
  Chapter 1856 Rhodes' Backward
   "Here is..."

Within twenty steps The painful illusion, what Rhodes didn't expect was that he actually returned to a scene he was familiar with.

Rhodes at this time was being tied on his back to a damp wooden board, with dark iron hooks hanging from his head, dried blood on the hooks, and a lot of iron hooks, all wearing clothes. Fresh pieces of meat, as well as the body parts of various creatures, and Rhodes' ears constantly heard mourning.

A hellish scene surrounds Rhodes. And according to Rhodes' guess, this is a slaughterhouse somewhere in hell, but it's not the wrong place.

If Rhodes remembered correctly, this illusion was the first painful illusion he experienced. Whether it was the decorations nearby or the frequency of howling, it was exactly the same as before. A hungry ghost came to eat him.

Rhodes frowned with some doubts, he looked around all around to see if there was any change nearby, and suddenly he pupil suddenly shrink, showing a surprised look.

In Rhodes' line of sight, the two wooden boards on the left and right adjacent to him were not empty like the previous illusion, but were also tied with two silhouettes that he was familiar with.

That's the silhouette of Rowlin and Inota. They also came to this painful illusion for some reason, and were tied to the wooden board, in the same situation as Rhodes at this time.

"Why are they here?" Rhodes wondered in his heart, not understanding why this happened in the painful illusion. Before that, in all the painful illusions Rhodes had experienced, he was the only one suffering.

Belonging to the ability to sense blood, coupled with the fact that they have gotten along day and night, Rhodes immediately recognizes their identities without suspecting that they are similar-looking people.

"Can you hear what I'm saying? Rowlin? Inota?" Rhodes seemed to realize something, calling out to the two who were tied to the plank for a response.

Judging by the ups and downs of the breathing in front of them, Rhodes realized that they were clearly alive, but they were sleeping, unable to respond or hear their own calls.


A strange humming sound came over, Rhodes moved towards the direction where the voice came from, but saw a bloated man with a bloated body. The hungry ghost with the machete is slowly walking towards this side.

Rhodes was deeply impressed by this hungry ghost. In the previous fantasy, he was eaten by this hungry ghost.

The Hungry Ghost came to the board with Rhodes tied, but without looking at him, he walked past him and turned to the board with Ino Tower tied.

At this time, Ino Tower maintained the appearance of a purple-haired girl, not the giant dragon of the main body, and looked a little weak. Her eyes were closed and she didn't say a word, but her face was pale, and she seemed extremely uneasy.

"What are you doing? Come to me!" Rhodes asked loudly at the hungry ghost, seeming to realize something.

Hearing the voice, the hungry ghost glanced at him, as if not interested in the flesh on his body, and turned his attention to the purple-haired girl with whiter and tenderer skin beside him.

The hungry ghost raised the meat cleaver in his hand, opened his mouth subconsciously, and saliva flowed from his mouth.

Without waiting for the weapon to fall, Rhodes exited the Painful Vision with a livid face.

"Is this the painful illusion of this time..." Rhodes sighed deeply when he returned to his position twenty steps away from the gate of pain.

Within twenty steps, Rhodes had expected that the illusion of pain would be extremely difficult to deal with, but he did not expect such an illusion to appear.

Although the illusion has only just begun, Rhodes has already anticipated what may happen in the future, which also makes him extremely difficult to handle.

Rhodes can endure all the pain on his body, even if he is eaten by hungry ghosts a little bit, even if he falls into a trap, tortured in severe pain for three days before dying, even if he spends a lonely time in Dark Space For a hundred years, it would not be able to kill his will, let alone make him feel afraid.

If Tis forcibly endured all the pain, then Rhodes dealt with the pain with indifference. When his body was eaten by hungry ghosts, he could even take the initiative to make jokes and look at it jokingly. everything in fantasy.

However, Rhodes has his own weaknesses. This weakness was keenly caught by the Gate of Pain, and at the twenty-step position, an illusion aimed at his weakness was formed, and as expected, Rhodes was forced to exit the illusion.

Right now, the painful illusion within twenty steps has just begun, and the process has only just arrived. Rhodes did not know the first painful illusion that Rhodes had experienced before, and what kind of torment would occur afterward.

Rhodes believes that the appearance of the Hungry Ghost is definitely not a coincidence, it is clearly the first illusion he has experienced, that is to say, the current painful illusion is based on all the experiences Rhodes has experienced before. Painful fantasy.

Even if the hallucination where the Hungry Ghost resides passes, there will still be several hallucinations one after another, and the people who suffer in the hallucination have also changed from Rhodes to the other two.

Rhodes doesn't care about many people, Rowlin is one, and Inota is one. Rhodes didn't want to see them suffer the pain he'd gone through, so he withdrew from the twenty-step illusion.

Took a deep breath, Rhodes stared at the door of pain in the distance, at the mysterious patterns on the door, and the rays of light of black red, and then withdrew his giant hand without saying a word.

Realizing the purpose of the illusion, Rhodes simply gave up and moved on.

Twenty steps away from the Gate of Pain was the final result he handed over in his bet with Archfiend.

In the eyes of the demons in the back, either delighted or wary, Rhodes retracted the giant hand to the thirty-step position, which is where the dark and decaying illusion is located.

Although he gave up on moving forward in the door of pain, Rhodes did not give up his previous idea. He wanted to use this special illusion to upgrade his Soul Evocation Technique to Divine in one fell swoop. Grade .

The long Dark Space gave Rhodes this opportunity, and Rhodes will naturally seize it firmly. After giving up and moving forward, Rhodes didn't bother him, noticing Aggran was still trying to move forward, but started his own attempt.

"That giant actually gave up the illusion of shattered love, why is that?" Noticing the retreat of the giant hand, Dolana with pink lenses showed a puzzled look in her eyes.

She had thought that the giant hand who was advancing through the gate of pain would easily pass through the twenty-step phantom of shattered love and reach the gate of pain, but didn't expect that giant to back down. , did not continue to move forward.

This discovery also made Dolana deeply puzzled.

(end of this chapter)

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