
  Chapter 2231   Death of the Soul Hidden clasping the prophecy card Rowlin took out, Rhodes' eyes, It is also facing the Holy Inquisition angel in front of him.

The azure-blue Titan's arrow was placed in front of him, and the electric light appeared on the sword edge. Although it lacked the blessing of Bloodline Power, the rays of light of lightning were dim, but it was still very dazzling.

With Gwen on the sidelines, Eli's magical realm is now invalid, and it is impossible to directly decompose the enemy's spell into magical elements, which also gives Rhodes a short chance.

After losing the characteristics in Archfiend bloodline, the Rhodes attribute of the dead form has dropped significantly, but relying on the dive item's prestige, even the Holy Inquisition angel, don't try to defeat him easily.

With Rhodes' wrist shaking, in just a blink of an eye, nearly ten thick lightning bolts shot out from in front of him, but Rhodes didn't seem satisfied. If Bloodline Power is still there, the number of lightning can reach dozens or even hundreds, and the stoutness will be doubled again.

Facing the incoming lightning, Angel of the Holy Inquisition could not avoid it, and the golden barrier appeared in front of her again. The lightning hit it, and it only made a swooshing sound, and it immediately disappeared, and she herself, flapping her wings, like a stream of light, rushed towards Rhodes.

At this moment, Rhodes gritted his teeth secretly. He used to be, but even the defensive barrier of the Magic Guild Headquarters with nearly one million shields could be blasted away by the power of the Titan's Arrow. At this moment, in the face of angel's divine protection, he could only choose to retreat.

As the body flashed, Rhodes used teleportation to distance himself before angel approached.

The miserable state of those Legion members has long been seen by Rhodes. If Angel is approached by the Holy Inquisition, what awaits him is not a good end.

"Evil man, you can't escape." As soon as he missed the shot, Angel immediately stopped and turned around to face Rhodes who had drawn a distance. The golden blade in his hand raised high, "With God I will give you the final sanction in the name of the sanctification."

Faced with angel's intimidation, Rhodes just sneered, and in the blink of an eye, he had completely changed positions with the sanctified angel and came to Where angel at first is, there is the corpse of the chain demon under his feet.

As if thinking of something, Rhodes stretched out his hand, and the upper body, which belonged to the chain demon, bounced from the ground.

"Forget it, your evil witchcraft cannot be effective in the face of the power of the Holy Inquisition." After sensing Rhodes' actions, the Holy Inquisition Angel sarcastically said, "In your Before your soul dissipates, I can give you a chance to repent."

However, Rhodes ignored the Holy Inquisition Angel, he carefully looked at the lifeless face of the chain demon, and then looked at Rowlin's left The next prophecy card finally confirmed one thing.

If all the chains that had sneaked into the Chain Demon were removed, and just looking at his face, Rhodes was surprised to find that it was somewhat similar to the soldier drawn in the prophecy card, or in other words, that is the same person.

On those cards, the soldier either had his eyes gouged out, or his tongue was cut off, and suffered all kinds of inhuman torture, but in the cards with his eyes gouged out, his tongue was intact , and in the card with the tongue cut off, his eyes are intact. Rhodes didn't understand at first what that meant, but now it seems that it corresponds to the Immortal Body of the chain demon.

The attentive Rowlin seems to have discovered this as early as the moment he saw the chain demon, and then left the prophecy cards to convey this information to Rhodes.

Feeling Rowlin's intentions, Rhodes was also touched for a while. Even the demon with the Immortal Body fell under the sword of the Holy Inquisition Angel. The power of the Holy Inquisition on her body can be said to be Born to restrain the power of undead.

"The power of the Holy Inquisition... what kind of power is that?" Rhodes asked emotionally.

"That's the power granted by the Stigmata to deal with you evil creatures." Referring to Erathia's Spiritual God incarnation, the Holy Inquisition angel showed reverence, "Is this your last word? Or do you feel the greatness of the stigmata and want to repent completely?"

"Last words? Confession? I think you may have made a mistake." He raised the prophecy card in his hand, Rhodes expression congeals. The permission given by Rowlin before his departure allowed Rhodes to briefly use the powers contained in these Prophecy Cards.

Recalling those creatures that were destroyed by the Holy Inquisition angel, Rhodes also confirmed one thing, the power of the Holy Indictment in her body should be a force that directly acts on the enemy's soul and completely destroys it. . When the soul of the creature is completely destroyed, even the Immortal Body on the body has lost its efficacy. What Death Domain can reshape is only the fleshy body of the Legion members, but cannot act on the soul.

The chain demon in front of him was completely plunged into death because of the death of his soul, and even Death Domain could not make him reborn again.

In Rhodes' view, after the soul dies, the corpse of the chain demon that cannot become a member of Legion is worthless, but after seeing the prophecy card that Rowlin took out, Rhodes faintly changed his mind.

If in this world, if there is still the soul of the chain demon, it must be in the set of prophecy cards.

As a treasure made by Messika, the prophecy card has the effect of unimaginable. The creatures awakened from the card have their own consciousness and can accurately tell what happened a long time ago. According to Rhodes' many The second observation, the creatures summon from the card, even Pegasus King, have independent souls in their bodies.

As the king of hell, Messika's research on the soul far exceeds that of Rhodes. Just copying the soul is Rhodes' unimaginable means.

Thinking of this, Rhodes' expression froze, and his eyes were placed on the corpse of the chain demon that was divided into two parts. Perhaps the prophecy card contained in his former soul, which could awaken the demon again. .

"Wait... what is that in your hand?"

Besides, the Holy Inquisition Angel also saw the prophecy card that Rhodes took out, and his face suddenly changed, She frowned for a while, and her eyes showed a bit of thought. She always felt that she had seen that set of cards before.

"You'll find out soon."

Rhodes gave her a faint glance and said slowly.

Judging from the fact that the Holy Inquisition angel appeared on the prophecy card, she obviously had an intersection with the former Messiah. If she had seen the prophecy card made by Messiah, it was not is a strange thing.

Perhaps Messika knew more about this saint angel, and maybe even knew her weaknesses, but Rhodes at this time obviously didn't have the opportunity to ask.

shook the head, Rhodes expression congeals, then threw away the prophecy card in his hand and dropped it on the body of the chain demon.

(end of this chapter)

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