
  Chapter 829 Abnormality One

Following the direction Tamik pointed, Vidnina also Turning her gaze over, what Vidnina noticed was that this was exactly where she had noticed Rhodes.

At this time, the object of Vidnina's attention is naturally not limited to Rhodes who makes her feel abnormal, but also the two undead mage beside Rhodes. Vidnina knew that the undead mage in front of her were undoubtedly the candidates for entering the Soul Evocation Tower in Tamik's mouth.

Relying on her own observation, Videnina noticed a lot of things worth caring about from these undead mages, the words she was planning to say to reject Tamik, This time also changed.

"It seems that these people have a lot of backgrounds, not just undead mage. If so, then I will allow them to enter the Soul Evocation tower."

Rhodes Noticed that when Vid Nina said this, her eyes were always on the Brown mage, and she showed an interested look, obviously affected by some things in the Brown mage. absorb.

In Rhodes' view, the most likely thing about the Brown mage is the unique robe he wears. Any mage from Bracada can At a glance, you can recognize the meaning symbolized by the pattern on the surface of the robe. For mage in other areas, the effect of the robe may not be so obvious.

Vednina also had a hint of surprise in her eyes when she saw the unique pattern on the brown mage robe for the first time. Obviously, Vidnina did not expect that there would be an undead mage. Wearing this type of robe and appearing in such an occasion.

Although she was a little surprised, but relying on her own observation, Vidnina also noticed that the pattern on the robe was abnormal.

This discovery undoubtedly made Vidnina at this time, in the heart, confirm a lot of information and understand that the purpose of these undead mage in front of her is not as Tamick said. Just to enter the Soul Evocation tower to check the spell ceremony, but there are other attempts.

After noticing the existence of these abnormal situations, Videnina did not directly reject Tamick's request, but instead followed Tamick's words and promised to let these undead mage enter Soul. Inside the Evocation Tower.

Confidence in her own strength undoubtedly allowed Vidnina to make such a choice. Even if she discovered the abnormality of these undead mage, Vid Nina still did not take these undead mage. seriously.

In Vid Nina's view, even if the undead mage in front of them deliberately hide some things from themselves, but according to their strength, it is obviously impossible to turn up anything within the Soul Evocation Tower. Spray, so don't need to be overly defensive.

After all, in Vednina's view, what still exists in the Soul Evocation tower is the most unique existence among all the mages she has ever seen.

At the same time, through such a move, with the opportunity to let these undead mage enter the Soul Evocation tower, Vidnina also has the confidence to respond to the temptation made by Tamick.

Vednina understands that although Tamik's words mentioned that he would no longer pursue the occupation of the Soul Evocation Tower, in her heart, she obviously would not let it go so easily. I will definitely take this opportunity to conduct multiple trials.

In order to avoid Tamick's series of actions, disturbing the undead mage in the Soul Evocation tower, and also to accept Tamick's temptation, Videnina did not hesitate much, then Agreed to Tamik's request at this time, and agreed to let these undead mage enter the Soul Evocation tower.

Vednina believes that only when Tamik truly understands the fate of these undead mage and suffers a huge loss will give up these meaningless temptations.

Apart from this, the peculiarities that exist in these undead mage have also attracted the attention of Vidnina herself, especially the existence of Rhodes.

Even if she exerts the special ability she has mastered with all her strength, Vidnina still cannot cause the change of death energy in Rhodes. This, in Vidnina's impression, has never been on the undead mage. appeared.

Even for the undead mage in the Soul Evocation tower, Vidnina still has the confidence to use this ability to affect the death energy in her body. Regarding this ability she has mastered, Vid Nina still has the confidence to use this ability to affect the death energy in her body. Denina naturally looked extremely confident.

It's just that until now, Vid Nina's abilities have not had any effect on Rhodes. Vidnina could clearly perceive that there was an extremely strong death energy in Rhodes, but she was unable to exert any influence on it through her own abilities.

Regarding the appearance of this special situation, the previous Vid Nina had only felt it on the undead creatures.

Vednina already had a detailed understanding of her own abilities, and she knew that this ability of hers could not have an effect on undead creatures, but only on undead. mage has an impact.

But at this time, the situation from Rhodes' perception undoubtedly made Vidnina realize that there was a mistake in her original view. Among the undead mage, there are also existences that are not affected by this ability.

In this case, Vidnina was even more concerned about Rhodes and his party. Vidnina believed that once these undead mage entered the Soul Evocation tower, whatever special things existed in them could no longer be hidden.

Vednina believes that with this arrangement, not only can Tamik's idea of ​​continuing his temptation be dispelled, but also the hidden information on these undead mage can be obtained.

Seeing that Vid Nina readily agreed to her request, Tamick was also aware of the abnormality, and there was a little more scrutiny in his eyes when he looked at Vid Nina. mean.

However, up to now, even Tamick has no better way to choose. He can only hope in the heart that these undead mages that he valued can complete the task of this time.

Just as the situation on the scene seemed to calm down with Vid Nina's words, an accident happened suddenly.

The native vampire gathered around seemed to be greatly stimulated at this time. Even if they knew the gap in the rank, they no longer felt afraid, but launched an attack on the surrounding terrifying Knight.

At the same time, in Rhodes' perception, an extremely strong death energy began to emerge around the Soul Evocation Tower. Obviously, some powerful creature was moving towards the Soul Evocation Tower in front of him. Approaching fast.

(end of this chapter)

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