
  Chapter 814 Situation II

The existence of the forbidden magic ball provides Tanan with protection against mage , can make all spells lose their original functions, but in some respects, it also imposes certain restrictions on Tanan itself, and this restriction is extremely obvious.

Tanan, who is in the territory of Brakada, must take the forbidden magic ball with him at all times. Once Tanan chooses to leave the Barbarian army alone, or the forbidden magic ball loses its original effect, he will lead him. , the army will easily disintegrate under the spell cast by mage, causing the entire campaign to fail.

To this end, Tanan must always ensure that the magic ban can have an effect, even if some of the effects are not what he originally wanted.

The existence of the forbidden magic ball has always hindered the detection of the perspective of the earth. According to the detection range blocked by the forbidden magic ball, Brakada's mage can easily infer where Tanan is currently located. In this case, all the actions of Tanan's army were exposed to the eyes of Brakada.

Brakada's mage can easily obtain these critical information in the war by penetrating the information fed back by the earth, but Tanan has no way to solve it.

Relying on the effect of the forbidden magic ball, Tanan can not be affected by the spell, but he can't make any countermeasures to the spell cast by mage, so he is naturally powerless to prevent this from happening.

Compared with the large area observed after the perspective of the earth is displayed, the area that the forbidden magic ball can affect is relatively limited. Covering the general battlefield is also nothing compared to seeing the earth.

Even if Tanan distributes the shards of the forbidden magic ball to the rest of his subordinates, it still cannot solve this problem. Since it does not exist in the form of Divine Item parts, the use effect of Forbidden Ball Fragments is extremely limited.

According to Rhodes' understanding of Forbidden Ball Fragments, these special things separated from the independent Divine Item have a strict limit on the number of times they can be used, apart from this, and cannot passively bring any effect.

The previous Rhodes had carried the forbidden magic ball fragments many times, and passed through the space spell of the gate of time and space, and there was no accident, which undoubtedly proved this to him.

In Rhodes' view, the Forbidden Ball Fragments he holds are not much different from other things except that they cannot be included in the space ring due to their own material, and they cannot bring any attribute to Rhodes itself. support above.

For this reason, Rhodes believes that this is not only the case with the Forbidden Ball Fragments in his own hands, but also with the Forbidden Ball Fragments held by Tanan's other subordinates.

These fragments that are detached from the forbidden magic ball itself have no other effect except to release the forbidden magic barrier, and the release of the forbidden magic barrier also has a limit on the number of times, which is naturally difficult. Bring any influence to the perspective earth cast by mage.

Although Tanan has obtained many fragments with the same effect from the forbidden magic ball through his own processing, he has no way to see the earth that mage casts.

In this case, mage can easily determine the next goal of Tanan, just before the arrival of Tanan, the creature at the target can be transferred through the space spell first, and the loss can be minimized .

This difference in information and the results that can be achieved are brought to the extreme by the mage who is good at spatial spells, and even Tanan did not expect this to happen.

And Tanan itself, due to the limitations of the combat capability of the savage creatures, is difficult to leave the shelter of the forbidden magic ball, no doubt from the very beginning, it is in this predicament.

Because of the information about the content of the expansion in the previous game, coupled with Rhodes' impression of the various means that the mage can display, in Rhodes' view, Tanan initiated this game. The battle, from the very beginning, was doomed to failure.

In Rhodes' view, compared to the savage creatures with limited combat capability and all the way to victory by banning the magic ball in Tanan's hands, Brakada's mage undoubtedly has too much heritage, and will naturally win this battle. The victory of the battle, Rhodes was not too surprised by the final result of this battle.

Having been out of Bracada for so long, Rhodes has no information on how the battle is going at this time.

Rhodes knew that his subordinates in Verning, as well as the existence of Rowlin, should know the situation of this battle earlier than himself.

However, because Rhodes is still in Dia at this time, it is a long distance from the territory of Verning, and it is impossible to contact the undead creatures in Verning through the existence of spiritual imprint. Learn about the battle.

Although it is impossible to contact the subordinates in Werning to learn about the information about Tanan in Brakada, but based on the information that he has learned before, Rhodes understands that, before the end of the entire first expansion, Maybe it won't be long.

In Rhodes' impression, according to some information circulated in the game of the previous life, as the real protagonist of the whole second expansion, Sandro was killed by the shadow of death before the battle broke out. players noticed.

According to Rhodes' expectation, according to the degree of Sandro's spread among players, he first appeared in the eyes of players, at the end of the first expansion, or even earlier.

Before the arrival of the second expansion, Sandro had everything ready for the Shadow of Death campaign, including the union with Lich and the integration of the common undead mage. As soon as the second expansion piece is opened, the undead mage will launch the most violent attack on the surrounding forces.

Rhodes believes that even with the existence of two Divine Items, it will take some time for Sandro to achieve all this and complete the arrangement of the Shadow of Death campaign, which is impossible in an instant.

The information I had learned in Dia before had made Rhodes clearly aware that Sandro had not really shown his own strength at this time, although he had two Divine Items attached to him, But Sandro still seemed to be waiting for something.

Although I don't understand what Sandro's move means, Rhodes realizes that he has enough time to complete the original plan in this case.

Since Sandro has yet to show the true power of the Divine Item during this period, Rhodes believes that once he captures two Divine Items, he can completely change the Shadow of Death campaign.

There was an error in the last chapter, which has been corrected. I apologize.

(end of this chapter)

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