
  Chapter 2163 Burning Fire   Under the looming cloud of death, the magic guild's Members have nowhere to run.

In this brief moment, a few mages that had been prepared in advance ripped open the magic scrolls they carried with them, and the space magic contained in the scrolls took effect immediately. For a while, the dark green doors of time and space were generated in front of them.

Looking at the gate of time and space that contains vitality, these mages suddenly showed joy, as long as they can get into the gate of time and space, they can escape from the fearful enemy, but soon, it seems What was found, the expressions of these mage changed greatly, and despair began to spread on their faces.

In front of the gate of time and space, which should have been their last means of escape, a faint flame film appeared at this moment. This flame film looked unremarkable. I only feel that the color of the gate of time and space is slightly red, but the mage, which is extremely sensitive to mana fluctuations, can't find the abnormality of the gate of time and space?

That seemingly harmless flame film contains a very terrifying threat. Even if they just get close to the body, the mage can faintly feel the terrifying heat flow, and it seems that the whole body is starting to burn. , let alone passing through this flame film in this case.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a small trick of the enemy! Bless your body with thaumaturgy, and then break through, we'll be safe!"

Seeing this, a senior Order mage took the initiative to use words to inspire the confidence of other guild members, and he did the same.

The fire light flashed, he blessed a layer of gain magic on his body, and every guild member here is familiar with the appearance of that layer of gain magic, which is one of the mandatory magics for all mages , thaumaturgy. A sorcerer who has not learned this kind of magic cannot even be counted as a mage at all.

Fire thaumaturgy can be used to control fire, and its most basic effect is to reduce the damage of Fire Element magic. After casting this magic, even if you are in the fire, you don't have to worry about it. Clothing will burn.

Of course, the reduction of fire damage by fire thaumaturgy also has its own limit. Ordinary flames are easy to say. If you are in the lava of a volcano, ordinary fire thaumaturgy cannot help. Help mage survive.

The use of the fire thaumaturgy seemed to give some kind of information to the high-level mage. At the same time, in order to boost the morale of the other guild members, he gritted his teeth and moved towards the flame film in front of him and rushed straight away.

As his body touched the flame membrane, the flames engulfed his body in an instant. He couldn't even enter the Transmission Gate behind the membrane, and his entire body turned to ashes.

Smelling the smell of burning, looking at the companions not long ago, just fell under the flame of spell, the nearby guild members were stunned, their eyes looking towards Transmission Gate also changed, no As if seeing the exit to escape, but rather like seeing some kind of death trap, the body also involuntarily backed away.

And behind the guild members, waiting for them, is the cloud of death that has already arrived. The dense cloud of death instantly engulfed most of the mage in the guild hall.

In front of the dark clouds, these mage couldn't even make a whining sound, and they were completely engulfed by the clouds in a blink of an eye, and the remaining mage had completely fallen into fear, and they didn't know what happened in the clouds. What, can only feel a kind of palpitating evil aura from the dark fog.

The fear brought to them by the cloud of death even surpassed the previous flame film. This fear of the unknown had already destroyed many mage's psychological defenses.

On the side, Rhodes, who had released the cloud of death, glanced at the flame silhouette with great interest. The flame film that prevented Mage from retreating came from her hands, and the effect was also very good. Remarkably.

After releasing the flame film, Flam's avatar is on the verge of dissipating. As she said before, the sacrifices provided by Rhodes can only summon her avatar for so long.

Although Frum's incarnation appeared for a short period of time, he easily defeated the defense of the Magic City with his skills in fire, which also brought a lot of help to Rhodes' actions.

Especially the way she blocked the gate of time and space made Rhodes' eyes shine. It wasn't a violent magic element to destroy the Transmission Gate displayed by mage. Power, she can't do this, it is a fine control of Fire Element magic elements, condensing them directly into the highest fire wall magic, blocking the entrance of the Transmission Gate, thus cutting off the possibility of mage entering.

This method of blocking the Transmission Gate is difficult to take effect on the Archfiend in hell. The Archfiends all use flames to hide and directly achieve the effect of crossing the space, and they are not afraid of the burning of the flames. The mage of the surface world will be severely restricted by this method. Once you plan to forcibly cross the blockade, the final end will be no different from the mage that Rhodes has seen before.

In Rhodes' memory, in his previous life, he had also seen other mages use this move, but in this life, this is the first time that he has seen such a dazzling move. To achieve this kind of spellcasting, at least the Fire Element magic of the Legendary Grade is required. I don't know if Rowlin can show such spellcasting skills according to Rowlin's attainments in magic?    Thinking of Rowlin, Rhodes felt a little sense of blood, but found that her breath was a little weak, which made Rhodes a little puzzled. In order to ensure the subsequent escape, he asked Rowlin to transfer a lot from the depths of the ground. Legion member, even more how, she still has control over the undead creatures on the island, and she doesn't know what her condition is now.

The flame silhouette beside Rhodes seemed to be aware of his gaze. Although the flames all over her body gradually dimmed, she still raised her chest proudly, as if she was shocked by the skills she showed. Very proud of living in Rhodes.

When Rhodes destroyed the guild's defense ceremony, she saw the violent lightning that shot out in her eyes. She who was not to be outdone, even though she had been coerced by Rhodes before, now showed her true skills. .

Soon, she looked a little annoyed when she realized that Rhodes wasn't paying attention.

The huge Fireball, moved towards Rhodes rushing towards, Rhodes frowned, immediately unfolded the big Fiend Form.

The bat wing was in front of Rhodes, and Fireball hit the bat wing so straight. Under the impact of the explosion, Rhodes took a slight step back, and then, as if nothing was wrong, he used a slightly puzzled expression. The eyes looked towards Flam, who was on the side, and the Fireball came from her hands.

(end of this chapter)

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