
  Chapter 849 Tower Two

In the process of observing these things in the Soul Evocation tower, Rhodes did not Forget, when it has not yet entered the Soul Evocation Tower, the strong death energy emitted by the Soul Evocation Tower is also this strong death energy, so that Rhodes and his party no longer wait and enter the Soul Evocation Tower directly.

After entering the Soul Evocation tower, Rhodes also tried to find the abnormal changes in the energy of death from the inside of the Soul Evocation tower, but it was difficult to achieve any results.

What disappointed Rhodes was that due to the inside of the Soul Evocation tower, there was already a very strong death energy, which always followed the trajectory set by the spell ceremony. In this case, the original Rhodes was in the tower. The fluctuation of death energy that is perceived from outside is not obvious at this time.

For this reason, Rhodes can't perceive the change of death energy inside the Soul Evocation Tower as easily as when he is outside the Soul Evocation Tower.

At the same time, Rhodes seems to have discovered some anomalies through some traces at the bottom of the Soul Evocation tower. In Rhodes' perception, some traces at the bottom of the tower obviously mean that something has happened here before. The battle, but the duration of the battle is extremely short.

With the help of the cyan-green rays of light emitted by the spell ceremony, Rhodes noticed that Brown, who had entered the Soul Evocation Tower before them, had completely lost his sight. After the trail, Rhodes could not see the silhouette of the undead mage at the bottom of the Soul Evocation tower.

In addition to these things related to the undead mage in Rhodes' impression, among the bottom floors of the entire Soul Evocation tower, Rhodes is most concerned about the central position of the bottom floor, there is another A tower structure.

The tower-shaped structure that exists in the center of the ground floor directly leads to the top of the Soul Evocation tower, like a huge column, supporting the existence of the entire Soul Evocation tower, and it seems to be a completely independent The Tower of the Towers.

Rhodes noticed that Vednina, who had previously entered the Soul Evocation Tower, was now beside the tower-shaped structure, but her sight was not at the gate of the Soul Evocation Tower. , but looked at the tower-shaped structure in front of him.

And in Rhodes' sight, the two undead mage who had accompanied Vidnina before, were also waiting here.

The strong cyan-green rays of light released from the bottom floor of the Soul Evocation tower made it difficult for Rhodes not to pay attention to the stature of these undead mage.

What made Rhodes concerned was that during this process, he still did not see the figure of Brown mage, and he could not get more information about the Soul Evocation tower through Brown mage's behavior.

Compared to the cyan-green pattern on the walls of Soul Evocation tower, the pattern on the ground floor is more complex and gives Rhodes a stronger feeling.

The spell knowledge that Rhodes has in the past allows Rhodes to see a lot of information related to spell ceremony from the texture of the underlying ground, but it is more demanding and is also the most critical in spell ceremony. part, which Rhodes also failed to understand in a short period of time.

Rhodes knew that he could not understand clearly in a short period of time, this kind of spell ceremony after Lich's adjustment, especially the core part of ceremony, could not rely on his own ability to do anything with it. adjust.

In this case, Rhodes realized that it would be difficult to control the core of ceremony according to the original plan. at this point.

After entering the Soul Evocation Tower, Sally went through a short period of adaptation, and was also aware of the current environment, especially in the case that she did not see any trace of Brown, in Sally's expression, Naturally, some changes have taken place.

It seems to be for self-adjustment. When Sally noticed the silhouette of the middle part of the bottom layer, Videnina and his party, he stopped waiting and moved towards this position.

Seeing this, Rhodes, who was beside Sally, could only follow immediately. Rhodes was very concerned about the things in the Tower of Soul Evocation, especially the tower-within-a-tower that existed in the tower.

As the distance got closer, Rhodes took in the full view of the tower within the tower. Rhodes noticed that, unlike the column he expected, although the radius of the tower in this tower was larger, even comparable to the watchtower in Rhodes' memory, the interior was hollow without any steps.

The tower of the inner tower extends to the upper floor of the Soul Evocation tower. Due to the existence of obstacles, Rhodes cannot observe the situation above the inner tower, but the perception in his heart makes him Rhodes understands that the height that this inner tower can reach, the impossible ends in the lower position, but involves the entire Soul Evocation tower, even extending to the top of the Soul Evocation tower.

According to Rhodes' past memory, the inner tower in front of him is the way for the undead mage to quickly climb the Soul Evocation tower. The way to achieve this is mostly related to spell.

As Rhodes and his party approached gradually, Vidnina, who had been watching Neta, also returned to her figure at this time.

"I think, you all have mastered the spell of teleportation."

"In the connection tower, there is a scale for identifying orientation. Before you arrive, I will We have already sent someone to seal off most of the calibrations, leaving only a few key ones for you to use.”

“Following the interval between calibrations, you only need to perform four teleportation, Being able to get to the top of the Soul Evocation tower saves a lot of travel."

"Of course, if you don't have teleportation and want to climb the Soul Evocation tower yourself, you can do the same."

Rhodes noticed that Videnina still had a smile on her face when she said this, making it difficult to guess what she was really thinking.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that Vid Nina's voice, in the bottom of the originally silent Soul Evocation tower, is already very loud, all around a lot of undead mage, can be Vidnina's words were heard clearly.

It's just that, even in this situation, none of the undead mage around, looked towards this place.

In Rhodes' view, this may be related to the spell ceremony researched by the undead mage itself, but more, it may also be attributed to the abilities of Vaderina herself.

Reminiscent of what he felt outside the Soul Evocation Tower, Vaderina had the ability to make the death energy in the undead mage go out of control, Rhodes deeply understood that the occurrence of this situation would have a negative impact on the undead mage. What a deterrent those undead mage bring.

In Rhodes' impression, Vid Nina's ability to display this ability does not seem to have any omen, nor does it have any restrictions. Such an ability will naturally cause the fear of the surrounding undead mage.

(end of this chapter)

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