
  Chapter 1943 The Doors of Glory
   "Damn heretic, you will be purified by light, for Repent of your crimes!"

Just when Rhodes used the power of the Death Domain to conquer the nearby heretic, in the sky, the golden door had been completely opened, and the pure white-winged angel stepped out from the door.

"Gate of Glory..."

Looking at the golden gate that is completely opened in the sky, Rhodes expression congeals, there is the entrance of Cloud City, as long as you pass through the glory Through the gate, you can go to the cloud city that all Erathians yearn for.

It is said that there is eternal love and tranquility in the city of clouds, which is the opposite of hell where hate and killing are full, but Rhodes knows that it is only a rumor of Erathia people, just like Erathia people Believe that God will bless them.

Similar to the opening conditions of Gates of Hell, as the gate of glory of the city gate in the cloud, it takes a lot of preparation before opening to summon those powerful angels, which also prepares Rhodes time.

Soon, Rhodes' eyes locked on the arcangel who was leading in the sky. He had four wings behind his back, and his expression was majestic. in the mouth.

"Can you attack him?" Rhodes asked Commander Farezer, who was looking at the arcchangel.

"His position exceeds the limit range of the ballista. Maybe the priest can use spell to attack him, but the effect will be greatly reduced." Falezer calculated angel's position in the heart, An answer was given quickly.

Rhodes nominates his own team and uses the Death Domain to convert the number of teams in the city. Rhodes handed over the command to the hands of Fareze. Compared with his own, he has special skills such as tactics and leadership. Farezer, more suitable for commanding them into battle.

Rhodes noticed that the undead creatures that were resurrected from the Death Domain and were originally completely unaffected by morale, in this brief moment, could still be inspired by leadership skills, their own consciousness, not completely Erase.

In addition to Falezer, heretic, the less powerful leader of the Minotaur, has nothing to do with those angels, and Rhodes doesn't count on them.

"Master, please let me solve those arcangels for you." Looking at the arcangl in the sky, Agland volunteered to fight.

"Can you? Besides the archangel, there is also a group of angels, and a holy griffin." Rhodes asked Aglan, looking at the gate of glory as the rays of light gradually subsided.

There were only five angels who came out of the cloud city, including the archangel, and a pure white griffin of the Legendary rank. Markman is more than a hundred times stronger than these angels, but the power of these angels is enough to easily wipe out the entire city of Khana. The original defenders in the city, plus those heretic, are not their opponents.

Erathia can always occupy the most fertile land in the center of the continent and repel all attacks in the surrounding areas, relying on the angel in the cloud.

"Master, please rest assured, I was once an elite Archfiend who was selected into the Blood Scythe unit. As long as there is a flame hiding, those angels are definitely not my opponents." Aglan said confidently.

Listening to him, the corners of Rhodes' mouth twitched slightly. Archfiend is also a Legendary creature with the same name as archangel. Able to cast Fire Hide freely.

Unfortunately, most of the time, Rhodes needs to use Agrand's flame to escape, so that he can travel between different spaces, so that Agrand's previous battles were all when he couldn't cast his flames to escape. In close combat under the ability of shape, it is difficult to exert one's strength.

In hell, Rhodes was able to kill Aglan, and he was able to take advantage of the flames to hide, and his ability fell into a cooldown. Otherwise, Archfiend, who can cross the space at will, is not so Good to deal with existence.

At this moment, from Aglan's confident words, Rhodes also felt his grasp of defeating those angels, and immediately said: "Show me your strength, as long as you can kill an angel first. , the battle is more than half of the victory."

Rhodes with Death Domain, naturally dare to say such words.

After receiving the order from Rhodes, Agran's dark red face showed a stern smile, holding the giant sickle in both hands, and swung down violently.

Agrand's up ahead, Rhodes' expression remained unchanged, and he calmly looked at the weapon in Agrand's hand. Just as the scythe was about to approach, flames emerged from Agrand's body.

Above the sky, the angel gushing out of the Gate of Glory had already set his sights on the giants in the city of Karna. Everything that happened in the city had already been seen by them, if not It will take time to open the Gate of Glory, they have already rushed out of the cloud city and fought those heretic to the end.

"Hatherin, in the city of Karna, is not an ordinary heretic, the giant, and the demon beside him, should be the main force of the Legion of hell, maybe we should unite the power of other angels ."

Saint griffin looked at the Rhodes group in the city with keen eagle eyes, spoke human's words, and said to the archangel beside him.

It came from the instinct of the creature, which made him realize that the terrifying place of the demon below, even if he was already in the city of clouds and saw the battle below, he still did not understand, that demon. What kind of tactics did the devil use?

"Don't worry. That's just some lowly heretic, merciful and righteous gods who will bless me against them." archangel surveyed the giants in the city, holding the spiral blade in his hand high above his head, Gently replied.

At the same time, Cloud City seemed to sense his prayer, and lowered golden rays of light in response. It was a devout prayer that was far more effective than any priest, and could greatly improve the surrounding area. the power of others.

All the arcangels who were bathed in this golden rays of light felt the power in their bodies increased, and their determination to fight against evil rose in their hearts.

archangel looked towards the red demon on the giant, with a bit of contempt in his eyes: "even more how, he is not Archfiend, he should just be a pure blood demon. If he is Archfiend, before During the battle, he could not use Space Power. I know the demons in hell better than you think..."

Before he could finish his words, his pupils shrank suddenly, suddenly Flickering his wings and looking back, he saw a blazing flame beside the angel behind him, accompanied by the wicked smile of the Archfiend.

(end of this chapter)

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