
  Chapter 1895 Rhodes Returning to the battlefield.

Looking at Inota, who was seriously injured, and Rowlin, who seemed to be struggling, Rhodes couldn't imagine what would have happened if he had come a step later.

Above the ground, the bizarre hexagram's crack pattern was also taken in by Rhodes. The experience from his previous life made Rhodes see at a glance that it was the effect of sacrificing ceremony. Fortunately, ceremony has not yet. Fully formed, Rowlin at the center of the ceremony was not harmed.

Looking deeply at Rowlin and Inota, Rhodes was eager to see them again after countless years in Dark Space. But Rhodes didn't expect to see each other again in this situation.

Understanding that this is not the time to talk, Rhodes' eyes, fiercely swept across the giant dragons in the sky, it was the giant dragons that drove Inota and Rowlin into a corner.

"It's you? Shouldn't you be participating in the trials of hell demons? Why are you here?"

In the sky, Moriel also recognized Rhodes' identity , it is the giant shown by the human eye ring before.

What made Moriel didn't expect was that the giant who was supposed to appear in the trial of hell actually came to her and stopped her from moving.

Recalling the records in the Book of Greed, Moriel no doubt remembered something, and her eyes on the giant also changed.

"Master, we can't escape right now. I need at least half an hour to recover before I can use Fire Hide again..."

And the magic on the giant's head In the boat, Agland looked at the giant dragons in the sky with an awkward look on his face.

"With my ability, I can only hold one or two giant dragons at most. There are hundreds of giant dragons, and the division of labor is clear. The battle strength is amazing, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to leave here safely..."

The transformation of Death Domain allowed Aglan to retain all his combat experience, he just glanced at the giant dragon Legion in the sky , then through their own experience, they saw their intractable points.

What is more difficult to deal with than a group of giant dragons is naturally the giant dragon Legion with a clear division of labor.

In the giant dragon Legion led by Morrel, there are not only the Red Dragon and Poison Dragon who interfere in the front and breathe dragon breath, but also the Golden Dragon and Black Dragon who are specially responsible for swooping up and fighting head-on, and more. Needless to say, there are still a lot of fairy dragons in the distance, using spells to strike all enemies, and at the same time to prevent the enemies from escaping.

The strength of a single giant dragon is not under Archfiend, let alone many giant dragons united. Under the circumstance of unified command, the upper limit of the strength they can exert is not even higher. how many times.

The short-distance flame escape will only put this ability on a cooldown for a few seconds. Under the circumstance that Flame Escape can be cast at will, Agland dare not say that he is completely sure that he can defeat a giant dragon, let alone now.

Now, if he does his best, he can hold back one of the giant dragons. However, there are hundreds of giant dragons in the sky. Under the encirclement of many giant dragons, Agland couldn't even support it for a moment, and it would be easily torn to shreds.

In Aglan's view, even if the elite Archfiend in the Blood Scythe army is here, if there are no other demons who are responsible for casting spells, in front of the giant dragon Legion, I am afraid there will only be a defeat. The giant dragon Legion is almost invincible.

It is almost impossible to order the giant dragon to make the rebellious giant dragon form a Legion, obey the command, and act according to the command. The more powerful giant dragons are, the less they will obey orders. They are used to fighting on their own, and will not listen to other creatures at all.

But Moriel was able to do this. It was her heroic specialty, so that all giant dragons could not disobey her orders. In the battle of leading the giant dragon, this effect makes the power of the giant dragon Legion play to the extreme.

Looking at the giant dragon in the sky, Aglan felt despair, but the pride of Archfiend made him not impossible to move even a little bit because of the oppression of the giant dragon Legion. If Rhodes ordered him, he would not back down even if he died in battle.

What Rhodes saw was a different story.

In Rhodes' memory, the giant dragon Legion in full form should appear in the middle and late stages of the third expansion.

At that time, Morrell had completely run in the giant dragon Legion, and the cooperation between the giant dragons had reached a peak, which was by no means an ordinary creature to defeat.

If the players in the game hadn't fought hard, helped the Erathia coalition, and came up with all kinds of exquisite countermeasures, coupled with the improvement of spell's "slaughtering nature", and it was widely circulated, I am afraid the entire surface The world must be moved to the ground by the giant dragon Legion led by Moriel, and there is no need for other Legions in hell to take action.

And at this moment, what is shown in front of Rhodes is the prototype of the giant dragon Legion that crosses the main plane.

Although the cooperation of the giant dragons has not reached the level of the later period, if this trend continues, the giant dragon Legion belonging to Morrel will soon take shape, and at that moment , the ability that belongs to Moriel will really show.

The original Rhodes did not mean to defy the general trend of the third expansion. Even if he already had a good power, when the third expansion was coming, he did not think about how to fight against the third expansion. Three expansion pieces of hell Legion, because he knows that the expansion of the general trend is unstoppable.

Once, when the second expansion was coming, Rhodes went to the Soul Evocation tower alone, and in the chaos caused by the hero Degal, won the Divine Item Ghost King from the protagonist of the second expansion. Cloak, and in accordance with the general trend of the second expansion, obtained unimaginable benefits.

Although the Shadow of Death expansion failed in the end, Rhodes is undoubtedly Dia's side and the most profitable existence. He will not fight to the death for the victory of the expansion.

Rhodes knows better than other creatures about the general trend of the expansion. It is an unstoppable force that involves countless creatures and cannot be easily changed.

But at this moment, Rhodes felt heartfelt anger, looking at Inota, who was mortally wounded and nearly died here, and Rowlin, who remained at the center of the sacrifice ceremony, looking helpless.

Rhodes didn't know what they did to attract the collective pursuit of giant dragon Legion, but Rhodes didn't care, and he no longer thought about what to do in order to gain the favor of giant dragon Legion, Use this to benefit from the general trend of the third expansion.

Rhodes at this moment has only one thing in mind, and that is to make the giant dragon in the sky pay the price and feel the anger he brings out of hell.

(end of this chapter)

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