
  Chapter 2086 Exploring the Royal Tombs   After learning about the situation from the cavemen, Rhodes couldn't help but wonder took a deep breath.

It was unexpected that the most powerful sacrificial ceremony among all the magic ceremonys, recorded in the Mausoleum of Hex, was now mastered by those cavemen, which was really beyond Rhodes' expectations.

Although Rhodes is very interested in the sacrificial ceremony in the hands of the cavemen, the most important thing now is not to win the unique sorcery ceremony, but to find a way to rescue Alama.

Judging from Margaret's words, although Alama is in danger, the transformation of his magic has also brought him a strong life force. Die, but if it takes a long time, maybe something unexpected will happen.

Alama's accomplishments on the bloodline of alien creatures are related to Inota, who is currently undergoing mutation, and Rhodes dare not take this risk. Even if the sacrifice of ceremony is precious, Rhodes must put it aside.

Soon, Rhodes made a decision in the heart, and turned to look towards Farezer on the side: "The plan remains unchanged, enter the royal tomb, and search for Alama's whereabouts!"

Falezer nodded, and immediately communicated Rhodes' orders to the demons who came with him.

Soon, under the leadership of Farezer, a group of demons entered the entrance of the royal tomb.

The Legion members following Rhodes' actions this time, only twenty Archfiends from the undead Legion, the rest of the Legion members, Rhodes left them at the station outside the city of Sao for their daily training, and Patrol the surrounding area.

After the battle in hell, the newly added members of the Legion also need to go through a run-in before they can exert their full strength in the Legion. Rhodes believes that the succubus in Legion is enough to teach other demons a good lesson.

There is a more important reason why Rhodes did not bring many demons here.

In his previous life, Rhodes learned that the Mausoleum of the Magus King is different from the ordinary ruins. Even if the ordinary ruins are dangerous, the things in them will not change. The mausoleum left by the king of magicians is not a dead place, the entire mausoleum in front of him is alive.

A few creatures enter it, and nothing will happen. Once a large number of creatures try to thoroughly explore the ruins and scavenge the legacy left by the king of magicians, they will be activated immediately. Various fortifications in the ruins.

The kings of the Underground World of all dynasties coveted the precious things in the tombs of the sorcerer, and tried their best to send elite sorcerers to explore, but the gains were extremely limited, and they couldn't compare to those demons. The loss of the magician.

The royal mausoleum is full of all kinds of weird traps, and even the most Peak sorcerer in Legendary may be caught at any time. The traps here are all the proud works of the King of Hexcasters in his life. Of course, there are also magicians with extraordinary talent. From those traps, they have gained important insights in the field of sorcery.

Even if the traps in the royal tombs can be broken, it is not a once and for all thing. When the magicians leave, the traps in the royal tombs will reset and change their positions. The next time they come here, What will be faced will be new traps.

It was impossible to obtain precious benefits from the royal tombs stably. Over time, the Nigong royal family regarded the location of the royal tombs as a secret, and sealed up the records. Creatures will also violently die immediately.

Thinking of this, Rhodes couldn't help but glance at the cave vampire that followed. Their leader was able to obtain the legendary sacrifice ceremony from the royal tomb. This achievement alone will make many magicians. blushed with shame, maybe it's not a coincidence that the cavemen can rise in the third expansion.

Because of the low status of the cavemen, they walked at the front of the team, and if there was any trap, they were the first to step on it. Rhodes and Frazer are relatively safe at the center of the team, and don't have to worry about anything unexpected.

The footsteps of a cave vampire fell, the ground sank slightly, as if stepping on some mechanism, the liquid of dark green spewed out from the ground under his feet, instantly melting the cave vampire to nothing but bones, The Archfiend in front of the team was also affected, and just wanted to travel through the flames, but found that the space spell could no longer be used here.

Archfiend, who failed to get out of the way in time, was also corroded by those liquids. Corrosion spread rapidly from the location contaminated with the liquid to their whole body. Unless the part contaminated with the liquid was completely cut off, there would be nothing I want to stop the corrosion.

Seeing this situation, the Archfiend behind Rhodes suddenly changed his face, didn't expect to encounter such a danger as soon as he came to the royal tomb.

Different from the battles in hell, the traps of the Mausoleum of Hex are very hidden. Even Archfiend, if he is not careful, will be eliminated by those hidden traps, and his powerful strength cannot be used at all.

Changed to a normal team, those corrosive liquids alone are enough to damage five Archfiends, and the members of the entire team drop by 1/4/2022, and this is just the first trap I just encountered, Not to mention the difficulties behind.

Those orthodox Legendary sorcerers might have a way to dissolve those corrosive liquids, but Rhodes didn't master that method, but Rhodes didn't need to master that method either.

Under the Death Domain, even Legion members whose bones had been corroded were back on their feet, as were those cave vampires.

"Keep going." Rhodes slowly said.

The existence of the Death Domain also gave Rhodes the confidence to rescue Alama from the royal tomb. If not, Rhodes could not accept the loss of Legion members while exploring the royal tomb. He deeply understood that, What a dangerous situation exists in the Mausoleum of the Sorcery King.

After passing through the trap of the corrosive liquid, the Legion members in the team were obviously alert and could grow into Archfiend all the way in hell. They also have extraordinary innate talent and will not commit the same crime. Mistakes twice, but those cave vampires are still stuck in the wonder of rebirth, even ignoring the dangers they may face.

Under Rhodes' orders, the Legion members bypassed the corrosive liquid on the ground and continued to move forward. Soon, the passage in front of them also changed from being used for a group of people to travel at the same time, to only for two people. The three of them walked side by side, and the space became constricted.

Looking at the change in the channel, Rhodes also saw a fork in the road at this time.

"This... Master, where should we go?" Beside Rhodes, Fareze couldn't help asking, looking at the two identical-looking fork roads, he really didn't know Which way to continue to meet Rhodes' request to rescue Alama trapped in the royal tomb.

(end of this chapter)

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