
  Chapter 2182 The Battle of the Prison    "Be careful!"

The sudden change of the eyeless monster, Contrary to the expectations of all savage creatures, they couldn't imagine that the monster, who had only half of his body and seemed to have no resistance at all, was still hiding such a method.

Under the shroud of black fog, York no doubt immediately sensed something was wrong. Although he no longer uses spell, the knowledge he has learned from the Magic Academy has been deeply engraved in his mind, and he has never forgotten it.

"This ability... that caveman is not an ordinary undead creature, he is a vampire."

A certain idea flashed in his mind, which made York stunned for a while, how could he Unexpectedly, the caveman living in the ground would turn out to be a vampire.

According to the teaching of spell Academy, the undead spell originating from Dia has nothing to do with those cavemen at all, and the cavemen with fragile bodies are also impossible to transcend the limitation of the body itself and become vampire across steps.

In the prison, there are demons, underground creatures, and undead creatures. This situation is far beyond York's expectations. Run away, but don't understand what's going on.

Before York could think about all this, a group of bats scattered in the dark fog and flew away in the distance. Although he felt all this, he couldn't stop the bats at all.

The shrouded black fog provides the best shelter for those bats, ordinary savage creatures, in this brief moment, can't see anything at all, even if York can feel the flight path of those bats , but couldn't rely on the weapon in his hand to shoot down a large number of bats flying nimbly in the air.

He, who had sworn not to use magic, could only watch those bats fly away, apart from this, and a bad premonition began to arise in York's heart.

If this bat-like ability was possessed by the caveman at first, why did he not use it at first, but waited until now?    Thinking of this, York's complexion suddenly changed. Before he could remind the nearby companions, he heard a low voice: "I knew that someone was going to sabotage the master's plan."

The darkness gradually dissipated, and what changed the expressions of the nearby savage creatures was that a group of terrifying demons came to them in this brief moment.

He was led by a scarred Archfiend. On his body, a raging flame was burning. Just walking slowly was enough to make all the savage creatures fear.

"You are unlucky, you met me Carl, I am the most powerful Archfiend in Legion. However, you are also lucky to be one of my achievements, it is other creatures yearn for something even in Dreams, I will use your lives to prove to the master that I am the leader of the undead Legion!"

The scar demon held the scythe, and said fiercely, his words spread to the ears of the savage creatures Among them, many savage creatures lost their fighting spirit in an instant just by imposing manner.

The gap between rank and strength makes the morale of barbarian creatures low. Even in hell, Archfiend is the most powerful existence, and it is not something barbarian creatures can compete with, let alone this Archfiend Beside him, there are also many cave vampires that also exude Death Aura, including the one who turned into a bat.

"Damn, those demons actually used this method..."

In this brief moment, York gritted his teeth secretly, he understood that the vampire, who was good at digging passages, was the enemy One of the bait, in order to attract other savage creatures lurking here.

The flames flashed from Archfiend's body, but nothing else happened. Karl, who was holding the scythe and was about to cut off the head of the One-Eyed Giant, was stunned for a moment. His gaze swept across the area where the savage creatures were located: "Spellcasting is prohibited? This impossible is the ability that you savage creatures should have. This should be a method that comes with the prison and belongs to mage..."

Saying that, Carl turned his eyes and looked towards the corpse in the red ornate robe that fell at the feet of the savage creature.


It seems that he thought of something, Carl's complexion changed slightly, he immediately raised his hand and tried to use the power given by the master to smash the sight in front of him. That corpse, transformed into one of the undead Legions.

Due to the limitations of the Divine Item, the undead creatures transformed by other Legion members will be one grade lower than themselves, but at this moment, Carl can't care about that much, and soon, he will reached the desired conclusion.

"I can't transform that corpse, it just means that before he died, he was already an undead creature, maybe even a member of the undead Legion...you damn green-skinned creatures , who allowed you to do this?"

Looking at the corpse with a shattered head, Carl's eyes lit up with anger, even if he couldn't use the power of the flame to escape, the anger belonging to Archfiend still remained. Not what this group of savage creatures can bear.

Feeling the tension in the atmosphere, except for those savage creatures who had long been frightened, the rest such as York, Badu and the others all looked at each other, all from the eyes of the other, looking at each other. to a certain determination.

"Deal with them!"

Accompanied by Carl's roar, the cave vampires beside him entered a bat-like state one after another, giving up the weak body of the cavemen, and instead Fight enemies with a more flexible bat stance.

For a time, as many cave vampires turned into bats, a thick black mist filled the entire battlefield, almost obscuring the sight of all savage creatures.

The flames dispelled the darkness, and Karl's figure appeared from it. He rushed in front of the bats, holding a huge scythe, and kept harvesting those savage creatures, blood fluttering beside him. , and made his body even hotter.

Feeling the dull footsteps fading away, Carl's movements slowed down by half a beat, revealing a stunned expression.

Many savage creatures, at the moment when the battle started, took advantage of the opportunity of the vampire bat in the cave to directly charge towards their side, but did not stop to fight, but directly broke through. This also made him annoyed.

In the Undying Legion, Karl no longer has the leadership he once was, and what he can lead is nothing but a group of cave vampires, which was transformed by Karl himself during the battle in the Underground World.

For the transformation of cavemen, Carl did not transform them into ordinary corpses, but made them into more flexible vampires. If you want to use the power of the corpse, you must gather a large number of existences. Maybe other Archfiends in the Legion do this, but Carl is not prepared to do so. What he values ​​is the flexibility of the vampire, which is enough to make the low-strength cavemen. completely changed.

But at this moment, the drawbacks of vampire are revealed. Under the charge of fierce and unafraid of death initiated by huge savage creatures, it is difficult for the vampire to be effectively blocked after being transformed into a bat.

(end of this chapter)

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