
  Chapter 804 Perception II

Under the guidance of vampire, Rhodes is getting closer and closer to the city of death , the Soul Evocation tower that exists.

The previous Rhodes, although they had already noticed the existence of the Soul Evocation Tower, only observed it from a distance, and did not observe the entire Soul Evocation Tower at a closer distance like now. .

As the distance got closer, the various perceptions that existed in Rhodes' mind became more and more intense at this time.

Through his own perception, Rhodes noticed that there is an extremely large energy of death, under the control of the Soul Evocation Tower, is shrouding the entire city of death, the entire city of death, the energy of death. The operation of the building is closely related to the Soul Evocation tower in front of you.

Although the original Rhodes also felt this point, in the eyes of Rhodes at the time, this was just the basis of the city of death as the city of the dead. Conduct a kind of guidance and use the death energy in the city to complete the transformation of undead creatures.

But at this time, Rhodes noticed that the situation in the city of the dead may be very different from what he expected.

The existence of the Soul Evocation tower not only controls the flow of death energy in the city, but more importantly, the death energy that exists in the entire city of death seems to be gathered by this Soul Evocation tower .

In Rhodes' view, the existence of this Soul Evocation tower is undoubtedly the core of the entire city of the dead. Without the existence of this Soul Evocation Tower, perhaps the entire City of Death would not be able to attract so many undead creatures, and naturally would not be able to attract Sandro's attention.

For the establishment of this Soul Evocation Tower, the original Rhodes has realized that it may have a great relationship with the existence of Lich Stephen, and he can perceive the breath of the Soul Evocation Tower at close range. , Rhodes was also able to confirm this.

In Rhodes' perception, the Soul Evocation Tower's ability to guide death energy may not have changed. The only thing that has changed should be the death energy guided by the Soul Evocation Tower.

In Rhodes' perception, I don't know when, the death energy that pervades the city of death has some differences from the energy in his impression. In the original normal death energy, it seemed that another thing was fused, a thing that was similar to death energy in Rhodes' perception, but was not death energy.

Just like the previous Rhodes, the death energy that was perceived from the group of undead creatures outside the secluded mansion, at this time, this special death energy that has been diluted many times has permeated the Inside the entire city of the dead.

According to Rhodes' perception of himself, he also absorbed a lot of this type of death energy in the process of his shallow meditation. However, the death energy absorbed by Rhodes did not give himself any negative effects.

With the blessing of Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, in Rhodes' perception, when he absorbs this death energy, he can immediately release the special things and assimilate it into his own death energy , naturally this special death energy will not have any residue.

Although Rhodes can rely on the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique to get in touch with the effects of this death energy, the existence of this special death energy is not for other creatures in the city of death. So easy to remove.

Without the blessing of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, other creatures would not be able to get rid of the influence of this death energy as easily as Rhodes. Can passively absorb these death energy.

At this time, Rhodes was still unable to perceive the existence of any special aura from the vampire in front of him. However, Rhodes believed that once he could perceive, what he felt from the vampire, Mostly it is also this special death energy.

As he got closer and closer to the Soul Evocation Tower, Rhodes also realized by his own perception that this special energy of death came from the Soul Evocation Tower in front of him.

This discovery has undoubtedly made Rhodes aware of some situations, but Rhodes has not been able to really confirm the thoughts that appeared in his mind.

In Rhodes' view, the abnormal changes that occur in the energy of death are obviously closely related to Sandro, who exists in the city of death, and it is even very likely that Sandro caused it. Rhodes believes that he will be able to verify this only after meeting Sandro himself.

In the entire City of Death, the Soul Evocation Tower is the tallest building. In Rhodes' impression, even the manor owned by City Lord Tamik is difficult to compare with. Even if there is no vampire to lead the way, Rhodes will be able to get here just by looking at this, the landmark building of the undead force.

The vampire leads the way, no doubt speeding up the process so that Rhodes doesn't need to circle the city or be disturbed by other undead creatures.

Following the vampire ahead, it didn't take long before Rhodes came to the Soul Evocation tower.

Before reaching the Soul Evocation tower, Rhodes noticed anomalies around him.

Rhodes discovered that a large number of undead creatures had gathered at the periphery of the Soul Evocation tower. To his concern, among these undead creatures, Rhodes even noticed the silhouette of the terrifying Knight.

The tall silhouette, covered in pitch-black armor and riding on an undead warhorse of the same rank, naturally attracted Rhodes' attention more than other undead creatures around.

Under the light of the red pattern outside the Soul Evocation tower, the armor of the terrifying Knight reflects the rays of light of dark red, which makes them already powerful, adding an inexplicable imposing manner, If this scene falls in the eyes of ordinary creatures, I am afraid they will only lose all courage and flee in a hurry.

Different from low-level creatures, the fearful Knight's shock to the imposing manner naturally hardly affects the Rhodes in front of him. Rhodes cares more about the things behind them than the horror Knights themselves.

According to the information Rhodes had learned before, in the City of Death, the only person qualified to control these terrifying Knights is the existence of City Lord Tamik. Obviously, the elite horror Knight who appeared here has a great relationship with Tamik.

Contrary to what Rhodes expected, the surrounding terrifying Knights didn't seem to have any intention of attacking the Soul Evocation tower. The formation formed between them was more like defending something.

Noticing the formation of this group of terrifying Knights, Rhodes understood that, during the time he was meditating, in the City of Death, something abnormal had obviously happened.

(end of this chapter)

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