
  Chapter 1928 Vera and Jane
   Spellcasting stopped by Rowlin, Gwen shrugged, oppression nearby Immediately lifted, he looked at Vera and said, "Hero, you'd better take good care of your woman. For the sake of the master, I will forgive you this time."

Looking at the complexion pale body in his arms Girl, Vera's already cold heart seemed to be beating violently in this brief moment, anger filled his chest, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely kill you!"

Gwenshook the head, or Rowlin came forward, and then stopped the Death Knight: "And you, Vera, have you forgotten Rhodes' order? Why don't you call the undead mage?"

Listen to Rowlin Speaking of Rhodes, Vera lowered her head, no longer paid attention to Gwen, and walked away with the weak girl in her arms.

After Vera was far away, Rowlin re-examined Gwen next to him: "Didn't you say you no longer have mana? What's up with those spells? Why can you still cast spells?"

"Master, I didn't lie to you." Gwen said with a slight smile, "I really have no mana in my body, but aren't there countless magical elements in this space? I just borrowed them."

Rowlin's eyes became dimly dignified, and before that, Gwen had always stated that he lacked the mana to release magic in his body, and Rowlin had no doubts. If he hadn't taken the initiative to cast spells on the girl, Rowlin would have no idea that he still has such an ability.

"Borrowing the magic element in space, I remember that it is the spellcasting ability of elemental creatures. In Brakada, only the magic mage that opposes the magic guild has this power. Are you? How?" Rowlin demanded.

Gwen raised his eyebrows: "Magic mage? I haven't heard of them. Borrowing the magic element in space is a very simple thing, I have always been able to do it."

Rowlin took a deep look at him. Gwen in the prophecy card can use the magic elements in space to cast spells. In other words, he no longer needs to meditate to restore mana. This ability has been combined with elements. The creatures were so close, not to mention that Gwen herself had a lot of terrifying magic at her disposal.

Although Gwen's rank in front of him is not high, Rowlin knows that he is definitely the one with the least consumption and the most practical of those trump cards, but he just doesn't know how strong he is. Power, able to display several spells.

Gwen in the prophecy card is not the body of the god of mage, but just him in a period of time. Even so, his ability is still beyond Rowlin's expectations, which also makes Rowlin in his heart. Yixi, has a greater grasp of regaining Rhodes' body.

Not far away, Vera returned to the residence with the weak girl in her arms.

It was on a cliff near the ocean, away from the central area of ​​the island, so it was not affected by the previous mage search.

"The god of mage..." The girl coughed violently, and there were still water stains on the corners of her mouth, but she still said the name of the god of mage.

Suddenly, she woke up and saw the Death Knight holding her: "Put me down...wait, Vera? Is that you?"

" Yes, Jane. I've been longing for this day, I don't know how many times I've begged Lord Rhodes, didn't expect it to come this way..." As if thinking of something, Vera sighed deeply.

At the same time, Vera held the girl's hand and started shaking uncontrollably. His eyes looked at the open space outside the residence, where there was a small pit dug, surrounded by some dry flowers, and in the center there was a stone tombstone, on which was written the name of the girl in his arms, Jane May Rest.

The deceased who thought that they would need to spread death across the ocean to be revived, reappeared in front of Vera in this brief moment, but Vera felt terrified, he did not remember what he had done. What, even when facing the overlord of the entire ocean, he was not so flustered.

"Have you found the news about my mother?" The girl did not notice the scene in the distance, but asked Vera with hope.

Vera looked into her eyes, in this brief moment, but recalled in her mind what Kane told herself, some truths, even painful and unbearable, are better than deceit in lies.

"I... I'm sorry." Vera said slowly, he saw the loss in the girl's eyes, "I lied to you from the very beginning. Your mother, as early as at first, At the hands of Lord Rhodes."


Vera was slapped so hard that he was dazed by the pain, and he heard the girl's cry.

"She died as a warrior who guarded Gwynn Island, at least with honor, if this is of any use to undead creatures..." Vera wanted to comfort her, but didn't. Knowing what to say, this remark made her cry even louder.

For some reason, after saying all this, Vera felt much more comfortable in her heart, like a heavy rock finally falling to the ground, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Great god of mage, why did I encounter such a thing..." she whimpered.

"Don't mention the god of mage, you almost died at his hands just now!" Hearing the girl mentioning the god of mage, Vera only felt angry. Ra stared at the girl's condition all the time, she might drown directly in the water polo, and was killed by the god of mage she trusted.

"That god of mage is definitely not a good person. This is my intuition as an undead mage." He tried to comfort the girl with words, even if she was questioned, he would not change his words.

Recalling everything that happened before, Jane seemed to have some doubts: "Why did the god of mage do this to me? I remember being trapped in a water polo, gradually losing consciousness, and suddenly appearing in your By my side..."

"That is my unique ability. Although it is not favored by Lord Rhodes, it can always play a role in critical moments." Vera explained.

He stretched out his hand and waved, and a bunch of flowers that was still beside the pit just now appeared in his hand.

Although the flowers are no longer fresh, it is a luxury to find bright flowers on the island occupied by the undead mage. Vera is also in the process of exploring seabed, only in a deep trench Discovering these unique underwater flowers here, he grows them in the ocean below the cliffs, replacing them with new ones every few days.

"This is for you." Vera said, handing the flower to Jane.

Jane did not take the flower, but raised her head and looked at Vera with her mist-covered eyes.

After staring for a long time, recalling the past, she lowered her head slightly, no longer resisting Vera's movements, and reached out to take the flowers.

(end of this chapter)

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