
  Chapter 836 Attack II

As the battle between bats in the sky progresses, the entire battlefield were affected by this situation.

In the battle, although the dead bats will not have any corpses left, there is a large amount of death energy left in the black fog transformed by the bats, which in turn affects the entire battlefield.

All creatures on it have an effect.

For undead creatures, death energy is of great significance. Such strong death energy naturally attracted the attention of a large number of undead creatures, and even the dark red rays of light on the surface of the Soul Evocation tower, Also affected by this energy of death, it became unreal.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that even though a large number of bats have died, neither Tammy nor Degal's expression has changed, just like the bats that died in battle, and the making of bats. The consumption generated does not need them to care at all.

The previous understanding of vampire made Rhodes understand that bat formation can be said to be the most basic innate talent of this creature, whether it is the normal form of bat formation or the part of bat formation that Rhodes perceives at this time. , all belong to the category of innate talent of this creature.

In this case, a creature belonging to the vampire category can successfully cast it and transform itself with a very small price or even no cost when casting a bat. It exists in the form of a large number of bats.

In addition to the real vampire, any other type of creature often has to pay an unimaginable price when casting a bat. After using the manta, it will permanently decrease its own basic attribute.

For this reason, batting is also a vampire's signature skill. In addition to using combat skills, the most commonly used vampire is also the special ability of bat.

Compared to other creatures that have mastered the bat transformation skills by various means, vampire has an extremely important advantage in casting bat transformation.

Because of this information, in Rhodes' view, although there are a large number of bats in the sky, and the death energy released by the death of bats is also very strong, these two vampires really consume, Maybe much smaller than I thought.

Looking at the expressions of the two vampires, Rhodes even suspected that they did not consume anything in the process of transforming the bats.

Regarding the formation of these bats, Rhodes can only think that it is caused by vampire's own unique innate talent. Changes in its own application allow it to release bats while maintaining its original state, not to mention reducing the cost of casting bats.

In Rhodes' view, perhaps Rowlin can rely on her unique innate talent to make changes to the skill of bat formation. Before this, Rowlin's various anomalies are undoubtedly to be seen. Rhodes illustrates this point.

According to Rhodes' understanding of hero specialties, once Rowlin has mastered the skill of bat transformation in some way, she may be able to achieve partial bat transformation like the two powerful vampires in front of her. The added strength goes beyond the little bit.

However, at this time, Rhodes had no way to verify this with Rowlin, and could only focus his attention on Vidnina's reaction.

To Rhodes' surprise, Vidnina didn't care what happened behind her, and walked directly to the gate of the Soul Evocation Tower.

Vednina didn't seem to feel anything about the changes in the rear. Whether it was the appearance of bats or the generation of a large amount of death energy, it didn't affect Vidnina's progress. pace of.

Because she couldn't see Vidnina's shot, Rhodes still had difficulty judging her specific strength, but just from the fact that she was a hero and was not eroded by the energy of death, Rhodes would Aware of the abnormality in her.

What Rhodes paid more attention to was the two undead mage beside Vaderina. In response to the blocking of breakthrough Tamik, the bats who came to the vicinity were mostly shot by these two undead mages.

Rhodes noticed that the two undead mages appeared to have carefully chosen the spell they cast to kill the bats with the least amount of mana.

In Rhodes' impression, the control of mana is also the knowledge of spellcasting that Brakada mage must master. By choosing the spell with the right power, it can just solve the enemy without wasting the mana owned by the mage, which is the key to saving the mana of the Bracada mage.

It is reflected in the two mages in front of them, that is, in their display of spells, most of them are based on some lower-level spells, and the most used ones are for mage and mage. The most basic magic of Divine Arrow, without using the common scope class spell.

Relying on the use of low-level spells and the accurate control brought about by long-term training, the two undead mage easily cleaned up the bats that had passed over, and did not let Vidnina suffer. any harm.

The spellcasting skills displayed by these two undead mage have made Rhodes fully confirmed that they are from Bracada. Only the mage in Brakada can have an extremely precise grasp of the spell that should be cast.

Perhaps it was precisely because she knew the identities and origins of the two mages and the strength they possessed that Videnina attacked the bat without any reaction.

In the battlefield, Degal and Tamik were still in a confrontation, but apart from releasing a large number of bats, they did not make any other moves, and did not even take advantage of the opportunity of some bats to do it in person. fighting.

And at this time, Vid Nina had also come to the gate of the Soul Evocation tower that opened. Without any hesitation, Vidnina entered directly and returned to the interior of the Soul Evocation tower where she was originally.

Noticing this situation, the two undead mage beside Rhodes, in this brief moment looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to proceed with this quest, according to Widney What Na said, risking being attacked by bats, entering the Soul Evocation tower, or waiting for the situation to change further.

Whether it was the order given by Vadernina or the attack launched by Degal, it happened very suddenly, and did not give the two undead mage any time to think about it.

In this brief moment, the two undead mage don't know what to do next as Vid Nina's figure disappears inside the gate of the Soul Evocation tower.

(end of this chapter)

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