
  Chapter 2153 Legion Siege    "With so many of you, there is no way to stop that Archfiend Is it? Could it be that he is the strongest among you?"

Looking at the blood trail behind Vios' rampage, Sean only felt blood dripping from his heart. He is not Rhodes, there is no realm that controls death, and there is no way to resurrect those dead creatures.

For him, those Legion members who died were considered lost forever, which made him even more dissatisfied with other Legion members, and did not understand why they were such high-level creatures, many of them The existence of the same Legendary creature could not stop an Archfiend at all.

If you look closely, you can find that Vios and other Legion members have two completely different expressions. On the faces of those Legion members, most of them are full of hesitation and fear, but Vio What he showed was more of an expression intertwined with excitement and fanaticism.

Under the siege, an Archfiend in the back saw the opportunity and cut it towards Vios' neck, but Vios, who had already noticed it, turned sideways and avoided the attack.

Also a Legendary creature, Archfiend's attack is naturally not so easy to avoid. As soon as the hit is missed, the sickle suddenly rotates, and at the same time, it pulls back, hooking directly on the side of Vios' abdomen, and the blade is embedded in it. in the ribs.

Vios smiled, the scythe in his hand ignited flames, he poured the damage he received into his this time attack, the scythe pulled a bloody arc in the air, In an instant, the demon of the sneak attack was seriously injured, and it seemed that he could no longer fight.

The occurrence of this situation also caused the blue veins to jump on the side of Sean's head. He never imagined that this Archfiend, who seemed to be weak and unable to turn any waves, could be so brave. .

"Sean Island Lord, Vios may not be the strongest among the Legions, but he is the one who disobeys discipline among the Legions, and has always been disliked by other demons, It is precisely because of this that he went to the depths of the seabed at the strong request of other demons to guard the Sword Forging Master there." The short-haired succubus quickly explained to him.

"What?" Hearing the succubus' explanation, Sean felt a big surprise. He didn't believe at all that the Archfiend, who was under siege, but still imposing in a powerful manner, was just one of the Legion's disobedience, and was even assigned to seabed to guard at one point.

Seeing that many demons besieging him were wounded and fell to the ground, seeing that there was no way to continue the fight, in this brief moment, Sean could no longer bear it. If the Legion members here lost too much, he would not There is no way to proceed with the next plan, all will be in vain.

Thinking of this, he showed a look of anxiety, and hurriedly lowered his head, looked towards somewhere in his arms, and asked, "Mouth, help me, I can't lose too many people here."

"Okay." Sean's request was quickly answered from somewhere, which also made him happy, "Although I have lost a lot of memory, even my ability is not complete, But I have learned a lot from the commander you saw not long ago."

Just as Sean showed a happy expression, a strange voice sounded in the ears of all Legion members. .

"According to what I taught you, form the second square in front of the demon, take out the hook locks and nets in reserve, and don't fight him hard."

With the sound of the voice, the nearby Legion members were slightly taken aback, but the various trainings they had received before made their bodies subconsciously execute the content mentioned in the words. Soon, the remaining Legion members were no longer scattered. Lined up, but formed a blocking square on the path of Vios.

Vios' expression also changed, he also heard the content of the words clearly, and his complexion became ugly.

In addition to the means of directing those Legion members to deal with themselves as mentioned in the words, what really troubled Vios was the master who made that voice. If he heard correctly, it was clearly the voice of the commander-in-chief, Fareze.

"Lord Commander, have you even betrayed the master?"

Vios let out a loud roar, his roar spread in the field, and there was no one for a while. The demon dared to look at him, but he couldn't wait for the voice to respond.

Waiting for Vios is a net woven by constantly flying hooks and tenacious materials found from the depths of the ocean, which is the weapon in Vios' hands. The sharpness was so sharp that it was impossible to destroy it for a while, so he could only watch the big net hit, and Vios himself was firmly wrapped in the big net, and his movements were severely restricted, and he could no longer move freely.

"Mouth, good work!"

Sean saw the changes in the field, and in this brief moment he suddenly showed an excited look, which made him didn't expect Yes, the mouth just issued a few simple command orders, and the situation changed immediately. Archfiend, who was still very vigorous just now, was at a disadvantage in this brief moment. In Zhang Dawang.

"Don't be too happy. Giant, now it's your turn to take action."

However, the words of his mouth made Sean stunned for a moment. Compared with before, the tone of the mouth has become more serious, and at the same time it is full of convincing majesty. This tone is obviously different from the mouth that guided him to refine the potion in Sean's memory.

Before Sean could figure out the crux of the matter, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of dull footsteps.

Sean turned around to look, and the Sword Forging Master Calenda, who had just drank his potion not long ago, was walking towards him at a quick pace.

Seeing Calenda's appearance, Vios seemed to realize something, he hurriedly called: "Kalenda, wake up quickly, don't be controlled by them, I'm your companion !"

However, facing the words of Vios, Karenda did not have the slightest special reaction, but instead raised her giant hand, a dark shadow suddenly turned Vios body shrouded.

"Damn!" Seeing this, Vios scolded angrily. He didn't know what happened to those people, but he already realized that the agent Island Lord should have used some method. This will control everyone else, and the key to controlling everyone else is probably the potion given earlier.

As an Archfiend Vios, naturally he would not drink the potion obediently because of Calenda's persuasion. He didn't drink at all, there really was a problem in didn't expect.

(end of this chapter)

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