
  Chapter 2157 Searching for whereabouts    "It seems that you have determined something, otherwise, according to your I'm sure I won't just shoot like this."

Looking at Rhodes walking in the flames, Esquel said slowly.

"I found the Knight who participated in that battle. According to what they said, the remains of the hero Tanan were finally taken away by the Magic Guild." Rhodes slowly said.

Esquel frowned: "If that's all, you still don't know where his remains are, and even I don't know about this matter. Your advance action is likely to destroy the previous When the time comes, even I can't help you hide all the arrangements."

Speaking of this, Esquill gave Rhodes a deep look, and he remembered the Mage God's not long ago. discourse.

"In order to save Bracada, your actions may not be understood, and may attract hostility and resentment from many creatures, but that is the only feasible way to save Bracada, you. Are you really willing to do this?"

Faced with the inquiries of the god of mage, Esquill did not hesitate, and being able to be entrusted by the god of mage is something that all magic guild members can't ask for , he immediately replied: "I will definitely save Bracada from the disaster according to your request."

The god of mage, nodded, then pointed to Rhodes beside him: "My envoy, also It is Lord Rhodes, who will help you in this process, and you must cooperate with his actions."

Esquier looked towards Rhodes, with the assurance of the god of mage, after that, he cooperated with According to Rhodes' plan, he forged the identity of the elemental messenger for him, only to find the remains of the hero.

And at this moment, in the face of Esquill's question, Rhodes just said slowly:    "I heard some interesting news. That hero, in order to prevent himself from being banned after his death, The magic ball fell into the hands of mage, and the savage creatures in Crowlord could no longer compete with mage, so they shattered and swallowed the forbidden magic ball before dying."

As Rhodes recounted, Ace was Er's expression also changed faintly, and in this brief moment, he couldn't help but think of the Barbarian hero again.

In the golden age of Bracada, the status of mage far surpassed that of the nobility. If it weren't for the fact that there were serious differences in the mage in the future, the sorcerer and the undead mage were split, both of which are still today. Powerful sorcerer, Bracada will continue to be strong.

Even the Erathia people have nothing to do with the Brakada on the snowy land, but the Barbarians with low intelligence almost destroyed the whole Brakada with the strength of oneself , which is simply incredible.

Among them, Esquill has a very deep impression on the Barbarian hero. He and his forbidden magic ball make all mage dare not underestimate the green-skinned savage creature.

The Forbidden Magic Ball holds the lifeblood of the mages, and the Magic Guild will not let it fall into the hands of others, in order to avoid the emergence of the next hero Tanan. What Esquel didn't expect was, according to Rhodes, that the Barbarian hero, in the end, swallowed the Forbidden Magic Ball and fuses it together.

"What do you mean, there is no more Divine Item in this world? It has been damaged by that Barbarian. What a stupid savage creature to even damage the Divine Item. "

As he said, Esquill seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but utter a curse. In his opinion, Divine Items like the forbidden magic ball, which fell into Barbarian's hands, were really reckless waste of natural resources. , Those Barbarians didn't understand the value of Divine Item at all, that's why they made such absurd actions.

"On the contrary." Facing Esquier's somewhat impatient question, Rhodes just looked at the head, "I once won the fragments of the forbidden magic ball by chance. In order to let the Barbarian army split up, Tanan attacked. Do not hesitate to smash the forbidden magic ball and distribute it to other Barbarians for use. According to this method, no matter how strong the magic forbidden ball is, it will not last long. In the end, the magic forbidden ball will lose its power and become an ordinary decoration. ."

Speaking of this, Rhodes seemed to think of something, and his eyes gradually became solemn: "Tanan swallowed the forbidden magic ball when he foresaw the failure, but instead made the forbidden magic ball be reborn. His The will was infected with the Divine Item fragment, the broken forbidden magic ball, and finally fused with his body when he died. The former forbidden magic ball no longer exists, and the hero Tanan has also become a new forbidden magic ball."

In the end, Rhodes' words paused, everything he said was not the information that Rowlin who went to Erathia brought him, but the various memories of his previous life.

The hero Tanan, as the protagonist of the first expansion, was reawakened in the third expansion, and the power he showed was the ban on magic. , which is also the ability he obtained after fusing the Forbidden Magic Ball.

"After all that said, you still don't know where his body is, don't you? The president and the others will return soon after they get the news. You'd better take advantage of them before they come. Leave now." Esquill sighed.

Rhodes showed a disapproving expression: "Didn't I say it? After the fusion of the forbidden magic ball, the corpse of the hero Tanan also has the ability to resist magic, and there is no way to be included in the space ring, only Can you find a safe place to store it, if you are the president, where would you put his body?"

"If you can't put it in the space ring, I will put it in The guild headquarters of the Magic City, the secret room used to store the forbidden treasure, and the Legendary mage is strictly guarded, and no other creatures are allowed to approach, you mean..."

After a pause, Esquill seemed to realize something, and there was a sudden look in his eyes.

"You're right. Although I don't know the exact location of Tanan's body, he must be in the headquarters of the Magic Guild. What we have to do is to take advantage of the guild leader and the Find him before the others return."

The intense energy of death, bursting out of Rhodes, in this brief moment, even Esquel, looking at Rhodes, felt subconsciously in his heart A little shudder, it is a kind of resistance to death stemming from biological instinct.

Looking at the Rhodes in front of him, Esquel was stunned for a moment. He had never felt such pure death energy before. Although he was faintly aware of this Death Qi on the island before, he didn't. When he really stood beside Rhodes, he realized what a strong Death Aura it was.


The familiar voice reached the ears of the old mage, he turned around in a daze, but saw the red robe Xian who had been blown up before. Who, at this moment, stood perfectly in front of him.

(end of this chapter)

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