
  Chapter 2113 Volcano Attack    Fire light flashed, accompanied by two Archfiends in Legion, Rhodes once again came to the Doomsday volcano in the depths of hell.

The fiery lava is constantly surging in the volcano, and thick black smoke billows up. Even if it is only close to here, the nearby space begins to distort under the action of the heat wave.

The Doomsday Volcano, as the most fiery place in hell, is said to be below the volcano, connected to the core of the world, and the terrifying heat contained in it is enough to achieve the same effect as the ball of destruction, burning it. All creatures without fear of fire, no demon has ever approached there, even Archfiend has kept it at a distance.

The previous Rhodes was in this position, with the help of Sword Forging Master Karenda, completed the smelting of the source of magic, thus obtaining the powerful Divine Item that once belonged to the god of mage, which can Quickly restore the force from the movement method.

After returning to Mount Doom, the sound of ding ding dong dong had already stopped, Rhodes did not see the Titan in his impression, and even the unformed scarlet sword embryo disappeared together. . On the position where the Doomsday Sword embryo was once placed, the residual charred black is still very obvious, and it seems to be telling Rhodes something.

This discovery also made Rhodes complexion slightly changed. It seems that during this time, Karenda also completed the casting of Divine Sword, but he doesn't know where he is now.

Rhodes valued Karenda's ability to forge treasure. In her previous life, Karenda jumped into the Doomsday volcano at the last moment to feed the sword in order to forge the Doomsday Blade. The Divine Sword that destroyed everything was born, and in this life Rhodes handed him enough Sage Stones, and it is unknown whether his ending will change.

If there is a chance, Rhodes plans to bring the Titan who is good at forging treasure into the Legion. The current Legion lacks a Master who is good at forging weapons.

Thinking of this, Rhodes thought for a while, then took out the farsighted pendant and looked for the giant's location.

At this moment, an Archfiend face changed beside Rhodes, holding the giant sickle in his hand, aiming at the volcanic crater not far away, showing a terrified look.

The lava in the volcano erupted violently, the heat wave surged, and at the same time as the nearby ground was incinerated, it turned into a golden python and moved towards Rhodes.

The Rhodes complexion slightly changed, the Titan's arrows waved in succession, shooting out a dense net-like Titan Divine Arrow, but it couldn't stop the golden python's progress at all, and the lightning passed through python's body, unable to Do any harm to those lava.

Seeing this, Rhodes didn't cast any hard resistance, the body flashed, and he came to a safe position.

In order to test the power of python, Rhodes deliberately let an Archfiend stay in place, forcibly withstand this attack, only to see his flesh and even skeleton, all turned to ashes under the sweep of golden python, it seems No trace remains.

Even so, python still failed to kill it completely. The existence of Death Domain restored Archfiend to its original state, and Archfiend also had a deep fear in his eyes looking towards golden python. The weapon in his hand also trembled faintly. From golden python, he felt the power of the king.

"Rhodes, do you dare to go back to hell?"

The voice of hatred in indifference came from the volcanic crater, and looking around, Rhodes saw a The golden girl slowly walked out of the lava, she was clearly Flam.

This discovery made the Rhodes complexion slightly changed, and Flam's powers appear to have increased further than before.

What appeared in front of him was not Flam's body, it seemed to be just a golden incarnation condensed from lava. Rhodes had just come to hell and did nothing, and was Flam noticed.

"It seems that your strength has improved a lot." Rhodes slowly said, looking at the girl Lava turned into.

Rhodes is not the only one who benefits from the soul of the stigmata. While Rhodes gets a huge amount of sin karma points, there are also many soul fragments, which are also captured by other hell kings, Flam. It is the existence with the greatest improvement.

"Should I still thank you?"

Rhodes' words were exchanged for Flam's glare, next moment, the temperature of the nearby space suddenly rose by dozens of degrees, Ordinary creatures come here, I am afraid that they will not be able to support for a while, and their bodies will be roasted.

The heat wave spewed from Flam's body, and as she was about to attack again, Rhodes hurriedly said: "Wait, elemental monarch, even if you defeat me, I will impossible to put those souls again. Spit it out, don't you?"

Listening to Rhodes' words, Flam's hands stopped and asked in surprise, "What did you say?"

" I said those souls have been used by me, already a part of me, and nothing you do will help," Rhodes shrugged, repeated.

"I didn't mean that!" Fiercely glared at Rhodes. "What did you call me?"

"What did you call me? Wasn't it jealous of the king?" Rhodes gave her a strange look and said.

The girl that lava turned into, gave him a deep look: "It's not this! I'm talking about another name, you call me the Elemental Monarch... It seems that you who have obtained that person's soul, also see To many things in his memory."

Rhodes was silent, not answering her query.

"Sure enough... Damn, that was originally my soul!" As if thinking of something, Flam glared at Rhodes again fiercely, full of intense resentment, and brought up the stigmata. The soul of the person, she seems to be the next moment will be shot on Rhodes.

On the other hand, Rhodes also determined many things from her reaction. The previous conjecture about the ball of destruction has also been confirmed. The jealous king in the depths of hell has another identity, then Is the elemental monarch who wields the flames.

Contrary to what Flam thought, Rhodes did not see his memories from the stigmata's soul, but turned all his soul into sin karma points. , in exchange for various powerful abilities, and even the existence of the field.

But Flam didn't know this. Seeing that Rhodes seemed to have broken her other identity unconsciously, her complexion changed several times, and finally she pressed the idea of ​​​​to shoot.

"Since you have seen his memory, you should know what he did to us, right?" Flam took a deep breath and asked Rhodes.

Rhodes didn't really see the memory of the stigmata, and didn't know everything Flam mentioned, but he knew that we in Flam's words should be referring to several other people. The Elemental Monarch, then followed her words and said:    "I care more about what you plan to do than this. If I guess correctly, you plan to take back all the magic elements in the main plane, right?"

(end of this chapter)

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