
  Chapter 2247 Snow Mountain Battle

"Be careful and don't let them find out."

Seeing King Ogre beside him, he slowly maintained a posture of lying on the ground and retreating a little towards the rear, York couldn't help reminding.

Although King ogre's movements have been very careful, his huge body still inevitably caused a lot of movement, which also made York's heart tighten. Several Naga were looking towards Badu, and they, who were keenly aware, had faintly discovered the abnormality.

"Sorry..." ogre Wang Weng said, in this brief moment the body that used to be incomparably strong and could easily tear the enemy to pieces became an obstacle to retreat, which also made him feel a little guilty. .

Just as King ogre apologized, the deep dark green clouds and mist replaced the original cold wind above Snow Mountain, centered on those Naga, continuously rolling towards the outside world, even the barbaric. The location of the creature, in this brief moment, is also affected.

Looking at the dark green clouds that are approaching from afar, if you calm down and listen carefully, you can hear terrifying screams and screams from the dark green clouds. If someone from Dia came here, they would recognize it at a glance, and it was the cloud of death that was released from the hands of the Naga.

Seeing this situation, King ogre showed a somewhat unexpected expression: "The cloud of death? Putting it that way, the type of those undead Naga is a corpse witch?"

York indifferent expression He glanced into the distance, thinking of the unique Naga in the form of corpse witches, he seemed to realize something: "For us now, this may be good news, we who have been transformed by our master will not be affected by those The influence of the cloud of death, don't worry about being eroded by the cloud of death."

In a blink of an eye, along with the wailing from the soul, the cloud of death has rolled in front of the savage creatures.

As York said, the cloud of death, which is enough to erode the flesh and blood of ordinary creatures, did not affect the two Death Knights at all, but instead bathed them in the energy of death. They are all at ease.

At this moment, Badu seemed to have discovered something, and said to York: "I can understand why the master would go to great lengths to let us bring the remains of the hero back to Krulord, even The energy of death can't be stained at all."


York was stunned for a moment, moved towards Badu, and saw what should have wrapped him all over. The cloud of death, but with the object behind him as the center, divided a circular pure space, which just separated King ogre from the cloud of death.

The power that belongs to the remains of the hero still exerts its effect, and all the nearby magical elements cannot contaminate it at all, even if it is close to it.

"Not good...We may have been discovered..." After discovering this scene, York's complexion suddenly changed, and he muttered.

The king of ogre didn't realize what happened, and the two-armed Naga had already broken through the cloud of death and rushed in front of him.

It wasn't until he got close enough that Badu could see Naga's face. Excessive, and their original lithe and graceful body, now only a neat skeleton.

"If that's the case..."

Seeing the Naga with the weapon charging straight and straight, Badu simply stopped hiding, shouting out loudly from his mouth, Even the hero York on the side was startled by Badu's actions at this time, and he was stunned for a moment before reacting.

Originating from the wild instinct in bloodline, it has been activated by Badu at this moment, knowing that it is difficult to retreat without alerting the enemy, the blood of Krulod drives Badu to preemptively launch attack.

The attacking snake demon was also shocked by the imposing manner shown by Badu. They never imagined that, hiding under the wind and snow, and avoiding the erosion of the cloud of death, they would is such a huge monster.

The power belonging to the hero makes Badu rampage among those Naga, unstoppable for a while.

On the other hand, York was anxious in his heart. The movement made by King ogre has already alarmed more Naga, including the Naga Warrior with four arms and the Naga Queen with six arms. Existence, although King Ogre's strength is powerful, it is ultimately limited, and he is absolutely unable to compete with such a large number of enemies.

What's more important is that the thing that Badu is carrying cannot be lost. It is the death order issued by the master. Even if the king of ogre dies, that thing cannot be lost.

Thinking of this, York seemed to have firmed up a certain idea, and immediately took out a unique conch from his arms.

Ahead, the battle between King Ogre and Naga became more and more fierce. The stimulated Naga had already blocked the way for the two to retreat and was about to trap them on this Snow Mountain.

Not only that, but when the number of two-armed Naga gradually decreased and the main battle strength was replaced by four-armed Naga, Baduton felt a lot of pressure, and was restrained everywhere during the battle. The pressure of a four-armed Naga battle is no less than the siege of two delicately coordinated two-armed Naga at the same time, not to mention that they also have an absolute advantage in number.

