
  Chapter 857 Perseverance

Rhodes didn't have any idea about what Sally did. What a special view. If Rhodes was in Sally's situation, he was attacked by a large number of corpse witches as soon as he finished teleporting, and the choice he made would also only be bat formation.

According to Rhodes' expectation, if Sally didn't immediately bat, he would melt into the cloud of death in an instant, unable to make any resistance.

Because it was already expected that those bats were the bat-turned Sally, and considering that Sally had the ability to control the ceremony core of the Soul Evocation tower, Rhodes deliberately avoided him when releasing the dark cloud of death. Opens up the top area where the bats are, thus sparing the bats.

In contrast, those bats who came to the interior of the connection tower in advance to avoid the erosion of the cloud of death were not so lucky. Under the spread of the cloud of death, the interior of the connection tower, Nor is it a safe place anymore.

What surprised Rhodes was that the bats that had been hiding in the connection tower did not take advantage of their ability to fly to directly pass through the space in the connection tower to the upper floor or The location calibration of the next layer, on the contrary, seems to be restricted, and can only be active near the location calibration of this layer.

Because of this, when the death cloud cast by Rhodes spreads, until Sally ends the bat transformation and reappears in front of him in his original shape, there is no such thing in the connecting tower after that. Any bat flies out.

Compared with the death cloud cast by those corpse witches, the spell cast by Rhodes is more powerful in effect. This point, Sally, who has just recovered his human form, naturally has more experience in his heart. .

Under the bat-turned state, Sally still sees everything that happens on the field, which naturally includes it, Rhodes just relied on a spell to destroy all the corpse witches in the field. eliminate this situation.

In Sally's original view, this group of corpse witches, which were already invincible, could not even hold a spell released by Rhodes, and this spell was also extremely good at these corpse witches. The cloud of death, which undoubtedly deeply shocked Sally.

The appearance of this situation has undoubtedly made Sally realize something, and she also has a new view on Rhodes not far away.

Through the abnormality he sensed from the cloud of death, Sally understood that Rhodes who appeared in front of him, impossible was just an ordinary undead mage, as simple as that, there was also something hidden in him. Don't know things.

Combined with the tragic state of the corpse witches when they died, plus the darkness, there was obviously an abnormal cloud of death. If it wasn't for Lich, who really controlled the city of death, he used a human woman's. Appearance, Sally would even think that the Rhodes in front of him is the Lich deity.

Compared with all other spells, the existence of the cloud of death is often the most capable of reflecting the strength of the undead mage, and its corresponding Soul Evocation Technique level can further illustrate this point. .

Just as Sally seemed a little hesitant, not knowing how to face Rhodes, or to continue this mission, Rhodes' words reached Sally's ears first.

"Sally mage, without the interference of these corpses, should we continue this mission?"

Rhodes did not mention what he had seen in his words. Yes, regarding the identity of Saili vampire, on the contrary, it is still commensurate with the identity of the undead mage, and the focus has shifted to the original task.

Obviously, Rhodes has no intention of continuing to pursue Celie's identity concealment at first. From Rhodes' point of view, Sally's abilities may be of great use in the next mission, and it would be a bit of a loss to part ways with him now.

Realizing the implied meaning of Rhodes' words, Sally replied immediately:

"That's right...if it can be successful, we'd better complete this mission as soon as possible, Tower. The undead mage, and these corpse witches, are not so friendly."

Through the existence of the Peeping Eye, Rhodes noticed that when Sally said these words, he seemed a little panic in his heart. The corpse witch who suddenly attacked has left an extremely deep impression in his heart.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that even though he has been deeply aware in the heart of the danger in this mission and the attitude of the undead mage in the tower, Sally is still unwilling to give up this time. The mission, when Rhodes had just proposed the idea of ​​continuing the mission, Sally agreed immediately.

The information from the peeping eye made Rhodes realize that in Sally's heart, once the mission of this time failed, or he voluntarily gave up, then after that, his fate , probably more tragic than death.

Under this circumstance, even though he was aware of the imminent danger, Sally still braced oneself and insisted on continuing to complete the task.

Rhodes realized that there might be something unspeakable in Sally's mind about the mission of this time. It wasn't as simple as wanting to exchange a reward from Stephen Lich, but Rhodes didn't ask much.

Seeing that Sally agreed to this, Rhodes said simply: "Then I'll go to the next position to calibrate first, you pay attention to keep up."

After that, with Waves of space magic flashed by, and by the time Sally looked back at where Rhodes was, there was no silhouette left.

Seeing Rhodes disappearing, Sally, who stayed here, was finally relieved.

Although Rhodes did not intend to investigate the identity of Saili, after sensing the death cloud released by Rhodes, when Saili faced Rhodes again, he naturally brought a little fear in his heart, until Rhodes After leaving, Sally can be completely relieved.

After a short period of calming down, just as Sally was about to teleport to the next position for calibration, his eyes suddenly landed on a worn black robe beside his feet.

Through the very obvious special pattern tattooed on the robe, Sally recognized at a glance that the previous owner of this robe was Brown who first entered the Soul Evocation Tower.

Sally realized that Brown, who entered the tower first, might have already become one of those corpse witches and died under the death cloud cast by Rhodes.

This discovery gave Sally a deeper understanding of the danger in the Soul Evocation tower. Even if he just continued to stay on this floor, Sally would feel a shudder in his heart.

In order to get rid of this unsettling feeling, Sally no longer waited, and immediately cast teleportation to go to the top of the Soul Evocation tower, the next position calibration.

(end of this chapter)

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