
  Chapter 2239 Aftermath of the Battlefield   With the departure of legion members, the battlefield fell into deep in the silence.

A deadly atmosphere began to spread in the hearts of these mages. They didn't want to believe that the great mage empire, Brakada, had failed in the battle with the undead mage.

If the headquarters of the Magic Guild was attacked before, it can be explained by the opponent's sneak attack, and Mage was not prepared in advance. Still losing, this is inexplicable no matter what, even in the enemy's camp, a silhouette of the god of mage appeared.

"Sir President..." Prophet Olak felt the low morale, in this brief moment, she was unable to change all of this, and could only put her hope on Eli, hoping that in the eyes of mage Benchmark, the current president of the Magic Guild, is trying to boost his morale.

Eli didn't mean that. He stared at the ground where Gwen used to stand, his eyes slightly absent-minded.

From the previous battle, Eli felt the man's use of the magic field. That is a skill far beyond its own, even if it is a magic field of the same level, when the person uses it, it can use 30% of the power to achieve 10% of the effect.

Eli had a vague hunch that in the confrontation in the magical realm, the man did not use all his strength, otherwise, the current Eli, impossible stood in the river intact.

"The god of mage...this is impossible!"

As if thinking of something, Eli quickly shook the head and smothered the thought in his heart.

Although he lost the battle for a while, from the man, Eli felt all kinds of subtle skills in the magic field. He had a feeling in the heart for a while, and it only took a period of time to comprehend it. His own magic field has been improved, and he even has the opportunity to touch the real meaning of the field in that mouth.

And on the side of the battlefield, the saint angel spread golden wings and came to the corpse of the saint who had turned into a charred corpse.

Although Divine Blessing was completely shattered by the ultimate lightning, its power still remained on the body of the saint. Under the protection of Divine Blessing, the dead saints did not turn into undead creatures , but maintains the form of a charred corpse.

This point, Rhodes ignored it. With the death of the saint, Rhodes' attention was already attracted by the hammer of divine judgment, and he did not pay attention to the fallen saint's body.

"It's really embarrassing, Saint Berrag."

Looking at the charred corpse under his feet, he could no longer see the sacred appearance of the saint in his lifetime, the holy judge angel. said softly.

"Dear arcangl, Erathia has a long-standing friendship with Brakada. In the process of fighting against the undead mage, I believe that all mage can see the help of Brakada, Brakada. Dahui will remember this kindness, please allow me to pay tribute to you.”

After the battle, Esquier, who arrived slowly, arranged for mage to count the battlefield, and he himself found the Holy Inquisition Angel , said actively.

After seeing the angel of the Holy Inquisition and the power of the saints, the mage's attitude towards them has changed greatly. This kind of power that can completely kill the undead creatures is really what Brakada is anxious for. Short.

"There is no need for respect, the end is coming, the benevolent stigmata, willing to give up all the grievances of the past and protect you human beings, you should feel fortunate." Facing mage's goodwill, St. The cutting angel said with a stern face, and she could not see her joy or anger at all.

Esquill stared at her with deep eyes: "In aid of us mage, the heroic saint was mutilated by the evil undead mage, whose sacrifice was so noble, I remember Berrag in Before becoming a saint, I was the influential figure of Southern Erathia, and I would like to use the privilege of being the president of the magic guild to use the fifth-order magic 'reincarnation' that should not exist in the world to reawaken this warrior."

"Reincarnation? I don't think you need it anymore. Even if you really want to use it, it won't be your turn to mage." Holy Inquisition angel indifferently said, and raised the sharp blade in his hand, "Dead uselessly. In the hands of the undead mage, even the sacred weapon has been lost by him, and a loser like him is not entitled to continue to enjoy the status of a saint."

golden rays of light, from the blade of the holy angel It ignited above, and then pierced into the black body of the saint, and the pure white flame instantly ignited Bragg's body.

Angel's entire face is exposed in rays of light against the backdrop of the firelight, which also makes her look extremely holy. Her face was calm, and there was a sense of solemnity while showing pity in her eyes.

"In the name of God, I will give you the Holy Judgment."

Under Esquier's unbelievable gaze, the saint's body was quickly incinerated by pale flames, Even reincarnation cannot bring him back to life.

Looking at the Holy Inquisition Angel in front of him, Esquel swallowed silently. He was speechless for a while. He never thought that the Holy Inquisition Angel actually deprived his companions of the chance to be reincarnated. Come on, that angel will resurrect his companion no matter what.

"I remember Saint Berrag, who has a large territory in southern Erathia, and is also the main force in the fight against undead mage on the Vernin border. Why..." Looking at the saint's body turned into ashes, Esquill sighed deeply, he really couldn't imagine why Angel would do such a thing.

Angel of the Holy Inquisition didn't say much. She quickly came to Eli: "The threat of the undead mage has not been lifted, are you planning to give up? Hurry up and call the mage to prepare for the next battle."

However, Eli didn't mean this, just let out a sigh: "The Magic Guild can no longer accept greater losses, and fighting against the apocalypse is our primary problem."

"You mage, are you planning to watch the undead mage leave?" Angel showed anger and reprimanded loudly. The mage nearby also lost their previous vigor in this battle and turned their heads one after another. He lowered his head, not daring to answer angel's words.

"Very well, it turns out that the mages in Bracada are a bunch of cowards." Angel glanced all around coldly, with deep disappointment in his eyes, and wanted to spread his wings and leave.

"Sir President, I heard that the Spell Academy is being besieged by the giant dragon, I have a plan, maybe I can catch the undead mage before they escape from Bracada, and leave them a tragic death. Lesson." At this moment, the Prophet Olak seemed to have thought of something and took the initiative to speak.

Listening to the Prophet's remarks, the Holy Inquisition Angel was also attracted by the content of the words, and stopped for a while. smile.

"Very good, just do it."

(end of chapter)

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