
  Chapter 2189 Hero's Remains    "Hero Tanan..."

Into the deepest of ceremony Here, Rhodes also got his wish, and in the very center of the area, where all the ceremony in the prison were rooted, found the remains belonging to the hero Tanan.

There is only one step left to achieve the goal. As long as the hero is awakened, Rhodes will have the qualification to stand proudly in the third expansion and no longer fear any enemies.

Rhodes fought those mages for this hero. If he had not been in hell before, activating the potential contained in the source of sin, and obtained Flam's burning field, Rhodes may not be able to escape under the decomposition of the magic field, let alone achieve it. Now this step.

Fortunately, at this point, the hope of reaching the goal is just around the corner, which makes Rhodes even more excited.

What appeared in front of Rhodes was a mutilated corpse. It was the corpse of a Barbarian, the precious spices used for maintenance, so that it was not completely corrupted, his chest was completely cut open, and the huge red crystal block, which existed in his heart, has been completely connected to the nearby blood vessels , which appear to have been completely part of each other.

If it was placed in the Underground World, Rhodes might think that the corpse in front of him was a unique study by a sorcerer, trying to replace the original organs in the body with other objects, but at this moment, Rhodes has Clearly know that it is the effect of the hero's will. Under the action of the hero's will, everything that is impossible will happen.

Rhodes recognized that the red crystal block in front of him was the unique and unmatched forbidden magic ball. The former Rhodes relied on the forbidden magic ball fragment to win the Ghost King cloak in Dia in one fell swoop. With everything in the future.

The broken forbidden magic ball has been completely fused with the corpse of the hero Tanan, which also laid the foundation for his future return and become an immortal hero.

In Rhodes' memory, after awakening the hero Tanan, the mages in the previous life used spell ceremony to brainwash him in order to make him completely obedient and deal with the awakened elemental monarch.

The brainwashed Tanan forgot his experience as a Barbarian leader and thought he was a mage. Reminisce about everything in the past.

"Wake up from death, hero Tanan..."

Looking at the hero's remains bound in the ceremony, Rhodes slowly said, Death Domain followed his words Turn it on quickly, and immediately cover everything nearby.

The power of the Magic Domain cannot stop the superimposed effect of the Death Domain and the Burning Ash Domain. Rhodes had come to a conclusion as early as in the previous battle, but the current situation did not follow. Rhodes developed what he wanted.


Under the shroud of the Death Domain, the hero Tanan's corpse was motionless and didn't seem to have changed. wrong.

After waiting for a while, Rhodes' complexion sank, and the hero Tanan did not recover again, which also made Rhodes secretly puzzled. It stands to reason that this is an impossible situation.

Keeping her sight on the red nugget at the heart of the tower, Rhodes seemed to understand why.

From the effect of the forbidden magic ball, it shelters Tanan's corpse from any spell effect, which is why he is not decomposed into magic elements by the defensive ceremony covering all around.

The mage of the Magic Guild, in order to take advantage of this effect, used Tanan as the core of the prison, and guided the magic-forbidding effect to all parts of the prison, which is also the reason why the remains of Tanan can be preserved to this day.

This discovery made Rhodes frowned. He tried to reincarnate directly with the fifth-order magic, so that the hero Tanan was reborn. However, the effect of reincarnation and rebirth was also blocked by the forbidden magic ball and could not work at all. over the remains of Tanan.

"This is impossible..."

The ability to ban the magic ball was beyond Rhodes' expectations, which also made him look suspicious. It's only right that Nan has been resurrected. Why can't all the current means take effect? Or is something wrong?   Just as Rhodes was puzzled, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart.

Rhodes tried to put Tanan's remains into the space ring, but couldn't do it at all. The space ring has a deep feeling of repulsion for Tanan's remains. The space ring will be completely destroyed.

In desperation, Rhodes could only pick up Tanan's corpse. Fortunately, Rhodes' basic attribute far exceeds that of ordinary creatures. Even if it is carried on his shoulders, it doesn't take much effort.

With Rhodes' action, the nearby ceremony array was completely dimmed. After losing the ceremony core, the magic-forbidden facility in the prison could no longer be maintained.

At the same time, Rhodes also looked towards the direction of the crisis, where he saw a humanoid creature covered in dark red liquid.

"This ability..." Rhodes seemed to think of something, his eyes sank.

Existing in the depths of the prison, the decomposing ceremony that protects the remains of Tanan originates from the magic field of Eli, which can turn everything into magic elements, but there is no real magic field in effect. Come domineering.

Under the effect of the burning ember domain, Rhodes ignored the effect of decomposing the ceremony by relying on the envelope of the flame, and the man in front of him also used a similar method. The speed of blood is greater than the speed of decomposition, and it will not be affected by itself.

Rhodes, who just got Tanan's body, doesn't want to be entangled with the enemy in front of him.

According to Rhodes' original plan, he should have left with space spell, but due to the special nature of Tanan's remains, no space magic can take effect on him.

The Flame Hide can't take away the remains of the tower at all. Even the spells like Transmission Gate will dissipate immediately as long as they are close to the remains of the tower. This also makes Rhodes nervous and take the tower away. The process of Nan's remains may be more difficult than he imagined, and he doesn't want to fail at such a time.

"Whoever you are, you are dead now."

Rhodes said solemnly, he extended the hand, and the man was enveloped in a fire sea.

It originated from the blazing flames in the Burning Embers Realm, which completely enveloped the person in an instant. The source of the flames was the magic elements around the person.

"It's really exciting, I can't help it anymore, I want to take your bloodline."

The flame was burning on the body, but the man seemed to be unaffected, Instead, he reached out to Rhodes.

In an instant, Rhodes felt his body congeal, his entire body seemed to have lost control, and a sense of powerlessness began to spread in his body.

(end of this chapter)

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