
  Chapter 846 enters a

Although I learned from Degal what vampire cloak corresponds to, It was a piece of information about a Divine Item, but Tamick was still very hesitant about Degal's request, and it was difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

For this reason, Tamick did not immediately respond to Degal's request, but considered something else.

Degal on the side was also aware of Tamick's state at this time, but he didn't remember any interruptions, and just waited for her reply.

Even though Tamick already knew that Degal would be here, it was for vampire cloak, this unique treasure was the goal of Degal's trip, but at this time, there was no With the permission of Lich Stephen, Tamick still dared not let him enter the Soul Evocation tower, so as not to destroy the original plan.

As a high-level Death Knight, Tamick naturally understands what the existence of the Divine Item means. The power of combining Divine Items is far beyond what any other creature can match.

After learning about this information, Tamik recalled the undead mage in the Soul Evocation tower and the actions they had made, and he easily realized the inconsistencies in it. Reasonable.

Before this, due to Lich Stephen's order, Tamick could not deal with the undead mage in the Soul Evocation tower, but needed to maintain the safety of the Soul Evocation tower itself during this period of time. Ignoring the observation of some of these situations, until now, Tamick has not realized it.

Although Tamick was vaguely aware of some anomalies before, he couldn't get any useful information from the Soul Evocation tower through his own investigation, and he could only maintain the original state.

At this time, Tamik believes that it may not be long before this situation will change, and then no matter what the real purpose of these undead mage is, it will be revealed in the eyes of other creatures.

Tamik did not immediately respond to Degal's request for a more important reason.

Through some connections in the spiritual imprint, Tamick has confirmed that the information Degar said was already known by the more powerful Lich in the rear, until now, everything that happened in the city of death , are still under the control of Lich Stephen.

Tamik understands that the spiritual imprint owned by himself and other Death Knights has already been specially processed by Lich Stephen, so it can be perceived by this Lich at all times.

After this special treatment, among the large number of undead creatures controlled by Stephen, the spiritual imprint of these Death Knights is undoubtedly very special. Once any abnormal situation occurs, Stephen can immediately immediately its know.

If the spiritual imprint is not dealt with, among the spiritual imprints of a large number of undead creatures under his control, even Lich Stephen, it is difficult to immediately distinguish which ones belong to the important Death Knights.

Since Stephen already knew this, in this case, what Tamick needed to do was to wait for the next instruction from Stephen during the spiritual imprint.

However, what surprised Tamick was that during the period of time she was waiting, during the spiritual imprint, there was no information coming, as if Lich Stephen, who was in control of all this, Not aware of this news in general.

If it wasn't for Degal who just told this information, Tamick clearly sensed the abnormal fluctuations in the spiritual imprint. At this time, she had already moved the information about vampire cloak towards Lich. Stephen reported. For Tamik at this time, all she can do is wait.

For this reason, Tamick did not directly answer Degal's question at this time.

According to what Tamick knew about Stephen, when Stephen got the information about vampire cloak and the combination Divine Item, the first thing she did was to find a way to verify it and find a way to verify it. Things that prove it.

Before this, even Tamik, who has a very high status in the vampire group, had never heard of the existence of this news.

Tamik believes that even the powerful Lich Stephen would have extremely high difficulty in verifying this information, and it may take a lot of time to obtain any useful information. .

After all, information about the Divine Item combination cannot be taken lightly, no matter what rank it exists.

The various things that exist on the Soul Evocation tower, as well as the traces revealed by these undead mage, made Tamick realize that the combination of Divine Item and impossible in Degal's mouth is a simple existence , which may have a lot of history.

Through these kinds of phenomena, Tamick realized that this special combination Divine Item is likely to be a Divine Item dedicated to undead mage.

Tamik believes that once the news spreads, the entire Dia territory will be greatly shaken. The Divine Item for the undead mage, Tamick had never heard of the existence of such a thing before.

Because he didn't know the specific effect of the Divine Item, Tamick couldn't make his own evaluation of this Divine Item for a while, but Tamick believed that the entire Dia would be affected by this combination. Divine Item changes.

In Tamik's view, Degal, who has a deep understanding of vampire cloak, may be able to infer the possible effect of combining Divine Item from the previous efficacy of vampire cloak. During these countless years, There is also only the existence of Degal, who knows the vampire cloak best.

For this reason, Tamik wanted to ask Degal about the specific effects of vampire cloak, but at this moment, the spiritual imprint that existed in her mind suddenly changed.

In Tamik's perception, the spiritual imprint that existed in her mind, suddenly came a burst of information, interrupting her original thoughts.

Tamik understands that the only existence that can send this message is Lich Stephen, who is in control of it all. Obviously, while Tamick was waiting, Stephen had completed the confirmation of the intelligence provided by Degal, and confirmed some information from it.

With Stephen's order, as an instruction to himself, Tamik no longer waited at this time, but said to Degal after taking a deep breath:

“ I can let you into the tower of Soul Evocation without any hindrance."

"If you're looking for vampire cloak, this treasure is currently held by an undead mage, And it exists in the core area on the top of the Soul Evocation Tower. I believe that with your strength, it is not difficult to enter the top of the tower directly from the outside of the Soul Evocation Tower.”

(End of this chapter)

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