
  Chapter 2192 Scarlet Might

"Go to the island and seek a break from the Prophet Messika for me In addition, bring the sorcerer Alama here.”

After some calculations in his mind, Rhodes quickly said to Aglan that the existence of the Death Domain made Legion members only beside Rhodes Only when he can show his strongest strength, Rhodes can't leave easily.

Agran got the order, and immediately called another Archfiend beside him, and the two of them passed through the flames and left towards the distant Water Element plane.

Rhodes, who remained in the depths of the prison, took a deep breath. Didn't expect to get the remains of the hero Tanan, but instead made him Thrown Into Prison, and it was difficult to get out. In this case, Rhodes can only hope that the Prophet Messika can give himself some useful advice, or get out of trouble Methods.

Although Brakada is close to Verning, it is the home of mage after all. It is difficult to bring the hero Tanan back to Sao City by means other than space spell. .

When the mages see the trajectory of Rhodes' line of action, they will inevitably set up an inescapable net on the road that Rhodes must pass. At that time, what Rhodes will face will be Bracada's well-prepared The strongest power is far beyond what it has been able to compare before.

Even if they fly all the way, the effect will not be good. Legion members cannot escape the mage's perspective atmosphere. The existence of flying thaumaturgy also allows the Legendary mage to soar in the air, and the combat capability will not be bad. where to go.

Fortunately, due to the special nature of the prison, those mage did not choose to enter the prison, but were stationed outside the prison, which also gave Rhodes and his party a chance to breathe.

"Master, a powerful creature is approaching!"

The warning sound from the Legion members made Rhodes express congeals, he didn't want anything unexpected at this moment.

The early warning in perception made Rhodes aware of the coming of a powerful enemy earlier than Legion members. The existence of Lich's body, although the overall strength of Rhodes has decreased a lot, it has also made Rhodes. Rhodes' perception of Life Aura is more acute, and all living creatures in the Death Domain cannot escape Rhodes' perception.


Through the Soul Fire in his eye sockets, Rhodes saw the approacher in the distance, which also made him slightly frowned.

The group rushed towards Rhodes, and what made the Legion members extremely vigilant were several seemingly ordinary savage creatures, these savage creatures were mainly half-orcs, and there was also a One-Eyed Giant , they were all wounded, and there seemed to be more numbers behind.

In terms of strength, these savage creatures are extremely weak, and even if they join hands, they are impossible to defeat any Archfiend, which also makes the nearby Legion members puzzled, and they don't understand the reason for their fear before. come.

"Be careful, the really powerful enemies are behind those savage creatures." On the side, the sage seemed to see something and took the initiative to remind him.

Before the sage's voice fell, behind the barbarous creatures, several dark chains suddenly flew out. The ends of the chains were connected with rusty iron hooks, which instantly pierced those barbaric creatures. , pulled them backwards, and even caused many Legion members to be affected and pulled away with the hook rope.

Companions to savages don't just watch this happen. One-Eyed Giant loudly shouted, grabbed the chain full of barbs, even if his palm was drenched with blood by the barbs of the chain, he didn't want to watch his companion dragged away by the chain.

"This aura..." Beside, Carl seemed to have found something, with a deep surprised look in his eyes, and hurriedly reported to Rhodes, "Master, that's the demonic demon I felt in prison before. Energy breath, it seems that the demon was also released."

"The arrival of the demon is not a coincidence, it is premeditated."

Rhodes' eyes After sinking, his eyes also focused on one of the distinctive savage creatures, who had blue skin and the identity of a hero.

"Badu, these are the enemies who chased you before? With them attracting the monster's attention, we will be able to escape safely!" At the back of the savage creatures, the blood-soaked hero York, looked on guard The strict Legion members suddenly looked happy.

"I hope so." Beside him, the skin of his whole body was torn apart, and the skeleton could be faintly seen, but the ogre Wang Weng replied with a firm look.

Blood spilled all the way behind the barbarian creatures. The two heroes in charge of the rear hall riddled with scars did not complain. They looked at the Legion members as if they saw hope of escape.

The appearance of this scene also caused the green flames in Rhodes' eyes to pulsate slightly, as if something more terrifying was driving these savage creatures from behind.

"How dare ignorant savage creatures come to offend their masters? Master, please give me an order and let me deal with them." .

"Show your strength." Rhodes glanced at him and said indifferently, he saw the state of the savage creatures in his eyes, and many savage creatures did not feel fear after seeing the Legion members , but the joy that they are about to get out of the predicament, they have no idea what they are going to face.

Jeref took a step forward, raised his hand high, and said slowly in his mouth: "Blood is pouring."

next moment, all the savage creatures with wounds, They all felt that their bodies were out of control, and blood rushed out from the original wound and gathered towards the palm of Jerefer.

Under the pursuit of chains, there is not a single savage creature that is not injured. For a time, the savage creatures, complexion pale, who lost a lot of blood, collapsed to the ground, and they who couldn't spell were completely powerless to resist this kind of power.


The tragic state of the savage creature was seen by the two heroes at the back of the team, and in this brief moment, they all cried out in pain.

"And you." Seeming to hear their shouts, Jerefer turned his attention to them.

Staring at the two heroes, Jerefer seemed to recall the situation when he was defeated by his master before, and the movements in his hands could not help changing: "Blood thaumaturgy!"

next moment , the huge ogre movement stopped, he opened his mouth, and dreary and cold aura overflowed from his mouth, and there was a bit of incredible color in his eyes.

"Badu, are you alright?" On the side, the hero York shuddered. At that moment, he subconsciously used the spell that he had long since abandoned. Although it was only a simple manipulation of mana, he still shivered. It made him extremely annoyed, he didn't want to have anything to do with mage.

However, King ogre could no longer answer York's words. He fell to the ground on the side. With King ogre's fall, York faintly heard some kind of crisp breaking sound.

(end of this chapter)

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