
  Chapter 1859 Hope and Despair

Under the disappointed gaze of Tis, the white clothed man said this After that, he waved his hand to break through the last layer of painful illusion, and the whole person left without any intention of staying.

After breaking the space, the white clothed man's soul melted away and returned to the place that belonged to him.

While Tiss stayed where she was, she lowered her head in a daze.

She realized that the person who once gave her salvation and even offered her soul was just a virtual existence in the fantasy world, not the body of the white clothed man at all.

Although Tis doesn't know how powerful the illusion of pain is, she can really find the soul of the white clothed man, but he doesn't know herself, and that memory can only exist in Tis forever. In his heart, he was destined to receive no response.

"Why, in the fantasy world, you want to save me, but now you have abandoned me?"

For Erich, the soul was suddenly pulled to the The illusion of hell, and seeing a strange succubus and an old man from hundreds of years ago is just a small episode on his way, but for Tis, this move of Erich will undoubtedly make her Breaking into the deepest depths of hell made her feel an unprecedented despair.

Those painful illusions before did not make Tis truly despair, even the most unbearable memory she had endured, because she still had hope in her heart. That hope was Erich who saved her and gave her redemption in the illusion of sin.

For this hope, she can dedicate herself to the terrifying monster, just to survive the Vulcan trial and find the person in the fantasy world, but unfortunately the real Erich, but Fiercely poured cold water on her, dashing her last hope.

Besides the illusion, Dolana's eyes showed a different situation.

Tis, who was in the illusion, followed behind Erich, constantly passing through the illusions that he had broken open one after another. At fifteen steps.

At this time, Tis suddenly accelerated her pace, and she was only the last ten steps away from the door of pain.

"She's about to enter the door of pain, should I continue to wait?" Beside Dolana, Lenis asked.

Dorana, however, called the head: "Don't shoot at her. If she can enter the door of pain, let her enter."

Abyss Demon King asked inexplicably : "Why? Even the 20-step illusion can't trap her at all. If I don't stop her, she will probably be the first to pass. Also, what did you see in her last illusion? What?"

Dorana sighed: "I saw a terrifying person in her phantom of shattered love. The door of pain pulled the person's soul, but there was no power to remove it. Restriction, she can pass through the illusion of 20 steps so quickly, and it all depends on the person's soul to help her move forward, breaking all obstacles in the illusion."

"What?" Lenis obviously did not expect At this point, a surprised look is revealed, "Is there still a soul that can't even limit the door of pain? Even the king of lust can't do this, right?"

Do you believe in the king of lust? Lana, did not deny this, but looked back in the direction of the illusion just now, the voice of the man still remained in Dolana's mind.

"If Lenis knew that even the King of Lust was brought to hell by that person, how would you feel?" Dolana glanced at Lenis, who was full of disbelief, but didn't. He didn't tell him what was in his heart, and instead looked towards the place where the person's soul had gone, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

After Erich's soul was gone, Tiss stood there dumbfounded, without doing anything, the whole fantasy of shattered love ended, and the road ahead was unimpeded.

The exclamations from the demons behind also reached Tiss' ears.

"unimaginable, she was able to pass through the illusion of pain perfectly, in harmony with the true will of pain. Which lord did she prepare for this trial? Why have I never heard of this charmer before? Demon?"

"She's about to enter the gate of pain... Damn, the illusion of pain within ten steps is too powerful, no demon dares to approach easily, who will stop her?"

Tis couldn't hear the chatter of the nearby demons. She walked along the path of pain, muddheaded, until a black and red object appeared in front of her, and then she stopped.

Tis raised her head, the door of pain that was out of reach was now within reach, and she stepped forward to enter the special space inside the door.

Looking at the door of pain that all the demons around here yearn to enter, Tis did not have any joy in her heart, and her eyes did not fluctuate at all. Her heart seemed to go away with the person's departure. .

The only one capable of breaking through the limitation of the door of pain, relying on its own strength, forcibly came directly to Tis, and the abyss Demon King who blocked her progress was also stopped by Dolana, and there is no more at this moment. Demon, able to stop Tis from entering the gate of pain.

Finally, under the gaze of all the demons, Tis took a step towards the door of pain, and finally her entire figure disappeared into that unique space.

With the disappearance of Tis' figure, the space vortex in the door of pain suddenly shrank, accompanied by a space fluctuation, and finally calmed down, and the nearby demons felt that something was different. But couldn't say anything.

"What happened? Why did my painful illusion suddenly become simpler? Did you do something?"

After a brief silence, a voice appeared, breaking Quiet all around. A succubus who had just escaped from the painful illusion and did not understand what happened, asked with a face full of doubts.

And the words of this succubus immediately aroused the noise of nearby demons like a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the demons who stopped at fifty paces began to try to enter the pain illusion. A look of surprise appeared on his face. As the succubus said, the power of the Painful Mirage diminished.

Although you can't be the first to pass through the illusion of pain, as long as you pass the gate of pain and rank high, you will have the opportunity to be rewarded by the king of lust.

The first succubus in the illusion of pain and pain, although it can get the greatest benefit from the will of pain, and even the opportunity to get close to the king of lust, but it does not mean that other demons will gain nothing. no.

As the will of pain gradually diminished and the ability to feel the illusion of pain weakened, the nearby demons began to approach the gate of pain, in order to pass through the ancient Transmission Gate earlier. .

There are only a few succubuses who don't look good, and Dolana is one of them.

(end of this chapter)

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