
  Chapter 822 Vidnina-

The sight that I noticed in front of me undoubtedly made Tamik's heart startled.

What surprised Tamick was exactly what happened. Tamick noticed that Vidnina, who walked out of the Soul Evocation tower, noticed Rhodes and his party who were carrying out this mission at a glance. In their eyes, they seemed to be extremely attentive, and they had obviously discovered something abnormal about them.

This discovery, while surprising Tamick, also gave her a lot of doubts.

What Tamik cares about is naturally how Vaderina noticed Rhodes and his party, just through their different undead mage identities from other creatures around them, or other anomalies.

Although there were all kinds of speculations in his heart, Tamick at this time couldn't confirm any of them, and naturally he didn't understand the real situation.

Even so, Tamik still realized that Vidnina could immediately detect the abnormality outside the Soul Evocation tower, and it might not be as easy as expected to successfully complete this task.

Just when Tamick felt a little puzzled, in her perception, a very strong death energy suddenly appeared not far away.

As an undead creature, even if he doesn't rely on the Soul Evocation Technique he mastered later, Tamick still has a keen perception of death energy, otherwise he will not be able to find the abnormality of death energy in Rhodes.

In this case, after sensing the emergence of this death energy, Tamick naturally realized something, and forgot the direction of the movement towards the death energy. In her perception, the location of this death energy was exactly where Rhodes and his party were.

At this time, the observations made by Vidnina naturally fell into Rhodes' eyes.

Whether it was Rhodes or the other two undead mage beside him, when Videnina watched, they could perceive the abnormality existing in her.

Different from what Tamik observed, Rhodes was clearly aware that what Vidnina was observing was himself at this time.

In order to better complete the mission, Rhodes completely restrained his death energy when he first saw the two undead mages, and even used his original hidden identity in the potion competition. treasure, the purpose is to hope that its own death energy will not be exposed.

In this case, Rhodes believes that few undead mage can detect the abnormality in themselves by relying solely on the ability of perception, not to mention those around them are relatively slow in perception, and their perception ability is far inferior to that of the undead. mage's undead creatures.

After these special treatments, Rhodes is confident that even if Lich Stephen appears in front of him, he will not be able to easily realize his Soul Evocation Technique level, imperceptible to anything related to death energy .

Rhodes once used the effects of these treasures, and in the potion competition, he eluded the extremely sensitive Brakada high-level mage. The effects of these treasures are naturally beyond doubt.

What made Rhodes unusual was that when Vidnina walked out of the Soul Evocation tower and looked at herself, the death energy in her body seemed to lose some control.

Even with the limitation of the treasure on the body, the death energy in Rhodes still cannot be as calm as before. Rhodes used the control of his Soul Evocation Technique to calm down the death energy

The abnormal situation that appeared on his body undoubtedly explained something to Rhodes at this time, and Rhodes also learned some previously unknown information through the existence of this action.

The previous Rhodes, because of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique's control of death energy, never felt the death energy out of control, or the backlash brought to itself.

But at this time, only the appearance of Vidnina and her gaze made Rhodes feel the abnormality in the energy of death. Rhodes believed that if it weren't for the Soul Evocation Technique of Legendary Grade. , may not be able to suppress these out-of-control death energies.

According to the information Rhodes knows, those undead mage that have been eroded by death energy are, to a large extent, because of their Soul Evocation Technique level, it is difficult to complete the complete control of death energy. , which led to this situation.

The abnormality that happened to Rhodes at this time was undoubtedly very similar to the situation in his impression. With his Soul Evocation Technique level, Rhodes finally suppressed the abnormality generated in the death energy. Variety.

When Vidnina looked over, the phenomenon of this death energy out of control not only appeared in Rhodes, but also in the two mages beside him.

Due to the insufficient level of Soul Evocation Technique, in this brief moment, the two undead mage beside Rhodes could not directly suppress the uncontrollable death energy. Spilled out.

Rhodes noticed that when this happened, the two undead mage who were beside him before also changed a lot.

During this process, the undead mage named Sally who introduced the mission information to himself before, when Vidnina's eyes swept across, the tension he had shown disappeared completely and was replaced by Yes, it is an extremely calm look, and always maintains an observation of Vidnina, not afraid of her identity.

The other undead mage with patterns on his robe always maintained a gloomy look, even if the death energy in his body was abnormal, nothing changed.

After realizing this situation, Rhodes also had a new view on the two undead mage who completed the mission together.

In Rhodes' view, no matter how powerful the two undead mages are, they are at least qualified to complete this task, and they will not encounter situations that cannot be handled in the process of performing this task. , immediately lose one's head out of fear.

Because of Vader Nina's special ability, for a time, Rhodes was full of traces of death energy. The death energy that appeared around did not come from Rhodes himself, but from the other two undead mage beside him.

The emergence of death energy naturally exposed the identity of Rhodes and his line of undead mage to the eyes of the surrounding undead creatures. It's just that Rhodes didn't care too much about this.

Rhodes noticed that during this process, even though it was difficult to control the death energy in the body, the two undead mage still did not give up their observation of Vidnina, and wanted to learn more from her. much information.

Different from the two undead mage around him, Rhodes understood that the two undead mage might have no idea about the origin of Vid Nina, and could only observe this way. Such an undead mage who walked out of the Soul Evocation tower and has such abilities is naturally extremely special.

(end of this chapter)

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