
  Chapter 1901 Hero Butch
   After obtaining the power that condenses the life and soul of the undead giant dragon, Rowlin at this moment is already qualified to summon out the ancient heroes drawn on the prophecy card.

Gathering all the power on the prophecy card, Rowlin tossed the card in front of him amid the fearful roars of the giant dragons.

"Wake up, the hero of hatred and prejudice who seeks love and light, Butch Tularion."

Rowlin whispered in a tongue-in-cheek tone While reciting, Rhodes, who had no linguistic attainments, could hear the meaning of those words.

That is the ancient Elvish language, which is more complicated and difficult to remember than the Elvish language currently used in Eri. It has long been eliminated by the times. Only a few linguistic masters will study this language.

A golden streamer blooms from the back of the card as Rowlin chants softly. Before the card fell to the ground, it completely melted in the stream of light. When the brilliance landed, it was replaced by a humanoid creature, who was the man drawn on the card.

He was facing Rowlin, half kneeling on the ground, his face was covered with bandages, and he couldn't see the specific face, only the gap between the bandages showed a firm look, which contained a heroic expression. strong will.

"It's him? How is this possible?"

On the ground of the floating island, Archfiend Agran, who had been in a coma for a long time and was awakened by the movement caused by the prophecy card, saw the After the man and the attire on his body, there were horrified eyes in his eyes, and the hand holding the giant sickle couldn't help but tremble.

Memories from the Archfiend bloodline reminded him of something horrible.

Even Rhodes had a strange look in his eyes: "He's... the hero Butch?"

Rhodes had heard this name from Messika. . Butch was the hero of Messiah's era, but Rhodes didn't know much except that he did all kinds of amazing feats for love, and even defeated the king of hell.

The story about Butch can even be traced back to the current Lord of Lust, which is the information Rhodes got when he talked to the succubus.

However, neither Eli nor Erathia have much records about Butch, which is also the strange thing about Rhodes, generally speaking, a hero who has done great things like he does, can't be easily dismissed. forget.

Compared with the rumors heard from other creatures, Rhodes is naturally more touched by seeing this hero who has long since disappeared in the long river of history but was reawakened by the prophecy card.

"Rowlin, didn't expect you to be able to summon this hero, but why is his rank only third rank?"

Perceived the hero Butch After the breath, Rhodes' heart that he had put down at first was suspended again. For no other reason, this hero's rank is too low, and he has not even reached the fourth rank of becoming an official professional.

Even if he is an ancient hero, even if he has made amazing feats, but only the third rank, what can he do now? The giant dragons soaring in the sky, each with the strength of a seventh rank Legendary creature.

"Failed..." Rowlin also noticed this, and lowered his head slightly.

Maybe it's because there are not enough creatures to sacrifice ceremony, maybe she doesn't have a complete grasp of the prophecy card, Rowlin doesn't know what happened, but she still didn't give up, pursed her lips and said :

"Ancient hero, please fight for me and destroy the enemy in front of you."

After receiving Rowlin's order, the half-kneeling Butch stood up, His eyes slowly swept across the giant dragon in the sky.

The intense imposing manner condensed from all over him, drawing Rhodes' eyes for a while, not the imposing manner a third rank creature should have.

Above the sky, the giant dragons recovered after a short period of confusion, and organized the offensive again. The fairy dragon responsible for spellcasting continued to strike the giants who were huge and could not dodge, while Black Dragon and Jinlong were directly moved towards Butch who came out of Summon, and even Rowlin and Inota became the targets of their blows.

Looking at the giant dragon rushing down in the sky, Butch looked calm and slashed towards the sky with his sword.

The huge golden sword glow, released from the blade in his hand, went straight to the giant dragon in the sky.

A Black Dragon relied on its strong body, and did not put the incoming sword glow in its eyes at all, without any intention of dodging, and was ready to rely on the blade of dragon scales to smash the sword glow in front of him.

The sword glow passed through Black Dragon's body without any tendency to stop, and even the speed did not slow down at all.

The flying Black Dragon suddenly froze. He looked at his body in disbelief. A bloodstain was spreading along his body. Before he could figure out what happened, His entire body was broken in two.

After penetrating the body of Black Dragon, the golden sword glow did not stop at all, and passed through the bodies of several giant dragons until the end of the sky, before it disappeared.

Seeing the immediate death of their fellow clansmen, the rest of the giant dragon let out an angry dragon roar, but in addition to their anger, they also vaguely felt that something was wrong.

The golden sword glow rose into the sky again, and the brilliant rays of light contained a murderous intention.

The attack launched by the giant dragon was deeply intercepted by the countless sword glow. It failed to retreat in time to avoid the giant dragon attacked by the sword glow. There were neat cuts on its body, and there were many giants. The dragon died on the spot, and his body was neatly divided into two halves.

On the side, Rhodes' eyes were fixed on the weapon that Butch was holding.

If Rhodes is not mistaken, that emerald green blade is the Divine Item held by the hero Yves, the wind-chasing blade. Both the decoration at the hilt, the curvature of the blade, and the effect are exactly the same.

Rhodes used the system to check the attribute of the Wind Chaser, a Divine Item that allows the user to move in the wind and unleash a high damage wind blade.

More importantly, this Divine Item requires the cooperation of the hero's will, without the hero's will, the true effect of this Divine Item cannot be exerted.

Thinking of the hero Yves, Rhodes' expression changed slightly. During the period when his body was silent, all the Death Knights under him lost control. In order to take advantage of Eve's heroic will, the previous Rhodes did not use spiritual imprint to erase Eve's original will, but only controlled it with the Dark Holy Word, and he didn't know whether he could restrain the hero.

The difference from Yves is that the sword glow released by Butch using the Wind Chasing Blade is not green, but a brighter golden, and the power of the wind blade is stronger than Rhodes remembered. more powerful.

Maybe it was the blessing of the Divine Item and the hero's will. Butch, who was not high in rank, actually defeated the attack of the giant dragon Legion in a blink of an eye, and resolved the crisis at the moment.

(end of this chapter)

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