After a while, Rao was the king of ogre with skin is rough, flesh is thick, and gradually there were signs of unsupported, drenched with blood wounds all over the gigantic body of the king of ogre, there was hardly an inch of flesh. is intact.

During the battle, Badu had been trying to tear a way out of the Naga's siege, but failed.

What made Badu's heart shudder was that he faintly saw the silhouette of the six-armed Queen Naga from the nearby enemies. For less than any cheap, they were good enough to rival the fully armed Knights of Erathia.

"Badu, are you alright?"

York swept away the surrounding Naga, and saw King Ogre's body was dripping blood, and he had completely wiped out his feet. The snow was dyed red, and he couldn't help showing a bit of unbearable expression, and asked eagerly.

"Those damn Naga... beating them is like beating skeletons, I can't feel the feeling of crushing the enemy at all..." Badu said solemnly, as if he was seriously injured, simply Not his average.

"I have notified the master of the news, and reinforcements should arrive soon."

York glanced all around vigilantly, using his weapon to force back, trying to rush forward in the chaos At the same time, the Naga looked worried towards King Ogre on the side. He could feel that King Ogre was taking advantage of this short moment to quickly recover from the injury on his body.

After many battles, a large part of the reason why Badu can still survive is due to the life force contained in his body. Even if he is seriously injured, he can quickly recover as before. , although not as good as the legendary Immortal Body, but also helped King ogre out of many predicaments.

Just as Badu was recovering, a chill suddenly emerged from the top of York's head, and the terrifying imposing manner that came out also made York's heart tighten.


Quickly looking sideways, York saw a scene that shocked him. What appeared above his head was not a Naga or something. A creature, but an unexpected existence, covered with pale mist, Ghost Qi's skeleton giant dragon.

On the side, King Ogre, who temporarily stabilized his injuries, also saw the ghost dragon in the air, sucked in a breath of cold air, he had seen the power of that undead creature before, he knew ghost What kind of power is contained in the dragon body.

"How can there be such a group of undead creatures here?" Badu asked a little unwillingly. Unfortunately, his question was destined to be unanswered, and even the hero next to him, York, did not know the answer.

Different from the blood-colored mage I met before, the undisguised aura of the ghost dragon brings powerful pressure and at the same time makes these two savage creatures understand the gap between their strengths. Rao is a hero. Identity is also hard to make up for.

Looking at the sudden appearance of a powerful enemy, Badu gritted his teeth. If he could fight one-on-one, he would not be afraid of the ghost dragons in the air, but there were still a huge number of Naga in the vicinity. In this case, they have almost no chance of winning.

"Could it be that the mission entrusted to us by the Master is about to fail? The desert of Krulod is right in front of me, and I don't want to fall here!" Badu clenching one's teeth and said, for The obsession of returning to his hometown has supported the ogre king all the way, and even now, he has even paid more attention to the task.

took a deep breath, the ogre Royal General put down the hero's remains, moved towards the blue-skinned Barbarian said: "You take the hero's remains and go, I will drag those enemies."

Took a deep breath. p>

After taking the hero's remains, York was silent for a moment, and finally put it in the snow: "The savage creatures do not abandon their companions, do you think I will flinch?"

After learning of York's answer, Badu looked very anxious: "This is not the time to talk about this."

However, York just shook the head: "Needless to say, this is my own choice. even more how the owner is there, even if we die, we must first get his permission, I believe that he who knows the news will definitely find us and wake us up from the darkness again."

Hope With the huge number of Naga and the ghost dragon waiting for an opportunity in the sky, York has a hunch in his heart that he has the ability to solve these enemies in front of him, but it is not the ability of savage creatures, but the ability of savage creatures. mage's.

As long as he fully develops his hero specialties, the terrifying chain lightning will completely wipe out the enemy in an instant, but he can't do that, he has already made an oath that he will never cast any more magic .

The only thing that made him feel sorry was the king ogre in front of him. He was unwilling to cast spells, so he had to cause the king ogre to die again. He was indebted to him, but he didn't want to leave like this, even if it was death, Will also face the ogre king.

(end of this chapter)

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