
  Chapter 1911 Rowlin's Proposal

Seeing Rowlin's slightly raised mouth, Rhodes asked: " Do you think my plan is bad?"

"Of course not," Rowlin replied.

"It's impossible. I have the highest wisdom technique, and this is the best result at the moment." Rhodes didn't believe what she said, and put his hands in front of him.

Even if Rowlin's questioning was raised, Rhodes would not approve it without good reason.

Legendary Grade wisdom, giving Rhodes such confidence. Ordinary wisdom skills can make people quick-witted and improve the thinking ability of expert, not to mention Legendary Grade wisdom skills.

"I can come up with better plans, let's make a bet, big brother." Rowlin lightly said with a smile.

"I want it too, I want it too!" On the side, Inota heard the conversation between the two and took the initiative to interrupt.

Rhodes stroked his forehead helplessly: "Inota, you don't even know what we're talking about..."

"I don't care! You can't leave me alone!" Inota blinked and insisted.

She looked sideways towards Rowlin: "I think Rowlin will win! If Rowlin wins, I'll let you..."

Inota's big eyes kept rolling, as if she was Think about what kind of punishment should Rhodes accept: "Just let you make a hundred magic eyes for me to eat!" Accident: "Well...if I win, you are not allowed to steal the demon eye, especially the Void Demon eye."

"Steal? I didn't steal the demon eye..." Ino The tower somehow guiltyly looked towards the sky.

Rhodes gave her a helpless look and reached out to patted the top of her head.

"Hehe..." Rowlin also saw Inota's actions in his eyes, covered his mouth with one hand, and smiled a little between his fingers, "It's my turn, big brother."

"Hehe..." p>

"If you win, what do you want?" Rhodes asked nonchalantly.

Rowlin approached Rhodes and whispered, "I won't take the opportunity to make excessive demands like Inota, I will only feel bad for my big brother."

For some reason, Rhodes suddenly I felt a chill down my spine.

Under Rhodes' gaze, Rowlin slowly put forward his demands: "I don't have many demands. If I win, you must report to me in advance no matter what decisions you have in the future."

"Looks like you're more controlling." Rhodes curl one's lip. On the surface, Inota's request was more, but in reality, Rowlin's request was more troublesome.

"You can't be afraid right? Or, you don't have confidence in your Legendary Grade Wisdom?" Rowlin glanced at Rhodes with a playful look in his eyes.

Not far away, Archfiend Agland was suddenly stunned. He always felt that he had seen this scene before.

"I'm not afraid, just do as you say. If I win, don't mention it again in the future."

Knowing that Rowlin was provoked by words , Rhodes agreed to the bet.

First of all, the demands of the two of them are not excessive, but at best they are a little troublesome. Second, the powerhouse always has more right to speak. With Rowlin summon, the trump card in the prophecy card is revealed. , Inota has a unique Divine Item, Rhodes should also listen to their opinions in due course, and more importantly, they have a unique position in Rhodes' heart.

"Tell me what you have in mind," Rhodes said loudly.

"I remember the leader of the Thief Guild, but he valued the big brother very much, and the big brother's previous plan did not mention contacting her and using the power of Thief Guild." Referring to the plan, Rowlin's face The smile slowly faded, and the whole person became serious.

Seeing the change in Rowlin's expression, Rhodes's admiration was even greater. The discussion she said was not a joke, but a sincere consideration for herself.

"You mean Sally? I don't believe her." Rhodes shook his head.

"She came to the island and contacted me. She seems to be very concerned about your situation. If you can use the power of Thief Guild, maybe many things will be easier." Rowlin replied thoughtfully.

"You said she cares about me? No, she cares about the Scarlet Eye." Recalling the previous situation, Rhodes shook his head and said, "Now I don't have the Scarlet Eye, and her Her strength is too strong, and it is not a good choice to ask her for help."

Previously, Rhodes had been in deep darkness with his scarlet eyes and had not been seen by other creatures for countless years. Sally, who was treated differently by her and granted the privilege of the Thief Guild.

And at this moment, Rhodes, who has lost the Scarlet Eye, can no longer see Sally in the dark, and has lost the restriction on her, and Sally is the top Legendary who has mastered Strength of Domain. Creatures, even the hero Eve, have no resistance in front of her. Rhodes went to her, which is equivalent to handing his life into the hands of the temperamental thief leader.

Sally's strength is far beyond Rhodes' imagination. Only creatures who are also at the top of Legendary can compete with her. Neither Rowlin nor Inota are her opponents. Before strength, Rhodes didn't want to take such a big risk.

"From the very beginning, I didn't think about looking for her." Rhodes shook the head, denying Rowlin's proposal.

"If there was a Scarlet Eye, would you go to her?" Rowlin, however, offered an unexpected hypothesis for Rhodes.

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, but soon, a clear comprehension flashed across his face: "Wait... I remember the scarlet eye, which is a heroic specialty from the hero Degal. And The set of prophecy cards in your hand has the former Degal drawn on it."

The scarlet eye can see through the deepest darkness, but its real effect is to see all sight lines, All creatures lower than themselves are transformed into vampires.

This ability belongs to Degal's heroic specialty. It helped him a long time ago and defeated unimaginable terrifying enemies, but he gave up in the end, leaving two eyeballs on the Fire Element plane. Phoenix Land of the Fallen.

In order to complete the mission of Raging Flames Monarch, Rhodes traveled to Phoenix Land of the Fallen and learned everything about the hero Degal from the tomb guards there.

On the tower of Soul Evocation, Degal, who woke up after countless years, has long lost his unparalleled heroic will, and finally died with regret. In the story of the tomb keeper, the ancient The hero Degal, who once possessed the heroic will of Supreme, killed Phoenix, just to resurrect his dead lover.

Rhodes recalled that he once drew a hero card with Degal from the set of prophecy cards, and the power belonging to Rowlin was to summon the things in the prophecy card into reality, In other words, he could rely on Rowlin, borrowing Degal's Scarlet Eye.

Thinking of this, Rhodes' eyes flashed with fire, and at the same time, he realized why Rowlin dared to bet with himself so confidently.

(end of this chapter)

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