
  Chapter 1931 The Power of Mage

“This is…”

Hope As the Fireball ascended into the sky, Rhodes' expression slowly became solemn.

Rhodes noticed that it was not an ordinary Fireball condensed by mage in the main plane, but condensed with the shadow energy of the shadow plane.

In other words, Eli used the air magic element to do what the Fire Element magic element can do.

Looking at this scene, Rhodes' expression congeals. Bracada's Legendary mage has the ability to make changes to the existing magic, but it is the first time Rhodes has seen a method that completely subverts the nature of the magic element itself.

"Let's go." Eli shook the head, not answering Rhodes' doubts.

Under the shadow of the Shadow Fireball, the path on the Shadow Plains no longer twists, but appears as a straight line. Rhodes was surprised to find that the distance from the thieves headquarters was only a few dozen steps away, and with the body of Goliath, he only took one step to get there.

Before this, the roads here had been twisted by the shadow energy in the plane, and if it wasn't for Eli's spellcasting, it would have taken Rhodes a while to discover the anomaly here.

The Fireball illuminates the path underfoot, but also attracts the monster lurking in the shadows.

Before taking a step, Rhodes senses the danger coming.

For a time, warnings of danger came from all over Rhodes. For this warning, Rhodes is more sensitive than any creature, and this warning ability has helped Rhodes many times to avoid the attack of powerful enemies.

Rhodes turned around suddenly, but was stunned for a while, there was nothing behind him, as if everything was just his illusion, and there was simply no danger.

If it wasn't for the subtle tingling sensation that kept coming from Goliath's body, Rhodes would even suspect that his perception was wrong.

Looking around, Rhodes quickly locked onto the location where the anomaly occurred. It came from the ground under his feet. To be precise, it was the shadow he formed under the fireball above his head. partial area.

Rhodes looked down and saw that his shadow was constantly distorting, especially on the outermost side, there were many shadow parts that did not belong to his body, as if something invisible had come to him.

Rhodes realized that it was the shadow creatures Eli was talking about, Eli's rising Fireball, which illuminated the path of the shadow plains, but also attracted these creatures lurking in the shadows. .

Shadow creatures are very offensive, and Rhodes can feel it all from the constant change of shadows. It's a pity that their attack strength is too weak to even penetrate the epidermis of Goliath's body, let alone hurt the layers of flesh and blood under the thick skin.

For ordinary creatures, it is extremely difficult to deal with, and the shadow creatures that will be seriously injured if they are not careful, for Rhodes, it is like tickling him.

Rhodes used the giant's only remaining hand to patted on his body, but he couldn't touch those creatures at all, and gradually gave up. He had no time to study these shadow creatures.

On the other hand, Eli, who saw Rhodes' calmness, showed a somewhat unexpected expression in his eyes: "It's really interesting, I didn't expect you to have this kind of melee skills in addition to potions and Soul Evocation Technique. I'm afraid even Erathia's angel can hardly hurt your body."

Rhodes curl one's lip, Goliath's body is really terrifying for the defensive ability of melee combat, but it has no armor piercing ability. Blessing, an ordinary giant dragon can only just hurt the flesh in one bite, but for spell, it seems helpless. On the contrary, because of its huge size, it is more likely to become a target for the sorcerer to set fire.

Rhodes prefers his body to a body as large as Goliath. Although he doesn't have the body of a giant creature, he is more flexible, and his attributes are not weak at all.

Seeing that Rhodes did not reply, Eli continued: "However, I want to remind you that these are only partial means, only spell is the strongest force in this world, except for spell, Other powers are meaningless."

"Do you really think so?" Rhodes asked suspiciously, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course." Eli turned his head sideways and looked towards the shadow under Rhodes: "It is said that the highest Legendary thief can blend his body into the shadow and use the power of the shadow to span space in a short distance. In order to To master this ability, they must first have enough opportunities to get in touch with shadow energy, and then spend decades, or even hundreds of years, to comprehend, and finally use it initially. In spell Academy, any official mage can learn to teleport , to achieve a similar effect."

"That sounds unfair," Rhodes couldn't resist.

In previous games, many players complained about this problem. At the low rank, the speed at which mage gains EXP is much lower than that of other melee classes. Once it reaches the sixth rank corresponding to the epic creature, the power of mage will be revealed. After reaching the Legendary rank, the entire game is simply the world of mage. . Except for some rare hidden occupations, there are almost no common occupations that can compete with Legendary mage.

Of course, mage isn't truly invincible. Giant dragons are generally able to resist magic, and there are Divine Items such as forbidden magic balls in the game, which can fundamentally restrain mage's spell casting.

"I think it's very fair." Eli looked at Rhodes, his eyes showed the pride that belonged to Mage, "The Mage Empire has accumulated over countless years, and I don't know how many innate talents have passed. How can a scholar research perfect spell knowledge be surpassed by those thieves?"

Rhodes shrugged, all indifferent expression to Eli.

In the background, Brakada surpasses any force in the surface world, even Erathia, who once gave birth to the incarnation of Spiritual God, will be stabilized by the Mage Empire.

The spell knowledge that has already formed a system can create one Legendary mage after another, which is why when the Legion of Hell counterattacks the surface world, Brakada is even more attacked than Erathia. Under the siege of countless demons and giant dragon Legion, even the leader of the magic guild will eventually die in battle.

Although Bracada's mage is powerful, it also has a fatal weakness. Once it encounters a creature with magic immunity, its strength cannot be exerted at all, and it can only be supported by a golem puppet.

Rhodes, who has the memory of his past life, is very aware of the pros and cons of mage. His power is no longer limited to spellcasting itself. Although Eli in front of him has unparalleled power in spells, but in It seemed to Rhodes that his pointless insistence was ultimately a drag on him.

(end of this chapter)

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