
  Chapter 2064 Breaking the ceremony    "That's..."

Looking at the ceremony array In that silhouette, Selron looked shocked: "The arrogant king? How is this possible? The king should be waiting for the final result of the trial... No, she is not the arrogant king."

Looking intently, Selron also discovered the abnormality in her body. Although the breath is exactly the same, in Selron's memory, the arrogant king only used this appearance to show people a long time ago. The form of angel has long been Abandoned by arrogant kings.


Angel also saw Archfiend in front of him, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes, slowly said: "I can see hundreds of years later. I am very pleased with you. I still remember the situation of you who followed me and betrayed the City of Clouds. In retrospect, those things seemed to have just happened in front of my eyes...Unfortunately, the me in front of you, only It's just the remnant of the prophecy card summon."

Listening to her story, Selron seemed to realize something, he looked towards Rhodes beside him, and Messika in the array, loudly said : "It turns out you guys did it, I've seen your prophecy card! I know what it has!"

Rhodes glanced at Archfiend in front of him, and if he planned to leave, Rhodes had nothing to do. Blocked it, and then said no more, but looked towards the winged angel.

"Turn on the array, this is you now, the ceremony array under the cloth, you should be able to remove it?" Rhodes instructed.

Angel didn't say much. When she was summoned out of the prophecy card, she had already promised Rowlin that she would complete the task of rescuing Messika, and she had already expected this to happen.

She raised her hands slowly, and the inverted pentagram array at the foot of Messika seemed to sense her movement, and the rays of light flowed for a while, and the deep red rays of light burst out from it, instantly. They dyed the demons beside Rhodes red, and even the Legion members not far away also discovered the abnormality here.

"What happened over there? Will something happen to the master?"

Looking at where Rhodes was, Agland asked worriedly.

"This is not something that you, the Overseer, should pay attention to." His question was met with a jeer from Finley, "Compared to this, what you have to worry about is what happens over there. The battle."

Following what Finley pointed, Agland also saw not far away, releasing a monstrous sword glow, destroying the ancient heroes of Legion members one after another.

In the Legion of the Undying, those Archfiends whose strength is almost the same as their own, fell into the hands of ancient heroes one by one. After that, Agland didn't even dare to stay in front of him for a second.

"It's going to get over there... He kills demons faster than Legion members recover, which is unbelievable."

Speaking of this , Agland glanced at Finley, then looked at the Archfiend Ovie who was stepping on her feet, and reminded: "According to the commander's order, now it's up to you, bring the members of the Correction Forgotten Force forward to drag the ancient hero. ..."

Just halfway through the words, Agland seemed to sense something, turned to look behind, and his eyes showed surprise: "It seems that Nuns has finally brought the master's giant body with him. On the battlefield. I don't know what the commander was thinking, but he actually handed this mission to Nunns. His ability to hide in flames is not comparable to other Archfiends. If the time for the giant's arrival is delayed, I will see him. What should I do?"

Appearing on the battlefield was a huge body that once belonged to Goliath, and as the undead Legion launched a surprise attack, the giant body was also brought to the battlefield by Archfiend, one of the members.

In front of the larger fire Divine Idol, the giant's body looks a little small, but this does not prevent him from becoming a flag in the hearts of Legion members.


At this moment, Finley seemed to have noticed something, with a terrified look in her eyes.

The dark red sword glow rose into the sky, moved towards the giant's body and quickly attacked, the sword glow left a deep trace in the space it passed through, many of which once belonged to Selron. Demon, in this brief moment all recalled the previous moment, which was the terrifying attack that nearly divided the fire Divine Idol into two.

Besides, the ceremony array that had trapped Messika, the red light also quickly converged, and finally everything was calm, except for the cracked ground under her feet, nothing abnormal happened.

"I have fulfilled your request, and my second mission is over."

After unlocking the seal under Messika, the broken wing angel looked at Rhodes, slowly said.

A burst of golden rays of light poured out of her body, her body slowly faded, and finally it turned into a prophecy card with a gold edge and a red bottom, and returned to Messika.

Looking at the folded angel drawn on the front of the card, Messika seemed to have a feeling in the heart. After staring for a long time, she put the card down and looked towards Rhodes who was beside her: "I will. I know, you are the one mentioned in the prophecy, the one who saved me from fate, the hero Rhodes."

"Don't call me that." Rhodes slowly said, "I am not a hero, I save You, just because of you, there is still value worthy of being saved. Restore your true face, at least that way, I can still look at it a little more pleasing to the eye."

Under Rhodes' gaze, Macy Jia's figure slowly changed, flesh and blood filling her skeleton-like body, she turned into a hunched old lady with wrinkles and dark spots on her face, and her skin looked bloodless. But soon, her back stood up a little bit, and her skin became supple. The eyes that looked old and deep turned into fiery, and the deeply depressed nose added a bit of ferocity to her.

Without much hesitation, Messika was restored to her former appearance. Her appearance was exactly the same as the statue of the king Rhodes had seen in hell.

She looked at Rhodes, holding the ace with the winged angel between her fingers and covering it lightly before her lips.

"I have a lot of things I want to ask you." Seeing the changes in Messika, Rhodes slowly said.

Before Rhodes could finish speaking, a huge shadow suddenly spread rapidly under his feet. Rhodes raised his head, but saw a scene that changed his color.

The giant body belonging to Goliath was divided into two by some kind of terrifying attack. The strong impact caused the left half of the giant body to move towards the position of him and Messika. Come.

After slightly estimating the possible damage of the giant's body, Rhodes made a decision in an instant. This level of attack could not be resisted hard, and his body could not recover the injury through Death Domain.

Seeing this, Rhodes grabbed Messika, and the figures of the two were disappeared in the firelight.

(end of this chapter)

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