
  Chapter 866 Departure

The evaluation information of the Forbidden Ball Shard was changed by the system, which made Rhodes realize , Far away in Bracada's hero Tanan, there is a great possibility that he has died in battle.

Although the hero Tanan died, the things that contained his will are still passed down. Among them, the most explanatory of this is naturally the Forbidden Sphere Fragment in Rhodes' hands.

According to Rhodes' original expectation, with the death of the hero Tanan, the shards of the forbidden magic ball in his hands are likely to lose all effects and become an alchemy material for forbidden magic equipment, which can no longer be banned. The magic barrier is cast out.

Rhodes can be sure that the forbidden magic ball fragments, with the effect of the real forbidden magic ball, are the result of the condensed will of Tanan, not the material of the forbidden magic ball itself. Even if it is damaged, it can use the fragments on it to cast a magical barrier.

Rhodes believes that if the Forbidden Ball Fragments are replaced by any creature except Tanan, the obtained Forbidden Ball Fragments will impossible to have any effect, even the body of the Forbidden Ball. Because of this treatment, the efficacy will be seriously damaged.

It is the will of the hero Tanan that supports the shards of the forbidden magic ball, so that it still retains its original effect. This true heroic will naturally includes the Divine Item among the things that can be affected. The presence.

What surprised Rhodes was, of course, that after the death of the hero Tanan, the shard of the forbidden magic ball could still maintain its original effect.

After the death of the hero Tanan, when Rhodes checked the shard of the forbidden magic ball again, Rhodes could feel a very strong will from the red crystal.

Compared to the beginning, perhaps there is no connection between the hero itself and this will. This will that should have been hidden in the depths of the Forbidden Ball Fragment has surfaced on the surface of the fragment, so Rhodes can easily I felt that it was this will that kept the Forbidden Magic Ball fragments in their original state.

Due to the lack of Tanan itself, as a support for this will, ordinary creatures cannot directly use the forbidden magic ball fragments as before, only the same heroic will, that is, the existence of heroes, In order to have a little connection with the will in the forbidden magic ball fragment, and use it.

And Rhodes itself, after meeting certain conditions and killing many heroes, also met the requirements of the system, obtained unique hero specialties, has the identity of a hero, and can control the magic ball. Fragments are used.

For this reason, Tanan's death did not have any special effect on Rhodes. At this time, Rhodes could still achieve his original goal by using the shards of the forbidden magic ball. plan.

Similar to the hero Tanan, even if he dies, the hero's will will not dissipate, but exists firmly in something and still affects it. This is called by other creatures. The existence of true will.

According to Rhodes' understanding, there is only such an existence. When talking about other creatures, the word hero will be added as a special prefix to show the identity of these heroes.

This prefix refers not to the existence of hero templates, but to the heroic will that exists in these heroes, no matter what they experience, will not change.

Because of this, Rhodes was naturally a little surprised when he learned the title of the hero Degal from Sely's words.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that he was able to hear the hero prefix in the way Selly called Degal.

This discovery made Rhodes realize that Degal probably has a very strong will that never dies, so he can be named this title.

However, Rhodes was a little puzzled when he recalled what he saw when he first saw Degal. In Rhodes' impression, he couldn't feel the existence of this will from Degal's body, what he felt was more of a decadent aura.

With the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes' understanding of undead creatures is naturally far better than other undead mage. Rhodes can easily see that it exists in Degal, and the long-term sleep brings about decay.

The undead creatures I have seen in the past undoubtedly give Rhodes a good reference. In Rhodes' view, similar to Degal, heroes who have existed for an unknown time, their will is very strong. It may have already undergone great changes, or even completely disappeared, which is the most likely situation.

Sally's words undoubtedly made Rhodes realize that the situation that existed in the hero Degal might be very different from what he thought.

The heroic will of Degal, Rhodes at this time, is imperceptible, just from the title of hero, Rhodes can feel great anomaly.

Recalling the unnatural look on Sally's face when he noticed the bat outside the Soul Evocation tower, as well as the various anomalies he showed, Rhodes knew that Sally knew a lot about Degal, perhaps including Degal's heroic will.

I wanted to get these hidden information from Sally's heart through the peeping eye, but Rhodes couldn't do it.

What surprised Rhodes was that the information he got from Sally through the peeping eye was only his part in the human state, and Rhodes had no idea about the rest of the vampire deeds. .

Rhodes recalled that when he first met Sally, he obtained the information after using his peeping eyes. It was the same situation, and he could only detect all the deeds he did in human form, although some of them were. Contact with vampire, but without the scene where Sally transforms into vampire.

It is also because of this that the previous Rhodes, although he knew that there was a certain connection between Sally and vampire, could not confirm his identity until he appeared in a bat-like state. , Rhodes confirmed it.

And at this time, Rhodes felt the same situation, unable to rely on the peeping eye to learn anything about vampire from Sally's heart.

When all the bats outside the tower disappeared, the light all around returned to calm again.

Under the reflection of a piece of orange red rays of light, Rhodes seemed to realize something, looked at Sally beside him, and simply replied: "I see."

Feeling Rhodes spoke solemnly, looking at the sky beyond the tower wall, where the bats had long since disappeared, Sally was about to sighed, but noticed that Rhodes had already walked in the direction of the connecting tower.

Seeing this, Sally didn't wait any longer, and immediately followed Rhodes' pace, preparing to pass the connecting tower and head to the last position for calibration.

(end of this chapter)

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