
  Chapter 1924 United
   "Where is this apple now? Have you read it?"

After listening to Olak's description, after thinking for a while, Eli also understood the meaning of the unique apple, and immediately asked her.

"It is now sitting in the cloud, in the treasure house guarded by angel."

The person who answered Eli's question was not Olak who had just completed the divination, but Rhodes waited quietly.

Listening to Rhodes' voice, Eli glanced at the giant in the distance, and then received confirmation from Orak: "What he said is true, Sir President. For countless years, that apple has been It was sealed in the treasure house in the cloud and was not taken to other places."

With the confirmation of the prophet, Eli nodded, looking at Rhodes, also had some inexplicable meaning. : "How did you know about this?"

"I was the first to see the Oracle, the god of mage, wasn't it?" Rhodes did not answer his question directly, but gave An ambiguous answer.

Eli closed his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a while, he admitted what Rhodes said: "This Oracle, which the god of mage left to us Bracada mage, has been there. You of Bracada should know this very well."

"For you?" Rhodes glanced at him suspiciously, "Didn't you hear where the apples were placed? That is the treasure house in the cloud guarded by angel, if it was so good, I would have gone by myself, and destroyed this statue by the way, leaving no trace, where would it be your turn to come?"

Eli It seemed that he thought of the difficulties of those angels, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes became solemn.

"Mage of Bracada, no matter what you do, I will definitely go to the Treasure House in the Clouds, this island is for you, and you can slowly pray to the statue of the god of Mage. ' Rhodes said indifferently.

"Wait." Eli called out to Rhodes with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Sir President, you don't want to join forces with this giant, do you? Not to mention that it doesn't conform to the rules of the magic guild, even more how, a creature like him can do something What? He is simply not Angel's opponent, so let him fend for himself." After discovering the emotion in Eli's expression, the white-haired old man took the initiative to persuade him.

"I understand what you said. The magic guild will always give priority to the survival of Bracada. The crisis of the end is far more dangerous than those Barbarians last time, and the entire Bracada may be It's destroyed. Compared to this, even joining forces with the undead mage is nothing. The only question is whether he has the ability to join forces with me." Eli shook the head and replied calmly.

Looking at the giant in the distance, Eli's voice increased a bit: "You are not the opponent of those angels. Even I am afraid of the power of those angels and dare not shoot at them easily. You If you can't enter the treasure house in the cloud at all, you will be killed by angel."

"You don't need to worry about this." Rhodes spread his hands and replied.

On the Pesci, Rowlin listened to Rhodes' answer and felt a little more anxious, but instead of reminding her, she lowered her head slightly to prevent the strangeness in her eyes from being discovered by the mage. .

Although Rhodes had already known about Rhodes' plan, he still didn't change when he saw Eli, who was far above the average Legendary, and even decided to take advantage of this powerful mage. , Rowlin still felt a bit of admiration, if it was her, I am afraid that panic would have been written on her face.

The more Rhodes didn't say anything, the more doubts he felt in Eli's heart. He really couldn't think of what method the giant in front of him would use to solve the angel outside Cloud City.

As for whether Rhodes was just talking big, Eli didn't think about it. Once in the potion competition, Rhodes left a deep impression on him, which made him subconsciously believe. the words of Rhodes.

After pondering for a while, he finally opened the mouth and said: "That apple is something left to Bracada by the god of mage, the magic guild is bound to win it, and we will meet the angel of Erathia. Negotiate, before that, please don't rush."

Rhodes showed a suspicious look: "You don't think those angels will obediently agree to your request? What should you pay? In exchange for such precious things?"

"Magic guilds are all over the continent, and almost all towns have branches of magic guilds. Over the years, they have accumulated wealth that you can't imagine." Eli answer.

"No matter how much wealth the Magic Guild has, can there be more in the Treasure House in the Clouds?" Rhodes looked disdainful, "You don't understand what is in the Treasure House in the Clouds, the ground there is It is made up of countless gold coins, and I don't think those angels lack any wealth."

Rhodes' words also caused Eli to hesitate.

Different from other intelligent creatures, angel is a creature that does not value wealth the most. Yes, unimaginable gold coins are also stored in the treasure in the cloud.

Perhaps only a powerful treasure can impress those angels, but the magic guild does not have much collection of treasures. With the order of the god of mage, the mage in the magic guild is almost all pure mage. Target.

After thinking about all this, Eli let out a deep sigh and looked at Rhodes with a slightly different look: "I can leave Gwynn Island to you, but you need to. Tell me, what method are you going to use to deal with those angels."

Listening to Eli's words, Rowlin's expression was startled, and those Bracada mages were exactly as Rhodes had told her before, simply not for the island, it's just an excuse for them.

Rowlin probably wouldn't have realized it had it not been for Rhodes' reminder. From the moment she received Bracada's letter, all her worries were simply wrong.

Rhodes pretended to look around before saying, "Okay, I'll grant your request. I've had an affair with the leader of the Thief Guild, and she's very fond of everything in the House of Clouds. If I'm interested, she will help me enter the Treasure House in the Clouds."

"Thief Guild..." Silently reciting the organization Rhodes mentioned, Eli's expression changed slightly, as the president of the Magic Guild, Most of the assassinations he suffered were from the Thief Guild, and he was naturally very impressed by this, and understood what kind of abilities Thief Guild had.

Finally, under Rhodes' gaze, Eli slowly said his request: "I think since our goals are the same, we can join forces."

(end of chapter)

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