
  Chapter 807 Error -

In Rhodes' impression, even in Bracada Within Spell Academy, mage will not tattoo these four patterns representing basic elements on its own robes, but will make a choice among these element patterns.

Rhodes recalled that in Brakada, most of the robes of this type he saw had only one element pattern, and in rare cases there would be two or more. patterns appear at the same time.

Rhodes knew that this situation had a lot to do with some of the habits that existed in mage.

According to Rhodes' understanding of Bracada's mage, at the beginning of learning spell, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the research process and to develop corresponding special skills, mages are in the overwhelming majority situation. Under the current situation, they will only choose the spell specialization of a certain department, and will not study the spell of multiple departments at the same time.

At least before becoming a high-level mage, mages don't need to consider proficient in multiple magics at the same time, all they need to do is to make the research of a certain magic to the extreme.

This point, which was first spread among the mage of Bracada, was also accepted by the mage of other forces. Now, it has long been regarded as a common behavior, even if it is within Dia. Undead mage, for the learning process of spell, will also focus on one of the series, impossible to do everything.

Part of the mage, in order to deal with some special situations, will learn spells other than his specialization department, but what constitutes the true strength of the mage is his specialization in one of the magic series.

In the absence of wisdom, the learning process of spell often takes a very long time to master the most basic low-level spell. If you want to learn spells from other departments, I don't know. How much effort will be spent on mage.

Regarding the specialized learning of a certain department of magic, in addition to the special skills and the limitation of mage's own energy, the high gold coin required to learn spell is also an extremely important factor.

The gold coin spent to learn spell is far can't be called cheap no matter what kind of power it is in It is free, and a corresponding price needs to be paid to achieve this.

In the low level, even if you master the wisdom technique, the gold coin owned by mage is unable to support it to learn all spells of a level, you can only selectively learn, and give priority to specialization Only after mastering the spell of the department and forming the corresponding special skills, can the gold coin be used to its highest value.

It is also for this reason that part of the mage of Brakada, the element patterns on the robes correspond to the spells that they are specialized in.

Relying on the unique pattern on the robe, Rhodes can easily discern the type of spell they specialize in from this type of mage while in Bracada.

In Rhodes' view, any mage who knows anything about Bracada should understand what this situation means. In Brakada, this situation is not a secret, but for the mages of other forces, they may not understand the specific situation.

In Rhodes' impression, in the Spell Academy in Bracada, those statues that symbolize the god of mage, the robes on them have mysticism patterns that symbolize the four elements. It is said that Bracada's mage, which has elemental patterns tattooed on the robe, is also under the impression of this.

Because of this, according to Rhodes' understanding of this situation, only those who dare to tattoo the pattern corresponding to the four elements on their robes are those who have reached the peak of magic and are the most powerful. The Legendary mage.

In addition to these Legendary mages, those who have the ambition to be a god of mage in their hearts can also tattoo the element patterns of these four elements on their own robes, but they often only play the role of some counter-effects.

And at this time, one of the two undead mages that appeared in Rhodes' line of sight was in this situation. On the mage's robe, there was an element pattern of these four elements. .

Through his own observation, Rhodes easily denied that this undead mage wearing a unique robe corresponds to a powerful Legendary mage, the strength of this undead mage, even Not as good as the Tello that Rhodes had seen in the first place.

In Rhodes' view, the undead mage in front of him would choose to tattoo the pattern corresponding to the four elements on his robe, mostly through some channels, he heard that it existed in After the unique situation in Bracada, I tried to use this to my own ends.

Even Rhodes himself, when he saw the undead mage for the first time, subconsciously believed that the undead mage was really just like himself, and also came from Bracada.

Unfortunately, the mistakes in the pattern on the robe undoubtedly exposed his true identity. Through his own judgment, Rhodes confirmed that the undead mage just wanted to use the identity of the Bracada mage to more easily obtain information from Sandro.

Rhodes noticed that the mage with a special pattern on the robe had a gloomy face, and he didn't know what to think. Beside him, the other was dressed normally, and he looked like an orthodox undead. The existence of mage is nervous, and he has moved towards all around many times, which makes Rhodes aware of the unease in his heart.

Rhodes knew that these two undead mages were the candidates Tamick said to carry out this mission with him.

For the sudden arrival of Sandro, Lich Stephen obviously tried a lot of methods to find out its true purpose.

What Rhodes didn't know was how many undead mage had been arranged by Lich Stephen to do this before this, but Rhodes knew that when Stephen gave him this task, she Also not sure about this.

Lich Stephen understands that to achieve this, we can only rely on the existence of the undead mage, and other undead creatures such as vampire, due to their various characteristics, are very easy to be discovered by the other party and can The effect is far less than that of the undead mage.

As the controller of many undead creatures, the existence of undead mage can undoubtedly exert its unique advantages in this case.

Even if the strength of the undead creatures is improved, it can even get rid of the existence of the undead mage and create the undead creatures by themselves, but in this matter, the undead creatures still have a lot of disadvantages. Far less than the undead mage.

(end of this chapter)

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