
  Chapter 1864 Strength of Domain
  Consciousness was once again detached from the small Dark Space, and Rhodes opened Eye.

"How many times has it been? Fifteen, or seventeen?"

Rhodes can't remember the first time he's been out of Dark Space.

Since the ability of the Gate of Pain has been weakened, the duration of Dark Space has also been reduced from the original one hundred years to twenty years, which also makes Rhodes have to repeatedly enter Dark Space.

As time went on, Rhodes felt that his memory was beginning to blur, and many things that happened before could not be remembered now.

Being in a dark fantasy world for a long time, even several times longer than the time he has survived so far, made Rhodes a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, the harvest from the Soul Evocation Technique made Rhodes understand that his efforts were not in vain.

"It would be nice if there were records of times in the system log. Unfortunately, every time I exit from Dark Space, it will take some time to find the previous feeling again."

During the countless years spent in Dark Space, Rhodes wholeheartedly studied Soul Evocation Technique, but the progress was not as smooth as he imagined.

When entering the full-length Dark Space for the first time, Rhodes took only fifty years to upgrade the Soul Evocation Technique to the Legendary Grade, which is also inseparable from his own innate talent.

Rhodes at that time thought that it would not be difficult to reproduce the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique as long as he gave himself several decades of time.

However, Rhodes was fiercely disappointed by the fact. Although he had experienced the style of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, and in the process of studying Soul Evocation Technique, he felt the existence of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique. It is extremely difficult to actually study it.

It's like seeing a big mountain in the distance, and wanting to really reach that position, but I don't know how far to go.

Especially after the power of the Gate of Pain has weakened, the death energy provided in the coffin has made it difficult to sustain Rhodes' research. Even if the energy of death is insufficient, what should be used to study Soul Evocation Technique?

Fortunately, Rhodes has enough time. Even if the time for a fantasy is not enough, there will always be some progress.

Rhodes has repeatedly entered the same illusion, hoping to rely on the hundreds of years in the illusion to make his own research on Soul Evocation Technique break through.

However, the more research on the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, the more Rhodes felt that there was a barrier that could not break through. Hundreds of years have passed, Rhodes has perfected all aspects of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique research, but it is unable to cross this barrier and upgrade the Soul Evocation Technique to Divine Grade.

This barrier is like a huge gap between mortals and gods. No matter how hard Rhodes tries, there is still no progress.

The special skill of Divine Grade means a whole new field. The previous Rhodes used the power of Divine Item to cross the barrier between Legendary Grade and Divine Grade, but if it was replaced by Rhodes himself, he would There is no telling when it will be successful.

It was yet another exit from Dark Space with nothing, and Rhodes let out a deep sigh.

This is the third time that Rhodes has withdrawn from Dark Space with nothing. The further the research on Soul Evocation Technique is, the research progress is getting closer to nothing. When every aspect of Soul Evocation Technique After finishing Perfection, Rhodes has been unable to bring any improvement to Soul Evocation Technique.


Just when Rhodes was about to enter the Dark Space again, he suddenly saw a few more messages at the bottom of the system log.

"Your research on Soul Evocation Technique has touched the realm of God."

"You have acquired a domain ability: Death Domain."

"You have obtained the racing achievement [Strength of Domain]."

"[Strength of Domain]: Master the power of a domain. The basic reward is all attribute +3. After wearing it, it increases the domain ability by 100% ."

Looking at the information below the system log, Rhodes seemed to realize something, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Strength of Domain, this is the powerful ability Rhodes aspires to. In Rhodes' impression, this ability can only be possessed by those creatures at the apex of Legendary. Whether it is the Domain of the Dead shown by North or the Domain of Shadows shown by Sally, it has various powerful effects.

However, Rhodes didn't know exactly how to acquire this unique ability. What made him didn't expect was that he had gained this power through hundreds of years of research on Soul Evocation Technique in Dark Space.

In Dark Space, hundreds of years of research, without a moment's pause, finally allowed Rhodes to acquire this ability. For this, Rhodes also felt a little joy in his heart.

I didn't get the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique. Although Rhodes was unwilling, it was still acceptable. After all, as long as he returned to the body, he could have this special skill again.

In Rhodes' impression, he has never seen other creatures that can possess the special skills of Divine Grade. It seems that ordinary creatures cannot rely on their own efforts except the power of Divine Item. , to upgrade the special skill to Divine Grade.

Innumerable years of research in Dark Space made Rhodes feel this deeply. There seems to be a deep barrier between the Legendary Grade and the Divine Grade, preventing any creature from crossing.

Among the racing achievements Rhodes once obtained, there are several that can directly improve the level of Soul Evocation Technique, but the upper limit is only at the Legendary Grade and cannot cross the barrier of Divine Grade. tried it.

The existence of Divine Item, and the special skill level attached to it, seems to be the only one way to upgrade special skills to Divine Grade. At least in Rhodes' cognition, if you want to obtain the special skills of Divine Grade, there is only this method.

With a sigh, Rhodes finally gave up on entering Dark Space again, and turned his attention to his own domain.

When it comes to the existence of the field, Rhodes' previous experience can no longer help him, and he can only rely on himself to slowly explore.

After a little experimentation with Strength of Domain, Rhodes quickly had an answer.

The realm is like a permanent passive ability that doesn't require Rhodes to do anything, consume any mana, and can always exist, covering a large area around him.

Apart from this , Rhodes was a little surprised that he couldn't voluntarily close his realm.

Domain capabilities that cannot be turned off are, at some point, not all a good thing.

Among them, Sally, who holds the shadow domain, is permanently shrouded in darkness, and all light will disappear wherever she goes, which also makes it impossible for anyone to see her appearance. And she couldn't hide her identity. Once the dark fog appeared, all her enemies would know that she was here.

Because of this, when Rhodes, who once had scarlet eyes, saw her in the black mist, she would be very interested in Rhodes and invited Rhodes to the headquarters of the Thief Guild.

(end of this chapter)

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