
  Chapter 2145 Meteor Shower    "A futile struggle."

With the Falling down, the old mage glanced at the cracks on the Titan shield, and then looked at the ogre king, who was much stronger than the ordinary Barbarian, and his eyes were a little more disdain.

In front of a Legendary mage like him, the savage creatures on the ground, no matter how much they come, are in vain. King ogre, who seems to be stronger, is only the stronger one in a group of ants. But there is no difference, not even the Titan shield can be broken.

Be that as it may, the old mage looked towards the savage creature's eyes, and there was also a bit of hatred, a Legendary mage like him shouldn't be frightened by the attack of those savage creatures.


On the ground below, Badu looked at the mage, who seemed to have no waves and was not hurt by his own attack at all. scolded.

The terrifying of mage has long penetrated into the hearts of all savage creatures, and Badu is no exception. If possible, he would rather face Beamon's collision alone than face those mages. The ogre king, who once fought mage, understands this deeply.

However, things won't change because of Badu's wishes, and the incoming mage won't let go of any savage creature here at all.

As Esquel's robe fluttered, the red-burning meteorite, dragging a long tail flame, fell from the sky, facing the whistling meteorite, in this brief Moment, even if it is a brave and savage creature, can't help but feel extreme fear.

The Heaven and Earth Might caused by the falling meteorite is far beyond the ability of savage creatures to contend with their own physique, but the magic cast by mage can make the entire Heaven and Earth tremble.

Ordinary savage creatures are suitable for seeing everything in front of them. When the meteorite comes, a group of savage creatures will only shout, or even crawl directly on the ground, facing the things they cannot understand. terrifying magic to kneel.

"Get out of the way!"

In this brief moment, Badu seemed to recall something, and hurriedly moved towards the nearby barbarian creatures and yelled, but many barbarian creatures shouted. , has long been terrified before the wave group fell to the meteorite, and his legs were too weak to move at all.

The meteorite strikes on the ground, like a calm sea, suddenly smashed into several stubborn rocks, the earth collapsed instantly, and the strong vibrations emitted also made many bodies unstable. The savage creatures fell into the cracks in the ground and were immediately engulfed, and the savage creatures that were under the meteorite directly skeleton doesn't exist.

There is more than one meteorite falling from the sky. A large number of meteorites strike in this brief moment, and the terrified cries of those savage creatures are also drowned out by the strikes of the meteorites.


Seeing that the camp where barbaric creatures live is about to be turned into ruins, in the fire sea, Badu recognizes the reality in front of him. It is not something that other savage creatures can contend against. When the destruction comes, all he can do is to save the lives of a few savage creatures.

The shadow shrouded King Ogre, he raised his head and saw the huge meteorite that was hitting him. Go, with a deep anxiety in his eyes.

As King ogre galloped, a wave of flames rolled up behind him, and the ground under his feet trembled even more violently. For a time, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the rumbling sound enveloped his ears. The meteorite behind him had already fallen to the ground, and he was also unstable and fell to the ground.

"Badu big brother, are you okay?"

An anxious and worried voice reached Badu's ears. He struggled to get up and saw The Barbarian woman Temeri, who is holding the little big-eared monster, is surrounded by several savage creatures, including a seriously injured adult big-eared monster who is being killed by other old lady Nazel's. bit child carried.

"Why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to run away?" Seeing this, Badu asked anxiously.

"Sorry, Badu's big brother, I'm the one who dragged them down..." Lieduo, who was lifted up by the savage creatures, said ashamedly, if he hadn't been injured in the process of chasing the slave, the others would have Maybe they left long ago, "I told them to keep me here, but they just didn't want to..."

"Get out of here! Run far away!" But Badu didn't Say more, but shout.

The meteorite strikes above the stone house. With the violent explosion, the residences in the normal room were scattered like this, and were instantly razed to the ground. The flame attached to the surface of the meteorite also ignited the remaining ones. everything.

"Where can we escape?" Temerui looked towards the sky, the scarlet flame covered the entire sky, and everything nearby was covered under the strikes of the meteorite.

Before Badu said anything, his back suddenly became hot, and in the sky above his head, the trajectory of a meteorite's descent suddenly took a deflection, moving towards this side.

"You were the one who threw stones at me just now? It seems that you really acted recklessly. Now it's your turn to taste the taste of being stoned."

in the sky, The icy voice of the old mage came down, and Esquill was brooding about the fact that he was frightened by a stone suddenly thrown by a barbarian creature. If this matter spread out, he would definitely be caught in the guild. The other mage laughed, he didn't want to see this.

This meteorite was accelerated by mana, and it was far more violent than other meteorites. Badu didn't even have the slightest time to react. He just subconsciously took a few steps back and saw the meteorite strikes where he was standing. The place.

The aftermath of the strikes instantly engulfed Badu and the savage creatures nearby.


Badu let out a painful cry. Before being caught up in the strikes of the meteorite, he saw the fear in the eyes of the little big-eared monster, and saw Temeri. The concern in his eyes also saw the different expressions of other savage creatures, but he was unable to change everything in front of him at all, and could only watch everything happen.

Before the terrifying magic completely engulfed Badu, he extended the hand and wanted to seize everything in front of him, but only saw a meteorite falling from the sky, completely destroying everything he trusted.

Black smoke rises, and under the strikes of the meteor, it seems that no creature can escape this terrifying attack, waiting for their only end is to die in magic.

Above the sky, Esquel watched this scene with satisfaction, with the sound of the rumbling sound, the depression he had after activating the ultimate golem, in this brief moment has been swept away , looking at the devastated ground, full of traces of meteors and fire rain strikes, he took a deep breath, and nothing could show the majesty of mage more than this.

(end of this chapter)

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