
  Chapter 2149 Beneath the Ocean    In the depths of the ocean, in the bottomless seabed volcano, a The giant with the characteristics of fish is doing what he is best at, that is, using the flame veins in the volcano to forge weapons.

Being in the ocean, he should have been unable to exert his strength, but with the help of a secret technique, he overcame the difficulties of the environment. Forging is easier than before, and he can use less effort to forge more sophisticated weapons, which also makes him very happy.

The giant's name is Calenda, the Sword Forging Master brought back from hell by Rhodes. According to Rhodes' request, he is responsible for creating sharp and handy tools for Legion members with the help of the excellent environment provided by the seabed volcano. arms.

At this time, just as Karenda was about to temper the red-hot sword embryo that had just passed through the lava, the action suddenly stopped when it was tempered under the mighty force of the Titan. .

Looking at the scene in front of him, Karenda's eyes opened wide and he saw that in this brief moment, the volcano that was supposed to be dormant in the depths of the ocean actually poured out a lot of bubbles, and followed There was a low rumbling sound, and at the same time, the ground in the depths of the ocean began to tremble in this brief moment, which also scared Calenda into a shivered, and stopped forging for a while.

In this brief moment, Calenda clearly saw that many tiny marine creatures were crawling under his feet, even the creatures that had been hiding in the sand in the depths of the seabed. No longer hiding, and actively revealing his figure, ignoring the possible danger, which made Karenda understand more.

As the Sword Forging Master who once lived in Doomsday Volcano, Calenda knew very well about the characteristics of volcanoes. He knew that there was only one possibility for such a thing to happen, and that was that the seabed volcano was affected by some kind of volcano. Exciting, it will erupt soon.

After discovering this, Karenda grabbed the weapon he built not long ago and moved towards the rear. Although he is also a member of the undead Legion, if he is involved in the outbreak of The volcano died under the deep ocean, and the body did not know where it would float. At that time, it would be difficult to recover again. Even if Rhodes came, he might give up because he could not find his body.

Soon, the figure of an Archfiend appeared in Karenda's line of sight. That was Kane's arrangement for him to meet him here in order to prevent him from any accident.

As an important member of the undead Legion, Calenda's value is a level higher than that of ordinary Legion members. If the weapons he forged are lost in Erathia, they will surely become invaluable treasures. For those nobles to collect, they can't even bear to put such exquisite weapons into use. Not only that, Karenda also helped Rhodes to complete the smelting of Divine Item, which is even more rare.

For this reason, since the Titans themselves do not have much space to spell, Kane specially arranged Archfiend for him to be responsible for the connection, just to prevent this from happening. Without the existence of this Archfiend, when the seabed volcano erupted, according to Calenda's own speed, he could not escape the scope of the volcano.

Karenda looked around, and on the ground full of cracks, there were dark red rays of light, which were also accompanied by a large number of air bubbles. Those lava are constantly brewing, even just watching, Calenda is already shocked, even with the physique of the Titans, she can't hold the erupting volcano head-on, before this terrifying power, Calenda Can only avoid its edge.

Soon, Calenda found the Archfiend who was waiting here, but looked extremely anxious. The weapon in Archfiend's hand is very special. Twice as big, against the backdrop of the lava, the sickle radiates a faint Nether Fire light, which looks extremely terrifying.

Seeing Calenda appear, Archfiend Vios, with a smile on his face, used a secret technique to say, "Sword Forging Master, we must leave here quickly, it won't be long before the volcano under our feet will be gone. It will erupt... I don't know how vast the volcano is, it is clearly far away from the volcanic crater, but it will still be affected." It is indeed no longer safe to stay here, and I am afraid that it will be completely swallowed by those lava in a short time.

Seeing Karenda's agreement, Vios sighed slightly in relief. If the Sword Forging Master never agrees to leave, he can't make his own decisions, or leave first alone, then do that. bound to be punished.

After this period of development, coupled with the rectification of discipline by the Corrective Forgotten Force, even those disobedient Archfiends have become obediently and honestly after being tortured by those succubuses. , did not dare to do anything against the order.

To correct the succubus in the Forgotten Force, the overwhelming majority have successfully passed through the gate of pain and experienced the extreme pain brought by the gate of pain. As for how to torture the demons in order to stimulate the pain in their bodies, those Succubus has a lot of experience.

Vios has also experienced the torture methods of those succubuses once, and it is definitely not an experience he wants to experience again.

Fortunately, the injuries on Legion members are not permanent. Except for Vios, other Legion members who have been tortured by succubus are always looking forward to Rhodes' return so that they can recover. body injuries.

During this process, Rhodes doesn't even have to do anything, these Legion members will consciously respawn once in the Death Domain, so as to fully recover from their injuries.

Thinking of this, Vios faintly sighed, and a burst of bubbles came out of his mouth. He really wanted to go to the Underground World to fight with the elites in Legion, but the order from Kane forced him to stay here, staying in the depths of the ocean that made him feel very uncomfortable all day, supervising the Sword Forging The Master does the forging, and is responsible for collecting and delivering weapons.

In Vios's point of view, this is simply overkill. An Archfiend like him should never do something that a high-level mage can do. What Ri was facing were the "ding, ding" sounds made by the Titans when they were forging, and he couldn't hear the mourning and painful cries that he liked to hear at all.

However, all these dissatisfaction disappeared when Vios got the giant sickle in his hand. Rare in life. If this weapon is used against other Archfiends, he will easily win.

Soon, before lava erupted, Vios put his hand on the shoulder of Calenda, who was many times bigger than him, and the two disappeared from the flames together.

(end of this chapter)

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