
  Chapter 1952 The Awakened Yosiah

For a while The violent coughing woke the purple-haired girl meditating on the cliff on the coast. She opened her eyes and saw the ice blue Sacred Dragon struggling to climb up from the ground.

"Very good, you finally woke up!" Inota showed a happy smile.

"Where am I? Did you save me..." The wound on the holy dragon's body was not completely recovered, and he asked impatiently.

"Ms. Yusia, you are now in the Water Element plane. To be precise, Rhodes saved you. You can rest assured that Morril will never come here, and you are very safe now. ' explained Inota.

"Moril... Damn! She dared to swindle me, twisted my mind with Bloodline Power, and forced me to do things I didn't want to do. I will never let her go!" Speaking of the big red dragon, Yusia's heart was filled with unstoppable anger, and she raised her head and let out a dragon roar.

The dragon roar from the ice-blue Sacred Dragon reverberated in the quiet room, and then gradually dissipated for a long time. The temperature in the entire quiet room dropped sharply because of this, and the ground began to frost.

After the roar, Yusia let out a deep sigh, with a helpless expression on her face: "It is indeed the power of a natural hero, combined with the bloodline of the holy female giant dragon, even the purest bloodline Sacred Dragon. , and I can't disobey Moriel's orders. If I see her again, I am afraid that I will be controlled by her in a blink of an eye, and I will never have a chance to fight with her..."

She was once the leader of the giant dragon, but now she She couldn't even fight Moriel head-on, how could it not make her feel lost?
   Feeling the loss in Yusia's heart, Inota took the initiative to comfort: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Moriel can't use her bloodline to control you, I'll help you get rid of her control!"

"You?" Yusia was taken aback for a moment, the golden dragon's eyes then focused on the dark red armor on Inota's body, her pupils shrunk deeply, "This is... the holy female giant dragon transformed into 's Divine Item!"

"What?" This time, it was Inota who was confused, she blinked, not understanding the meaning of the ice blue Sacred Dragon.

"That's true! The distance was too far before, I didn't see it clearly, but now I see that this is indeed the legendary Divine Item made from the corpse of the holy female giant dragon..." Yossi As she spoke, she stretched out her dragon claws tremblingly and gently brushed the front of the dark red armor, the unique pattern like a dragon head.

"Is there anything special about this armor? Apart from feeling stronger, I don't seem to have anything else. But as long as I wear it, I can isolate Moriel's control within a certain range. ." Inota scratched her head and asked.

"A long time ago, the corpse of the holy female giant dragon was made into two Divine Items. Her heart and blood were made into a dragon's blood bottle, symbolizing her bloodline, and her The skeleton and torso have been made into the dragon king's divine force, which symbolizes her power." Yusia put out a breath, replied, "As long as you collect these two Divine Items, you can reproduce the glory of the holy female giant dragon. , to gain the power comparable to that of the gods."

Inota was dumbfounded, but Yusia continued to say: "The dragon's blood bottle is now in Moriel's hands, that is when she became the Underground World. The foundation of the king. From my mouth, she inquired about the location of the kingdom of dragons on the elemental plane of venting, not to include the giant dragon there, but for the Divine Item in the giant dragon's hand, which is the dragon king divide force on you. "

"It turns out that this armor still has such a history..." Inota looked thoughtful nodded.

"You took the Divine Item that Moriel is determined to get, and she won't let you go just like that. Her ambitions are bigger than you think, and she will never be satisfied with controlling the Underground World, and she will find her sooner or later. Get on you." Yusia recalled what she had seen, and she had deep fear in her eyes for the big red dragon.

"Then what should I do?" Inota hesitated, thinking constantly in her heart, but couldn't think of any way to deal with Moriel.

"Don't worry, Inota, if Moriel dares to come to the Water Element plane, the undead creatures in the ocean will definitely make her come and go." Just as Inota hesitated, a A familiar voice reached her ears.

She happily followed the sound and saw Rhodes walking slowly.

The arrival of Rhodes made her feel at ease, and even her fear of the big red dragon gradually subsided.

"Rhodes..." Beside her, the ice-blue Sacred Dragon bowed slightly, and the powerful imposing manner she felt from the giant made her vigilant, and the previous battles were vivid in her mind. She was well aware of the giant's terrifying power.

Rhodes glanced at the ice-blue Sacred Dragon, waved his hand, and did not show any hostility, and immediately put his eyes on the purple-haired girl not far away, "Inota, your How's the mana recovery?"

"You can cast the gate of different dimensions three times, as long as you don't cast other magic." Inota counted her hands and replied.

Giant dragons with long lifespans generally have a higher knowledge attribute than other creatures, and for fairy dragons, this also gives them more mana.

"Very good." Rhodes nodded, "I brought you some presents, I hope you like it."

With that, Rhodes bent down slightly, very Quick, a lot of things tilted out of the magic ship above his head, it was a round, full and bulging magic eye.

Different from the ordinary magic eyes, there are no tentacles behind these magic eyes, and there is almost no way to move their positions autonomously.

Inota looked at those magic eyes with joy, couldn't help but catch one of them, and ate.

"What is this?" Looking at those magic eyes, Yusia couldn't help asking.

"This is the delicious food that Rhodes brought me, Yusia, try it too!" Inota quickly stuffed a magic eye into her mouth, picked up another magic eye, and handed it to her. Give the ice blue Sacred Dragon not far away.

Yusia hesitated, but she did not reject Inota's kindness. She swept her dragon tail, and the magic eye in Inota's hand flew into the sky, and then bit her head and chewed it in her mouth. stand up.

Feeling that after the magic eye was bitten open, the thick juice flowing out of it filled her mouth, Yusia smacked her lips: "It seems...not bad."

She probed on the ground As soon as he took a breath, the layer of magic eyes that was originally covered suddenly lost more than half, and they fell into the belly of the ice blue Sacred Dragon, but Inota was stunned and looked at Rhodes with some grievances.

Rhodes laughed: "When I get my body back, you will have as many magic eyes as you want."

Hearing him say this, Inota revealed Satisfied look.

"Let's get down to business. Lord of the Ice Prison, I rescued you from Morril's control. Now I need your power to attack the Treasure House in the Cloud with me and retrieve my body."

Yusia gave him a deep look: "You don't understand the terrifying of those angels, and I don't want to be involved in these things. However, Inota will definitely not watch you go to death, for the sake of To prevent her from getting hurt, I will act with her to protect her safety."

"That's fine." Rhodes nodded, agreeing with Yusia's statement.

(end of this chapter)

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