
  Chapter 852 Corpse Witch I

Just as Rhodes was about to cast teleportation to leave, in his sight Among them, Vidnina's reaction was somewhat unusual.

Rhodes noticed that when Sally had already teleported into the upper level of the Soul Evocation tower, and he was about to do the same, Vidnina didn't do anything, just Just watching this happen.

The emergence of this situation undoubtedly made Rhodes realize something. From Rhodes' point of view, Vidnina doesn't seem to be ready to send out the undead mage to monitor her and Sally's actions. Apart from this, there may be a deeper reason for her move.

Compared to this, what made Rhodes more concerned was the change in Vaderina's expression. Rhodes noticed that Vidnina looked at him with a coldness that had never been seen before, as if looking at the dead undead creatures.

At this time, some bad premonition suddenly appeared in Rhodes' perception, and the change in Vidnina's expression undoubtedly foreshadowed this to Rhodes.

This discovery made Rhodes focus his attention on something he had otherwise overlooked. What made Rhodes a little concerned was that what came from the position calibration in the connection tower was not only the fluctuating magic element, but more importantly, there was a sense of danger that was not there before.

Through this discovery, Rhodes realized that the entire Soul Evocation tower may not be as peaceful as he thought, even if the undead mage represented by Vid Nina agreed to his trip. Entering the Soul Evocation tower doesn't mean it's safe.

As the Soul Evocation Tower, which was occupied by Sandro and his party for a period of time, the things that exist in it are naturally far less simple than Rhodes thought. Rhodes believes that this is also the reason why there will be a bad premonition in his own perception.

Rhodes was no doubt aware of this through the change in Vaderina's expression, coupled with the sense of menace in his perception. In Rhodes' view, Sally, who entered the Soul Evocation tower first, was probably in danger.

Seeing Vid Nina at this time, she still didn't make any move. Rhodes knew that in this case, any words of his were superfluous. Even if you take the initiative to ask and want to know this information, you will not be able to get more information from her.

At this point, Rhodes relocated his sight to the position calibration above the connection tower. With a strong wave of mana emerging, Rhodes' figure was already disappeared when the magic elements all around subsided again.

Vednina on the side, after Rhodes disappeared completely, looked up at the top of the connection tower, as if she was feeling something, and didn't move her gaze until she confirmed it. open.

Vednina didn't have any worries about what happened above the connection tower. In Vidnina's view, no matter what abilities Rhodes had, when he cast teleportation and came to the upper level of the connection tower, it didn't matter.

Vednina believes that when this undead mage becomes a Death Knight, all the secrets in him can no longer be concealed.

At this time, when Rhodes' figure passed through the connection tower and appeared at the height of the first position calibration, he immediately felt the abnormality around him.

In Rhodes' perception, he is under the wrapping of a large number of death clouds, and even Rhodes' sight is also fuzzy because of this, unable to observe the surrounding things.

While his vision was blocked, Rhodes could hear the sound of fighting.

Under such an environment, for some reason, Rhodes' perception of danger was much lighter than before the teleportation. The cloud of death that completely enveloped Rhodes, on the contrary, could Give Rhodes a sense of peace of mind.

Rhodes knows this is the unique effect of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

Under the effect of this level of special skills, unless there is also the existence of this level of skills, the cloud of death displayed can threaten Rhodes, the cloud of death of any other level , can't have any effect.

For this reason, Rhodes will not be affected in any way even under the shroud of a large number of death clouds, but can convert the surrounding death clouds into his own mana. .

Because the line of sight is blocked by the cloud of death in dark green, it is difficult to observe anything, and in Rhodes ears, in addition to the sound of fighting, there is also the sound of item being corroded. , in this case, Rhodes did not hesitate to absorb the surrounding death cloud immediately.

This behavior of Rhodes seems to have triggered a chain reaction. Just as Rhodes absorbed most of the death cloud, and just when his figure appeared, a large number of death clouds shot from all around to Rhodes, shooting it. shrouded again.

The existence of the cloud of death cannot bring any influence to Rhodes. On the contrary, it restores the mana consumed by Rhodes to a certain extent. The cloud of death absorbed it, and saw the situation all around.

Rhodes noticed that what exists all around is a large number of fifth-order undead creatures, corpse witches. The cloud of death that shrouded Rhodes in the first place was also released by these corpses.

In addition to the original location of Rhodes, which was shrouded by the cloud of death, even the top of this layer also had a dense cloud of death.

Under the cloud of death at the top, a large number of scattered bats were flapping their wings, and while avoiding the strong attack from the corpse witch, they launched a counterattack.

The sound of fighting that Rhodes had heard originally was also caused by the large number of bats.

The bats in front of them are also the only undead creatures that Rhodes can see in the Soul Evocation tower on this floor, except for the corpse witch.

In Rhodes' perception, a large number of bats scattered around have a special connection with each other. According to Rhodes' understanding of undead creatures, the only thing that can do this is to use the vampire after the bat.

At this time, Rhodes noticed that Sally, who had teleported one step ahead of him, had completely disappeared, and the bats that appeared among the group of corpses looked very different.

Thinking of the abnormality he once sensed from Sally, Rhodes at this time also had a general understanding of Sally's true identity.

Rhodes realized that it was probably Sally himself, who had entered the Soul Evocation tower with him, who transformed himself into a large number of bats.

(end of this chapter)

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