
  Chapter 2070 Outside the Refuge

Above the Lake of Fire.

"Master, the battle in Flame Seal city has come to its last hour, and only when the gluttonous king returns with the sanctuary, you can obtain the most powerful soul in the world."

In front of a large silver white palace, a fierce Fire Essence said respectfully.

These silver white palaces are neatly stacked, as if they were deliberately manipulated repeatedly, and in front of the Fire Essence spirit is a human-like girl, her eyes, pupils, and hair. , even the eyebrows on the eyes are deep red, like a burning fiery flame.

Listening to the report of the Fire Essence spirit, she looked at the row of shelters in front of her with unstoppable joy on her face: "That's really good, with that person's soul. Afterwards, I will definitely be able to achieve what I want... It's a pity that those nasty guys have all come, it seems that a lot of souls will be separated out."

Turning her red eyes slightly, she saw not far away , a big dog is crawling on the ground, the distinguished dog trainer, is taking a ladder, climbing on it, and grooming its body, but it closed its eyes, as if asleep, The thunderous snoring continued.

The sky-shattering sound emanated from its nostrils, and all the demons approaching this place would be startled by its snoring before they felt the fear of being suppressed by the rank, and many trained dogs. Master, you even had to plug your ears to continue cleaning up. The big dog in front of him was a lazy king in hell.

Looking at the big dog lying on the ground, as if she could not feel the tension at all, a nameless anger grew in her heart. A flame was ignited.

The flame continued to burn along the big dog's fur, which also shocked the nearby dog ​​handlers. Many dog ​​handlers who could not stand firm fell off the big dog. Some were even directly engulfed by the flames and turned into ashes in the flames.

The big dog that was on fire, when the nearby dog ​​trainer was far away, just rolled over lazily and put out the flames on his body.

The action of the girl made the big dog wake up from sleep. It yawned, stuck out its tongue and licked it a few times, then looked towards the red-haired girl.

"Why are you still sleeping? The soul incarnated by Spiritual God is not enough for you to take it seriously? All the preparations before awakening the soul are completed by my fierce Fire Essence, and you do it again. What happened? How can I get one of them?"

Looking towards her big dog, the red-haired girl immediately complained dissatisfiedly, the more she talked, the more angry she became, and her heart became even more burning A mass of nameless anger erupted, and her red hair swayed with her figure, as if a flame was burning.

"Frum, I feel your anger."

A low male voice came from behind the red-haired girl, she turned around and saw that she was bigger The dog is slightly smaller, but it looks stronger, a giant beast with muscles all over his body, and a hell beamon with dark brown hair.

Whether it is a red-haired girl or a big dog not far away, there are many creatures around, and surrounding the red-haired girl is a large group of Fire Essence spirits, among which there are many The existence of the Legendary level, and the big dog is surrounded by some dog trainers, and the more common Three Headed Hound.

And around the hell Beamon, there were no other creatures to follow, it came here alone, spoke human's words, and said to the red-haired girl in common language.

"You came just in time, help me teach it a lesson, it dares to ignore us and lie down to sleep." Said, the red-haired girl pointed to the big dog on the side, moved towards Hell Beamon road.

Hell Beamon glanced at her helplessly: "We have more important things to do, these all are unnecessary disputes."

"Isn't it? In the name of anger, you actually said that this was an unnecessary dispute? He aroused my anger and should bear my anger. Isn't this what anger means? How did you become the king of anger?"

After saying that, the red-haired girl stomped her feet, and the big dog ignited a large flame again. It rolled on the ground a few times, and then the flames were extinguished, but this is for the dog trainer below. , but no less than an earthquake-like terrifying situation.

The red-haired girl's mean and unforgiving words also attracted a burst of anger from Hell Beamon. A layer of flame ignited on its body, but it was only revealed temporarily. Calm soon returned.

It glanced at the red-haired girl with some dissatisfaction, but didn't say much after all, turned to the shelter on the side, and stayed on the ground at High Level.

Seeing that she was making fun of herself, the red-haired girl gave the giant beast a disdainful look in the distance, and then she vented her anger on the Fire Essence beside her.

"I remember that I asked you to open the seal in the shelter before to prepare for the awakening of the soul. You seem to have not fulfilled my order." She looked towards a terrified Fire Essence spirit , coldly said.

"Lord Flam, please forgive me this time..." The Fire Essence seemed to have sensed something, with deep fear on his face, moved towards red-haired girl and pleaded.

"It's too late, a spirit of Fire Essence like you shouldn't stay on this world, you should return to the furnace of flame to rebuild, this is the greatest favor for you ."

The red-haired girl gave him a cold look, then extended the hand, the white palm penetrated the body of the Fire Essence spirit, and the fire Essence spirit used to protect the whole body. The Aegis of Fire did not stop her movement for a moment, and just let her palm pass through her body. Soon, she pulled out her palm again, and this time, in her palm, there was an extra crystal of crimson, which was the elemental core of the Fire Essence spirit.

Under her control, the elemental core, which was supposed to regenerate elemental creatures, lost its original power in this brief moment. It got dark, and there was no life in the blink of an eye.

The nearby Fire Essence saw this scene in their eyes, and feared the girl even more in their hearts, but no one dared to make any sound, but buried their heads deeply.

Before the red-haired girl could continue to do anything, the tremors from the distance also attracted the attention of many nearby Fire Essence spirits.

The strong tremor made the lake of fire begin to boil, and the waves of lava turned into continuous surges. The hot lava, in this brief moment, set off a ten thousand zhang high flame wave, like a tsunami, towards the sea. The crowd outside the shelter swept in.

"It's the King of Gluttony, she's back with a shelter!"

Feeling the familiar aura in the distance, the red-haired girl's face showed a bit of joy, Immediately raising his hand and pressing down, the flames that were swept in earlier melted quickly at this moment. If it weren't for the residual temperature remaining in the air, there would be no trace of their existence at all.

(end of this chapter)

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