
  Chapter 2090 Mysterious Coat of Arms   This map on the stone gate also reminds Rhodes Something happened.

According to the records of the Dia royal family, the largest period of Dia's territory in history should be the period when the hero with the scarlet eye was born.

Under the gaze of those cursed eyes, all the creatures around Dia at that time could not escape the fate of becoming a vampire. If it weren't for the hero's will not be here, Dia's territory would be even bigger.

Rhodes counted carefully, there are five areas on the world map, there is no marsh Taitalia where the animal trainer lives, and there is no Vilnin where the city of Sao is located, there are only five. The oldest force in the world, and it has continued to this day.

Swamp Titania, in the golden age of Brakada, those mages used black magic indiscriminately, and excreted the pollution caused by black magic, as well as a large number of alien creatures, into Krulord special area formed within. And Verning is the legendary hero of light, who placed the handed down Divine Item. These two areas only appeared on the main plane later.

This point, undoubtedly, also explained to Rhodes that the world map in front of us corresponds to the division of forces in the ancient times, which is earlier than the golden age of the Mage Empire. I am afraid it can be traced back to the place where the stigmata were located. era.

On the stone gate in front of you, in each of the five areas shown on the world map, there is an extra circular hole, and just below the stone gate, there is also a piece of The round badge just fits into one of the holes.

"Choose one out of five, is this a test of luck?" Rhodes sucked the badge on the ground into his hands, a look of thought flashing across his face.

Looking at this badge carefully, it is drawn with a pattern of swords and hammers interlaced, surrounded by a circle of petal decorations, if you look carefully, you can still see from the tip of the blade, See the dripping blood.

Rhodes doesn't know the origin of this pattern, and he doesn't remember where he saw it. He immediately took a deep breath, if Rhodes read it correctly, this should be the family emblem of a family in ancient times.

The test of this stone gate is very obvious. Just fill the badge into the correct position on the map and you can pass it smoothly, but Rhodes does not know which position is correct.

"This test... if you don't have the relevant knowledge, who knows where this badge corresponds?"

At this time, Rhodes' face also showed a bit of awkward look , unlike previous fusion ceremony , he has no clue about the current test .

If someone who knew the ancient knowledge came here, such as Messika who was staying on the island, he might be able to know where to fill the badge, but Rhodes really didn't know.

"Isn't this the Mausoleum of the Hex King? Why does the family crest of the main plane appear? Could it be related to the former Hex King?" It seems to have thought of something, Rhodes frowned.

The Underground World's sorcerer originated from the Mage Empire Brakata in the south of the continent. In this way, maybe the badge should be filled in the corresponding position of Brakata.

And the pattern displayed on the badge has nothing to do with spell, the blade and the hammer, Rhodes prefers to believe, this is Erathia, or the family coat of arms of the Eri area, even where Barbarian is located The Crowlord is also possible.

To get the right answer, Rhodes can only think of the life story of the Hex-King.

In Rhodes' impression, the King of Hexists is extremely mysterious. Every time he appears, he will use a different face. Even the royal family of Nigon has never had any experience with the King of Hexists. Many records only record the location of the royal mausoleum.

I don't know the life story of the king of witchcraft, Rhodes can't make the right choice, in this brief moment, Rhodes not only gritted his teeth, but can only consider the worst result.

"Maybe it really only depends on luck, choose one of the five... I don't know if I choose the wrong one, it will inspire those special sorcery ceremony..."

With a sigh, in this brief moment, Rhodes felt very helpless. He finally understood why the caveman hero was able to get the sacrifice ceremony from the tomb of the king of sorcery. The test before him was completely and sorcery Knowledge is irrelevant, it depends purely on their own luck, and the luck of heroes is often much better than that of ordinary creatures.

Rhodes doesn't dare to ask for it. How lucky he is in this choice. In his memory, the set of prophecy cards in Rowlin's hand will reduce the user's luck, maybe it is convenient. will affect itself.

shook the head, Rhodes didn't believe his current lucky attribute, since the passage had no way out when he came, if he didn't want to activate the defensive measures of the Mausoleum of Hex, he could only try to place the badge on the one of the locations.

Rather than relying on your own luck to guess randomly, it is better to give this opportunity to the Archfiend under his command to see what will happen.

Just as Rhodes was about to return to a safe position and let Archfiend place the badge in a random position to check the next result, he suddenly heard Frazer cry out in surprise: "Master, This coat of arms, I seem to have seen it before..."


Rhodes gave him a surprised look, and according to Peeping Eye's feedback, Farezer did not Lie, he obviously knew something about the coat of arms that appeared in front of him.

"Tell me, when did you see this coat of arms, and where did you see it? What does this coat of arms represent?"

This discovery immediately made Rhodes look excited, and he hurriedly asked Farezer, wanting to know what he knew. No matter how much Farezer knows about the badge, it's better to know a little bit about it than just guessing.

"I think about it..." Faarezer looked thoughtful, his browsers tightly frowns, his tone was also low, "That was when I was still studying tactics at Knight Academy, my mentor It's the famous Imperial Family Knight who let me collect rare noble coat of arms to learn the history behind the coat of arms... In order to complete his task, I asked Morgan Kendall Uncle for help and he took me to the Imperial Family The big library... I should have seen the exact same coat of arms in a book in the big library."

Falezer said intermittently, he had long forgotten these things, Those complicated and complicated aristocratic coat of arms, after completing the task of the mentor, he will not deliberately remember them. If it is not in the magic undead, he sees this unique coat of arms, he may not remember it for the rest of his life. What has been seen in the scriptures.

(end of this chapter)

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