisted the attack of the savage creatures.

Under the circumstance that conventional methods fail completely, the undead creatures transformed by Soul Evocation Technique can not be restricted by the forbidden magic barrier and show great potential.

What makes all undead mages didn't expect is that what awaits them is not the accolades of the Bracada mages, but the ruthless expulsion.

Part of it is difficult to accept this result. The undead mage trying to resist the magic guild has been cleaned up by the magic guild without exception. Without the restriction of the forbidden magic barrier, the ability of the magic guild mage can undoubtedly be Represented.

Even Eric was quite critical of this move by the Magic Guild, but he also understood the significance of expelling the undead mage.

apart from this , according to Eric's understanding, the elemental creatures in Brakada also become restless in this case, and some powerful elemental creatures even faintly trend away from Bracada.

From his knowledge of Bracada, Eric understood that what Bracada needed at this time was a period of stability.

The existence of Brakada has been going on for countless years. During this period, no matter how big an anomaly has occurred, it has not been able to shake the foundation of Brakada, and the magic practice will be shaken. , this time as well.

Eric believes that as long as Bracada is given a period of time, the mage in it can deal with these kinds of anomalies. After that, whether it is the resistance of the surrounding area or the contradiction within the mage, Actually nothing.

The existence of Bracada has been used for countless years to prove to the surrounding area that the establishment of a powerful magical kingdom, the continuation of a glorious mage civilization, the current Bracada, only need to go through After a period of rest, the glory of the past can be restored.

Eric, however, was well aware that Sandro's conclusions could easily make all this change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Sandro's own doubts about the god of mage may be nothing. As far as Eric knows, there are many mages in the spell Academy who do not believe in the existence of the god of mage.

What really surprised Eric was that Sandro had the will to put it into practice, and even came to Dia himself and found some clues.

Sandro has used his own actions to influence the former same sect and the mage who followed him to Dia. Eric has reason to believe that this influence will continue. Fermentation.

Eric deeply understood that once Sandro's conclusion came out, no matter whether the news was true or not, it would instantly cause violent turmoil within Bracada.

Even the magic guild, which is the manager of Bracada, cannot suppress this turmoil. The various shocks caused by doubts about the god of mage have the greatest impact. It is the mage in the magic guild.

Even though Sandro was only in the territory of Dia at this time, conducting research on the god of mage, but in Eric's eyes, his existence was undoubtedly the biggest hidden danger in Brakada.

Eric believes that Sandro, who is in possession of the Divine Item group, also has mage's followers, and has a powerful force, can easily overthrow the mage's rule once he returns to Bracada.

Having experienced the battle in Brakada, where the ability to cast spells was completely limited, so that it was completely suppressed by barbaric creatures, Eric deeply understood the powerful power of Divine Item.

The Barbarian army, failed to destroy the Brakada, but the mage itself had this ability.

"I thought that your departure was a pity for Bracada, but didn't expect it became a blessing."

Looking down Sandro, Eric's expression turned cold, but in his eyes, there was more revealing, but it was still a kind of regret.

Hearing Eric's words, Sandro was silent for a while, no more words, but new actions.

In Sandro's hands, special things began to appear, and they placed them in front of him one by one.

With Sandro's move, a powerful force began to condense on the field.

(end of this chapter)

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