
  Chapter 2205 The Prophecy Fulfilled    “speaking of which, that should be the stigmata since the resurrection, we It was the first time I took the initiative to return to Erathia, and I don't know what happened there..."

Recalling what happened in hell, Rhodes seemed to think of something, said slowly. As he said that, Rhodes' eyes became solemn. The awakened stigmata can definitely be a help in resisting the doomsday. The stigmata's soul fragments alone are enough for Rhodes to gain two fields, even the hero Tanan. , in front of him also seemed eclipsed.

After listening to Rhodes' story, Rowlin looked worried and sighed: "I met a strong enemy, to be precise, I met her..."

Saying that, Rowlin took an item from the space ring and handed it to Rhodes.

Rhodes took it from the bumpy Pegasus King's back, looked at the thing in his hand, and suddenly had a facial expression grave.

Rhodes noticed that what he had taken from Rowlin was a card with a gold border and a red bottom, which belonged to the Prophecy Card of Messika, which Rhodes was already familiar with.

What really made Rhodes feel dignified was the angel drawn on the card. It was an angel with golden wings. She had a tear mole at the corner of her eye, but her face was extremely pious, and the blade in her hand was equally broad. Wearing golden light, it looks divine.

"This is... the Holy Inquisition angel?"

Looking at the angel on the prophecy card, Rhodes seemed to think of something and said slowly.

The former Rhodes, before returning to hell, asked Rowlin to make a divination, and what will happen in the Forecast Future, there is this prophecy card with angel drawn.

Rhodes learned the name of the angel from the mouth of one of the trump cards, the broken wing angel. It is a unique existence called the angel of the holy judgment. It is one of the branches of the arcangl. It is said that only the most pious angel Only the soul after death is qualified to transform in Yunzhong City and become a real saint angel.

"Did you meet her? Or is it another Holy Inquisition angel?"

As if thinking of something, Rhodes complexion slightly changed, and hurriedly asked.

"As you think, I met her in person." Rowlin affirmed replied.

"Unbelievable..." After listening to Rowlin's remarks, Rhodes seemed to think of something and said slowly.

With the end of the hell trip, Rhodes gradually forgot the contents of the prophecy card before, didn't expect until now, the contents of the prophecy card will be fulfilled at first.

Perhaps because of having seen those trump cards, Rhodes was not surprised that Messika was able to draw the holy ordinance angel. As a king, she did have such ability, which really made Rhodes feel Unbelievable, or the accuracy of the divination made by the prophecy card.

"How strong is that angel?" Rhodes asked quickly, seeming to have thought of something.

Rowlin replied with a lingering fear: "Only under Archangel, fortunately she is alone, if it is not for Legion members desperately covering, I may not be back..."

Rhodes looked thoughtful, Rowlin gave a very high evaluation of the strength of the Holy Inquisition angel, Rhodes naturally did not understand her words, but began to think about more far-reaching things.

In the game of the previous life, Rhodes had never heard of the existence of the Holy Inquisition angel. I think that kind of unique angel should have returned from the Cloud City along with the recovery of the stigmata. Creatures, this also made Rhodes vigilant, and his changes in future events have been reflected little by little.

The changes brought about by the recovery of the stigmata are more profound than Rhodes expected, and even the armor on Inota's body is very likely to be stimulated by this matter and begin to change Inota's bloodline.

In order to resolve the bloodline abnormality on Inota, Rhodes needs to defeat the king of the Underground World and become the hero of the Great Red Dragon, Moriel. Even with an undead Legion, Rhodes doesn't have much confidence that he will be able to defeat the giant dragon Legion under Moriel head-on, plus the endless magicians in Underground World Nigon.

Arama under Rhodes is one of the most famous sorcerers in the Underground World. It is also a popular object in any sorcery Academy. But the powerful sorcerer under Moriel's command is more than Alama? In the previous life, the giant dragon Legion was invincible in Brakada, thanks to the assistance of those sorcerers.

Since the Supreme Treasure on Moriel is related to the awakening of Ino Tower, Rhodes finally chose the safest method, that is to rely on the hero Tanan and follow the trajectory of the previous life, so as to achieve this. everything.

"Don't worry, Rowlin, those Legion members who died in the mission will wake up again in my Death Domain." Rhodes took a deep breath and said to the worried Rowlin.

"Maybe..." Rowlin nodded. In her mind, the terrifying power displayed by the saint angel still flashed through her mind. Rowlin really didn't want to do it again. meet such an enemy.

"Apart from the Holy Inquisition angel, what have you met in Erathia?" Rhodes thought for a while and asked.

Rowlin thought for a while before saying, "I learned from the Knight who was being tortured that the Erathia, who had mobilized large quantities of stone minerals from the city of Stendwick, seemed to be building What... do they want to make golem puppets like Bracada?" Rowlin scratched his head and said uncertainly.

"Golem puppets? Those Erathians don't do that. Their craftsmanship of golem puppets can never be compared to Bracada's mage." Rhodes frowned, ponderingly replied, "I More willing to believe they were building some kind of altar and praying for the stigmata to give them strength..."

shook the head, Rhodes knew very little about the stigmata that Erathia revived, except from Macy's In Jia's mouth, Rhodes didn't know any additional information, knowing that the Stigmata mastered the field of destiny, and his strength was even stronger than the existence of a group of Legendary vertices.

The doomsday is approaching. After realizing the mutation that happened in the world, no matter which force is in this brief moment, it is saving its strength to face the next catastrophe. Only Rhodes chooses to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big deal. Strike out, and occupy a favorable position for yourself in the doomsday war in advance.

On his journey back to Verning, Rhodes may encounter unimaginable catastrophe, but Rhodes does not regret his choice.

The fluffy ears were placed in front of Rhodes, and Pegasus' soft ears were almost pulled into a straight line as he ran, but Rhodes lost the flesh and blood of the dead, so he couldn't feel any touch.

Looking back, Rhodes galloped away on Pegasus, accompanied by Rowlin.

(end of this chapter)

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